American Pit Bull Terrier - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)

American Pit Bull Terrier - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
American Pit Bull Terrier - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
American Pit Bull Terrier
American Pit Bull Terrier

The American Pit Bull Terrier is one of the most popular dogs today. Although it is hard to imagine today due to the stigma it suffers, the history of the pit bull begins on farms, as a dog that protects livestock. Later, it became popular in dog fighting, an undesirable practice that seemed to distance it from its past as a dog sitter.

The pit bull dog does not have a specific behavior, the education and training it receives will totally influence its adult stage, whether it is with a friendly, reserved or reactive temperament. For this reason, in this file on our site we will explain everything you need to know about the education and training of this beautiful dog.

In addition, we will also review its physical characteristics, character, history and care that must be essential for the pit bull and that must be taken into account if we consider adopting one. Keep reading and discover everything about the American Pit Bull Terrier.

Origin of the American Pit Bull Terrier

Today's pit bulls have their origins in 19th century Great Britain, but their history dates back to the time of the Roman Empire. This breed is descended from Molossian fighting dogs, which were originally used for fighting bulls and bears. With the banning of these fights in England, fanciers began to breed lighter dogs to make them fight each other. It seems that terrier-type dogs were used, thus achieving greater agility without losing combativeness.

The pit bull was recognized at one time by the American Kennel Club (AKC), but was later removed from its records because the institution did not want the bad press that a fighting breed brought with it. Thus, North American dog lovers developed a new breed from the pit bull of that time, the American Staffordshire Terrier.

There is a widespread misconception in modern society that the Pit Bull is a type of dog and not a canine breed. The truth is that the pit bull is a breed with all the necessary credentials. Not only is it a group of dogs with similar hereditary characteristics, but there is a defined standard for the breed.

Just because the American Kennel Club and many other canine organizations do not accept registration of the Pit Bull, does not mean that it is not a breed. It is simply a breed not recognized by those institutions, but recognized by other institutions such as the United Kennel Club. It is important to note that the United Kennel Club offers a DNA paternity testing service, which helps maintain reliable records on American Pit Bull Terriers registered with this institution.

Currently, the pit bull is recognized by some dog-fighting organizations, such as the aforementioned United Kennel Club and the American Dog Breeders Association, but it is not recognized by the FCI or the AKC. However, some entities affiliated with the FCI recognize the breed, as is the case of the Argentine Cinological Federation.

Currently the breed is considered one of the potentially dangerous dog breeds, but it is still one of the most popular worldwide. For more details on the history of this magnificent breed you can read about the history of the pitbull dog.

Physical Characteristics of the American Pit Bull Terrier

Many people often confuse it with the American Staffordshire Terrier because of its great resemblance. However, we are going to detail some of the physical characteristics of the American Pit Bull Terrier:

The pit bull's head is long, wide and powerful, but it should not be disproportionate to the body. Seen from the front, it has the shape of an inverted trapezoid, that is, it is like an inverted triangle whose lower end has been cut off. The cheeks are bulging and protrude from this imaginary trapezoid. The stop is moderately defined, and the eyes are set low on the skull. Pitbull eyes can be any color except light blue. The ears are rose-shaped or semi-erect and their insertion is high.

The pit bull bite is powerful and is one of the characteristics that has fueled some myths about the pit bull breed. One of those myths says that the pitbull dog is unable to let go of the prey because its jaws are somehow locked. Another myth attributes a pressure of 1,600 pounds per square inch to the bite. These absurd myths have helped to distort the image of this breed of dog.

Like the head, the body of the pitbull dog is very striking. Although it may seem strange to those who are not familiar with this breed, the body of the Pit Bull is not excessively bulky or wide According to the breed standard accepted by the United Kennel Club (UKC), the Pit Bull Dog should have a slightly longer body than it is tall, with a deep chest and should never appear coarse or overly muscular. In fact, the same standard states that the chest should not be wider than it is deep. All those "dog bodybuilders" are not up to the pit bull standard.

One of the most pleasing physical characteristics of the pit bull is its short, shiny coat, which invites caresses even from those who are not very fond of dogs. It's certainly very nice to pet a pit bull's lustrous coat…provided the dog is clean, of course. All colors are accepted for this breed except blackbird (marbled background with solid color patches).

The breed standard does not specify a certain height, but rather prioritizes the harmonic construction of the body. That is why there are pit bulls of very heterogeneous sizes However, the pit bull is a dog of medium sizeWeight should be in proportion to height, so it is also highly variable in this breed. However, the weight of males is usually between 15.9 and 27.2 kilograms ; while the weight of females is usually between 13.6 and 22.7 kilograms.

American Pit Bull Terrier Character

The media and society in general have spread many myths and legends about the character of pit bulls. Today most people think of pit bulls as dangerous, unstable and highly aggressive dogs. And although that idea may be true for some particular cases, it is not true for the race in general. That idea is incorrect, but its supporters try to support it based on the history of the pit bull dog and data on occasional attacks by pit bulls or similar dogs.

