Do dogs see spirits? ?

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Do dogs see spirits? ?
Do dogs see spirits? ?
Do dogs see spirits? ?
Do dogs see spirits? ?

It is known throughout the world that dogs, like the vast majority of animals, are capable of sensing catastrophic phenomena that it is impossible for humans to detect despite our technology.

Dogs have untrained, or totally natural, faculties that are beyond our understanding. No doubt his sense of smell, hearing and other senses can explain some things that are incomprehensible to the naked eye.

Wondering if dogs see spirits? Keep reading this article on our site and find out:

The canine sense of smell

It is known that through smell dogs detect the mood of people. The most obvious example is the typical situation in which a calm dog suddenly becomes aggressive towards a person for no apparent reason. When we try to find out the cause of this reaction, it turns out that the person with whom the dog has been aggressive has a terrifying fear of dogs. Then we say that the dog has smelled fear

Do dogs see spirits? ? - Canine smell
Do dogs see spirits? ? - Canine smell

Dogs sense danger

Another quality dogs have is that they detect latent threats around us.

I had an Afghan greyhound, Naím, who couldn't stand any drunk person approaching us. When he walked him at night, if at 20 or 30 meters he detected a drunk guy, he immediately stood up on his two hind legs, while he emitted a long, guttural and threatening growl. The drunken individuals immediately became aware of Naím's imposing presence; and muttering lewdness, frightened, they made a wide detour when passing us.

I never trained Naím to proceed in this way. As a puppy he already instinctively reacted this way. This defensive attitude is common among dogs, who react to the presence of people whom they consider to be troublesome and a potential threatfor the members of the family with whom they live.

Do dogs detect spirits?

I am not able to say if dogs see spirits. Because I don't know if spirits exist or not. However, I am convinced that there are places with good energies and negative energies And these second types of energy are clearly captured by dogs.

A clear example occurs after earthquakes; when dogs are used by relief teams to locate survivors and corpses among the devastated ruins. Agree that these are trained dogs; but the way to "mark" the presence of a wounded person and a dead body differs completely.

When they spot a buried survivor, the dogs anxiously and effusively warn the firefighters, barking gleefully. They point with their muzzles to the point where the ruins cover the wounded man. However, when they detect a corpse, the hair on their backs stands on end, they moan, turn around, and on many occasions even defecate in fear. It is clear that the type of vital energy that dogs perceive totally differs between life and death.

Do dogs see spirits? ? - Do dogs detect spirits?
Do dogs see spirits? ? - Do dogs detect spirits?


The psychologist Robert Morris, an investigator of paranormal phenomena, conducted an experiment in a house in Kentucky in the 1960s. which had been bloody deaths and was rumored to be inhabited by ghosts.

The experiment consisted of entering separately, in a room where crimes were committed with a dog, a cat, a rattlesnake and a rat. The experiment was filmed.

  • The dog entered with his caretaker and hardly penetrated a meter, the dog's hair stood on end, he growled and fled terrified from the room, refusing to enter it again.
  • The cat entered the arms of his caretaker. After a few seconds the cat climbed on the shoulders of his caretaker, hurting her back with his nails. Immediately the cat jumped to the ground and took refuge under an empty chair. From this position he hissed hostilely at another empty chair for several minutes, after which he was led out of the room.
  • The rattlesnake took a defensive/aggressive stance, as if facing imminent danger in that lonely room. His attention was directed towards the chair that caused the cat's fear
  • The rat did not react in any special way. However, everyone knows how famous rats are for predicting shipwrecks and being the first to disembark from ships to save themselves.

Robert Morris's experiment was repeated in another room of the same house in which no fatal event had occurred. The four animals did not register any abnormal reaction.

Do dogs see spirits? ? - Experiments
Do dogs see spirits? ? - Experiments

What can we deduce?

What I can deduce is that nature has endowed animals in general, and dogs in particular, with capacities that are beyond our current knowledge.

What happens is that the dog's sense of smell, and also his hearing, are tremendously superior to the same senses that humans possess. So, do they capture these strange happenings through their privileged senses… or do they have some superior capacity that we don't yet know about and that allows them to see what we don't? we see?

If any reader has observed that his pet has lived some kind of experience related to this topic, we would appreciate it if you tell us about it so that we can publish it
