Egyptian names for dogs and their meaning

Egyptian names for dogs and their meaning
Egyptian names for dogs and their meaning
Egyptian dog names and their meaning
Egyptian dog names and their meaning

In ancient Egypt they had a special love for animals, so much so that they even mummified them when they died so that they would pass to the most there. Dogs were considered one of the family in all social strata.

There are paintings in which this love of dogs is represented and in many tombs in the Valley of the Kings, leather collars painted in colors and even with metallic appliqués have been found. Furthermore, they were a polytheistic people, with many gods embodying different and amazing qualities. Taking into account that love of furry four-legged dogs and considering that you adore your puppy as the Egyptians adored their gods, wouldn't it be nice to name your dog after a god that resembles him?

In this article on our site we are going to show you some Egyptian names for dogs and their meaning, so you can find one that fits the way of being of your hairy. If you can't find a name you like here, you can always read another article in which we suggest original and beautiful names for your furry friend.

Egyptian names for males

Below, we show a list of the most popular Egyptian gods and their meaning so that you can find the Egyptian name that best fits your male dog:

  • Ra: was the god of the sun, the origin of life and the sky. This name is perfect for a powerful dog as well as one that loves to lay down in the sun.
  • Bes/Bisu: is the god of goodness, the one who protected homes and children from evil. He was represented as a short god, chubby, with long hair and with his tongue out, he chased away evil spirits thanks to his ugliness. He is an ideal name for a chubby and very noble dog who loves children.
  • Seth/Set: is the god of storm, war and violence. He was a slightly dark god who represented brute force. This name suits naughty dogs that get angry easily.
  • Anubis: was the god of death and the Necropolis. He was represented as a man with the black head of a jackal or a dog. This Egyptian name for dogs is perfect for a quiet, black, enigmatic and reserved dog.
  • Osiris: was the god of resurrection, vegetation and agriculture. It is a perfect name for a dog that likes the countryside. Also, Osiris was killed by his brother and later resurrected by his wife, Isis. So it is also a good name for a rescued dog, who has been through a trauma and has "revived" finding a new loving family.
  • Toth: was a wizard, the god of wisdom, music, writing, and the magical arts. They said that he was the creator of the calendar and that he was the measurer of time. This name suits a calm dog with extraordinary intelligence.
  • Min/Menu: was the lunar god of fertility and male sexuality. He was depicted with an erect penis. It's a funny name for a dog that wants to ride it all.
  • Montu: was a falcon-headed warrior god who protected the pharaoh in battle. It is a perfect name for strong dogs, guardians, and protectors with his family.
Egyptian names for dogs and their meaning - Egyptian names for males
Egyptian names for dogs and their meaning - Egyptian names for males

Egyptian names for females

And if your furry companion is a female, here is a list of names of Egyptian goddesses and their meaning, perfect for naming your new companion:

  • Bastet: was the goddess of cats, fertility and protector of the home. It is an ideal name for a mother dog or for one that gets along very well with cats.
  • Sakhmet/Sejmet: was the goddess of war and revenge. She was a deity with a great anger that if she managed to calm down she helped her followers to defeat her enemies. It is a name for a dog with a strong character, who gets angry easily but is very faithful to her owner.
  • Neit: Goddess of war and hunting, as well as wisdom. He was depicted carrying a bow with two arrows. This Egyptian dog name is perfect for a furry dog with hunting instincts who loves to chase birds or anything else in the park.
  • Hathor: was the goddess of love, dance, joy and music. If your dog is full of energy and is an earthquake of happiness, the Egyptian name of Hathor is perfect for her.
  • Isis:In Egyptian mythology her name meant “throne”. She was considered the queen of the gods or the great mother goddess. This name is ideal for a powerful dog, the most important of the pack.
  • Anukis/Anuket: was the goddess of water and protector of the Nile, making it a perfect name for female dogs who love to swim and bathe in the water.
  • Mut: the mother goddess, the goddess of the sky and the origin of all creation. To those furry ones who have been great mothers.
  • Nephthys: Known as "the lady of the house", she was the goddess of darkness, darkness, night and death. She was said to accompany the deceased to the afterlife. The name of Neftis suits a dog with black fur, mysterious, calm and silent.
  • Maat:symbolized justice and cosmic harmony, she defended truth and cosmic balance. This goddess helped Ra in his fight against Apophis (an incarnation of evil), that is, in the fight of good against evil, so that good would always reign. Ella is a perfect name for a faithful and loyal dog who defends her owners.

And if none of the Egyptian names for dogs and their meaning convinces you to name your new companion, don't miss the list of original and beautiful names for female dogs.