The truth is that the pitbull is a dog with a highly developed prey drive, but it is not a killer by nature. In fact, he tends to be a very social dog with people. In general, this is a dog that, when well socialized, can get along very well with children and adults. However, the good character of any dog (including the pit bull) depends on its correct socialization from puppyhood.

Generally, these dogs are Friendly, playful and trustworthy with people. Either way, you should never leave a young child alone with a pit bull or any other dog because that invites accidents.

According to statistics from the American Temperament Testing Society (ATTS), the Pit Bull has a temperament more stable than averageof the dogs. Furthermore, in the evaluations carried out by that organization in 2006, the pit bull obtained a better "rating" than breeds such as the beagle and the golden retriever. Now, even though this breed does not tend to be aggressive towards people, there are pit bulls that are aggressive. This is due to improper care and irresponsibility on the part of their owners and can occur with any breed of dog.

We are talking about a very special dog, appreciated by those who enjoy his company. He is enthusiastic, very lively and fun The Pit Bull Terrier is a very protective dog that assimilates changes and basic behavioral commands well. It is an excellent dog for those who can dedicate time and want to receive the affection of a faithful and friendly dog. It is a complacent dog that enjoys doing tasks and although it may not seem like it, it is not a good guard dog, as it is usually friendly with strangers.

He has a high level of intelligence and for this reason many owners use him in sports such as canicross and do activities with him on a daily basis.

The pit bull is generally an excellent dog in dealing with children,as it is patient and tolerant, on the contrary than many people may think of him. He allows himself to be handled and participates in the games calmly. Having a lot of energy is excellent to have a pit bull terrier in a family with children, as both will complement each other and create a very special bond.

As for the treatment of the pit bull terrier with other pets, it will depend directly on the socialization that the dog has received since childhood. Being a powerful and strong dog, if we educate him incorrectly we will have real problems in the adult stage because he will not know how to relate to smaller dogs and we will observe a real change in behavior outside the home.

American Pit Bull Terrier Care

The pit bull is not a dog that needs excessive care, it will be enough to brush it a couple of times a week, something with which you will enjoy very much. In times of shedding, we will pay special attention and brush it more regularly. On a daily basis we will clean the grime and dirt that may have accumulated. A monthly bath or when it's really dirty will suffice.

He has a high activity level so the pit bull needs at least two walks a day of at least 3/4 hourCombining walks with exercise is a good practice to strengthen your muscles and relax at home. His energy levels are high and we should be aware of this once we adopt him

Being so active and energetic it will also be useful to take care of your mind with intelligence games for dogs, such as the black kong, the most appropriate toy for the pit bull. In addition to developing their mental capacity, we will promote play and fun. The kong is also excellent for treating separation anxiety, a common pit bull problem that lacks walking or mental stimulation.

American Pit Bull Terrier Education

It is about a intelligent dog that will quickly understand what you ask and propose for a harmonious coexistence. It is important to set fixed rules and try to ensure that all members of the household follow and respect them. We must encourage positive, playful and cheerful behavior with the use of positive reinforcement Under no circumstances will we allow you to act aggressively or reward you for it. The pit bull is a strong and powerful dog but remember that it requires a caregiver who understands him and guides him towards mental and physical well-being.

As we have commented in the behavior, the pit bull terrier is a dog that needs to be socialized from puppyhood. Even so, if we have decided to adopt a pit bull we can also work on its education and training, sometimes with the help of an expert, it will depend on each specific case.

In addition to socialization, the pit bull dog needs to understand basic obedience commands, essential for good communication with us and for your safety. Being an intelligent, athletic and active dog, we can take the opportunity to teach him activities that combine obedience commands and exercise, such as agility, a complete physical activity that is highly recommended for this breed.

The current pit bull is one of the most versatile breeds in the world, as they are used as police and military dogs, narcotics detection dogs, therapy dogs, search and rescue dogs, for all dog sports and, of course, as excellent companion animals.

American Pit Bull Terrier He alth

It is a dog generally he althy although sometimes his skin becomes sensitive. Avoid problems by offering a comfortable and fluffy bed as well as pipettes or collars for total protection against parasites.

This is one of the dog breeds most resistant to diseases, but you shouldn't neglect its he alth for that. In addition to keeping your dog's vaccinations up to date, you have to pay attention to possible heart problems, contagious skin diseases (scabies, eczema, fungi), internal and external parasites, etc. Of course, the most important thing to keep your pit bull he althy is to get a regular veterinary checkup and follow professional advice.


There are associations in defense and equality of pit bull terriers around the world, it is important to know that this is not a dangerous breed, but that the bite of this dog can be dangerous if the caregiver educates him for it.

American Pit Bull Terrier Pictures
