Pit Bull Training - Puppies and Adults

Pit Bull Training - Puppies and Adults
Pit Bull Training - Puppies and Adults
Pit Bull Training
Pit Bull Training

The American Pit Bull Terrieris considered a potentially dangerous dog due to his physical attributes, which make him a strong and robust. However, this law does not value in any case the individual psychology of each individual. In fact, within the collective imagination, pit bulls are considered one of the most dangerous dogs.

So, does a puppy of this breed need special training? And an adopted adult dog? In this article on our site we will give you all the answers. Keep reading and discover below all about pitbull training, both in puppies and adults.

Are pit bulls aggressive?

In the introduction we explained that the pit bull is considered a potentially dangerous dog, which tends to cause a very common false belief: thinking that aggressiveness is determined by breed.

The main conclusion of a study published at the University of Córdoba [1] is that los owners are the main responsibleof the attacks of their dogs. According to the author, Joaquín Pérez Guisado, the main cause of an animal displaying behaviors related to aggressiveness is the poor or non-existent education provided.

However, it is important to highlight that there are other factors that can influence, such as genetics, socialization or lived experiences. Similarly, in another study published at the University of Bristol, the scientist Barbara Schoening states that linking aggressiveness to certain breeds has no scientific rigor[two]

In fact, a third article published in the American edition of the Huffington Post [3] goes further: in it we find the results from research conducted by the American Temperament Test Society on more than 450 dog breeds, which indicates that the American Pit Bull Terrier is the fifth most tolerant dog breed, just behind the Labrador Retriever, the Golden Retriever, the Staffrodshire Bull Terrier, and the Pug.

Even so, the law does not seem to be on the side of the American pit bull terrier, as they argue that due to its powerful bite and physical strength, the use of a muzzle and other preventive measures should be mandatory. However, other dogs with very similar characteristics are not considered PPP, why does this happen? Obviously history plays a decisive role

We must know that all the breeds that today are considered "potentially dangerous" have been used in dog fighting, sport hunting, home defense, livestock protection and even as war dogs. Unfortunately, all these factors have led society to believe that these dogs are dangerous, without the existence of scientific studies that can support this.

Pit Bull Training - Are Pit Bulls Aggressive?
Pit Bull Training - Are Pit Bulls Aggressive?

The Real Temperament of American Pit Bull Terriers

When we talk about the temperament of the pit bull terrier we can say that we are dealing with a dog vivacious, self-confident, extremely affectionate with the human being and protector with small children. Anyone who is part of his family and environment, including animals of other species, will be able to enjoy a noble, athletic dog with great self-confidence and ease.

How to train a puppy pitbull?

The education of a puppy pitbull dog is governed by the same rules as those of any other breed of dog. However, we offer you a little review so you know what to take into account when knowing how to train a pit bull puppy:

  • Decide in advance of the puppy's arrival what he will be able to do and what not For example, if he will be able to climb on the sofas or beds, where he is going to sleep… The whole family must know and follow the rules, because if you act differently the dog will feel confused.
  • Find a name for your pitbull dog and teach him to associate it correctly by using positive reinforcement (treats, caresses, kind words…), it is essential for him to pay attention to you. It will be enough with little time if you put effort.
  • Your pit bull should be socialized from puppyhood with other dogs, people, animals, and environments It is very important so that in the future you can interact properly with dogs and people and do not suffer behaviors related to fear or aggressiveness.
  • Avoid scolding and punishing your dog when he does something wrong. Replace it with the use of positive reinforcement whenever possible. In an unpleasant situation, it is only necessary to use a firm "No", he will listen to you and understand the first time.
  • You must learn how to bite so that it does not hurt you once it grows up, for this it will be essential to promote a relaxed life as well as the use of toys and teethers and avoid direct play with the hands or other parts of the Body.
  • You should try to create a bond based on understanding and never on fear or imposition. If you scold him excessively, you will be generating stress in the dog and will make him more predisposed to show behavioral problems.
  • Teach your dog to stay alone little by little and learn about disorders related to separation to prevent it properly.
  • Teach him the basic obedience commands that help you prevent an accident and communicate with him, such as sit, lie down, stay still or come.
  • Do short training sessions. Very small dogs can train for 2-5 minutes, while older dogs can train for 5-10 minutes maximum.

Nevertheless, it is essential to emphasize that the American Pit Bull Terrier is an active and vital dog, full of energy that needs to burn and release. We must be aware that walks and physical activity cannot be lacking in his day-to-day life, for this reason we encourage you to try to get to know your dog better and discover together with him his specific needs for walk and exercise Each individual is unique and we must adapt to it. Of course, it is not advised to abuse physical exercise at all, although the A.p.b.t. Be an elite athlete. With an average time of two hours a day we will have more than enough.

Another detail that should not be overlooked is the mental stimulation. Although physical exercise is very important for this breed, once the physical routine is established, mental exercises should begin.

Finally, remember that any PPP breed must always go with a muzzle in Spain. Therefore, it is essential that you begin to get your pitbull puppy used to the muzzle as soon as possible. You can start when they are two months old, but always little by little. Start with 1 minute sessions and from there, the times should be increased.

Pitbull training - How to educate a puppy pitbull?
Pitbull training - How to educate a puppy pitbull?

How to train an adult pit bull?

If you have adopted an American Pit Bull Terrier, we take this opportunity to congratulate you, as there are many Pit Bull dogs that fill kennels around the world due to the amount of paperwork that must be carried out in order to adopt them.

To begin with, it is important to inform us as much as possible about its origin: history, previous family, if it is a rescued dog, if it has suffered abuse, etc. Do not get frustrated if his reaction is aversive towards other dogs or people, you must understand that the behavior is a reflection of his lived experiences, genetics and socialization.

You must be very clear that under no circumstances should you scold him or use physical punishment, because you must know that he is a very powerful dog whose character and history you do not know. Paying attention to his body language will be essential to understand him, in this way we will be able to identify if at any time he feels scared, stressed or tense.

Patience and perseverance are key to training the adult Pit Bull, as it is a very intelligent dog that goes out of its way to please your human partner and any other that is part of your nucleus of friendships or family.

We will teach him the basic obedience commands in short training sessions, making them a game for him, reinforcing appropriate behaviors with prizes and ignoring the dogs. However, remember that you should not rely solely on food, compliments and caresses are also excellent reinforcers.

If you have noticed that your dog shows any behavioral problems, the ideal is to go to an ethologist or canine educator, especially if he does not he is well socialized. Never try to do it yourself, you could put him at risk.

Tips for pitbull dogs

Remember that if you reside in Spain you must meet all legal requirements: not have been in prison, have the PPP license, open a civil liability insurance and keep the record up to date. In addition, your dog must be always on a leash and with a muzzle in public spaces, using a leash of a maximum of one and a half meters (never extendable).
