Gastritis in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment

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Gastritis in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment
Gastritis in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment
Gastritis in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment
Gastritis in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment

gastritis is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases among domestic felines. It is characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which can be acute or chronic. Gastritis can affect cats of all ages, whether they are mestizos or of a defined breed, but it is more common in felines that have lived on the streets. Although gastritis diagnoses are not usually fatal, they require prompt veterinary attention to establish adequate treatment and prevent aggravation of symptoms.

In this article on our site, we summarize the main symptoms of gastritis in cats, so you can recognize it early in your feline. In addition, we tell you the main causes and ways to prevent this pathology to preserve the good he alth of our cats.

Causes and risk factors associated with gastritis

In general, acute gastritis symptoms are related to inappropriate eating habits, such as the consumption of food in poor condition, of toxic substances (insecticides, medicines, toxic plants, cleaning products, pesticides, etc.), and from the feces of other animals. Excessive food consumption, the formation of hairballs and the ingestion of foreign bodies (plastics, toys, etc.) also represent a serious risk to the proper functioning of the feline digestive tract.

However, gastritis can also appear as a symptom of another underlying pathology, such as bacterial or viral infections, kidney or liver problems, food allergies and cancer. On the other hand, intestinal parasites can also cause severe inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

Felines that maintain an unbalanced diet, based on low-quality feed or consume prohibited or inappropriate foods (such as spicy, greasy or spicy foods), are more vulnerable to gastrointestinal pathologies. In addition, stress appears to be an important risk factor for gastritis, as well as the excessive consumption of antibiotics.

When not treated quickly and adequately, the inflammation in the gastric mucosa worsens, giving rise to a chronic gastritis. In these pictures, we can see damage not only in the stomach, but also in the bacterial flora of the intestine.

Symptoms of gastritis in cats

Usually the first symptoms of gastritis are severe pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen, accompanied by the feeling heartburn, especially after meals. As our kitties do not express pain or indigestion as clearly as we do, these symptoms can go unnoticed.

As the inflammation progresses, the most characteristic symptomsof gastritis appear. At this stage, your kitten may present the following clinical signs:

  1. Vomitos: in acute gastritis, the animal vomits sudden and frequent, which may contain bile, fresh or digested blood. Already in chronic gastritis, vomiting is severe and persistent, and can also be accompanied by blood and bile. Vomiting with bile is yellow or green in color. Fresh blood gives vomit a red or reddish-brown color, while digested blood appears as dark grains or nodules.
  2. Alteration in the mucous membranes: if the animal's gastritis is derived from the consumption of some toxic substance, its mucous membranes may appear yellowish like a symptom of intoxication. In addition, in the most severe cases of gastritis, the mucous membranes are usually pale, thanks to blood loss.

Other symptoms of gastritis in cats:

  • Loss of appetite and weight
  • Dehydration
  • Diarrhea
  • Weakness and lethargy
  • Excessive Drooling
  • Blood in the stool
Gastritis in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Symptoms of gastritis in cats
Gastritis in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Symptoms of gastritis in cats

Diagnosis of gastritis in cats

If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned in your cat, you should immediately go to a veterinarian you trust. At the veterinary clinic, the professional will be able to analyze the symptoms in detail and request the clinical analyzes necessary to verify the state of he alth of your cat and rule out the presence of foreign bodies in your digestive tract. If you are suspicious of chronic gastritis, the vet may also request a biopsy of the gastric mucosa.

Treatment of gastritis in cats

Once the diagnosis of gastritis is confirmed, the treatment will depend fundamentally on the cause and the progress of the disease in the body of each animal. If the presence of a foreign body in the stomach is identified, it will be essential to remove it through surgery.

In mild acute gastritis, stop feeding for a certain time (usually 12 to 48 hours) and limit the Drinking water is usually effective in calming inflammation and relieving discomfort. During recovery, it will be essential to feed your cat several times a day, always offering a small amount of food at each feeding.

In more advanced cases, the veterinarian may administer antibiotics and corticosteroids to control the progression of inflammation in the digestive tract and treat possible infections. On the other hand, if the cat presents frequent vomiting, medications antiemetics may be used to reverse this condition.

In all cases of gastritis, it will be essential to adjust the animal's diet and correct some bad habits in your routine to avoid a new episode of severe inflammation. Your veterinarian will be able to guide you regarding these changes to offer a better quality of life to your kitten.

Gastritis in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Treatment of gastritis in cats
Gastritis in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Treatment of gastritis in cats

How to prevent gastritis in cats?

When it comes to the he alth of our kittens, we must always keep in mind the saying " prevention is better than cure". To prevent the development of gastritis in your feline, remember to follow the tips listed below:

  • Good nutrition: it is essential to provide a balanced and excellent quality diet to your cat throughout his life, respecting the amount of food appropriate to their size and age. In addition to removing prohibited foods from their diet, remember not to offer spicy human food or foods that are difficult to digest to your kitten.
  • Home care: avoid leaving garbage or any type of waste within your cat's reach. Also remember to organize the home intelligently, avoiding access to cleaning products, pesticides, medicines, and other possibly toxic products for him.
  • Control going outside: many cats are used to walking alone outside the home, but wandering represents a serious risk cheers. In addition to the risk of consuming spoiled food or toxic substances, they can also be infected with numerous pathologies, either in street fights, during sexual intercourse or by direct contact with pathogens.
  • Preventive medicine: All cats should have adequate preventive medicine throughout their lives. Therefore, remember to make regular visits to the veterinary every 6 months, respect your letter of vaccination and dewormingregularly, in addition to keeping you physically and mentally stimulated.
