Choosing an appropriate name for your dog is not an easy matter. For this reason, perhaps you are looking for original, old and unique names that offer your new best friend a name to be proud of One of the most requested in searches, especially in Spain, is the use of Basque. There is an internal controversy about the origins of this peculiar and beautiful language, but what we are clear about is that we must take advantage of it and encourage its use, for example, by giving your dog a name in Basque.
Keep reading this article on our site to discover 80 dog names in Basque and their meaning.
The originality of Basque
The vast majority of Basque speakers live in the Basque Country (or Euskadi), in Spain, although it is also a language used in France. The truth is that it is a distant and ancient language, which has a different sound from that of all our words from Latin. The reason for this difference is that this language does not come from the Indo-European root, but is very far from our origins.
There are various theories about the origin of Euskera. Some historians have connected this language with a possible Caucasian origin due to linguistic coincidences and typological features that are absent in Indo-European languages. Other theories, less propitious, relate Basque to the Iberian Peninsula and finally, the most distant ones, relate it to a remote origin with the Phoenicians or the Berbers.
Thanks to this distance, and at the same time proximity of territories, we know words that may seem exotic to us and perfect for naming our dog. Sometimes, there will be words that can be beautiful due to their sound, suitable as a name and that also have a good meaning. For example, Maite means "Love" in Basque and Bihotz means "heart". For all this (and much more) we will have guaranteed originality in this language.
How to choose a perfect Basque name for your dog
Remember that, before choosing one of the names for dogs in Basque, you should pay attention to the different parameters that will allow us to name to our dog, at the same time that we encourage him to associate it correctly and to be able to understand it easily:
- Search for a name with a short length, which is easy to remember.
- Choose a name with a good sound, which allows your dog to differentiate it from other common words in your vocabulary or from those that you will use as training commands.
- Finally, don't forget the importance of meaning, which will give your best friend the perfect name and will differentiate him from all the other dogs in the world.
Dog names in Basque
Next we will show you a series of dog names in Basque with their meaning in Spanish. Remember that these names are a suggestion, you can look for diminutives, mix words to have as a result a beautiful name for female in Basque:
- Maite: love
- Leiala: faithful
- Baratze: garden
- Basa: wild
- Bero: warm
- Bigun: soft
- Bihurria: mischievous
- Ilargi: Moon
- Bizitza: life
- Laguna: companion
- Handia: big
- Lore: flower
- Kolore:color
- Koxka: nibble
- Alaia: cheerful
- Motela: slow
- Magina: Sword Scabbard
- Mihura: Mistletoe
- Argi: light
- Hoist: Star
- Artizar: Venus
- Ura: water
- Use: pigeon
- Polita: pretty
- Ederra: beautiful
- Ohar: observation
- Haizea: wind
- Onsa: good
- Garbi: pure
- Otsoa: she-wolf
- Zilar: silver
- Txacurra: dog
- Aizkora: ax
- Alaba: daughter
- Arantza: thorn
- Ardi: flea
- Uda: summer
- Ume: girl
- Goxo: kiss
- Jaia: party
Basque names for male dogs
Now it's the turn for male names, you also have a list with a translation into Spanish to give it extra meaning. You will check the character of using a Basque name for your male dog:
- Azkar: fast, smart
- Lagun: friend
- Irribarre: smile
- Apur: small
- Begiak: eyes
- Bakun: unique
- Bakar: solo
- Balium: value
- Prest: done
- Sua: soft
- Erretxinaz: grumpy
- Nahiko: nice
- Belarriak: ears
- Ozen: screamer
- Kartsu: passionate, jealous
- Kutsu: Relic
- Sugar: call
- Arrats: Dusk
- Eguzki: sol
- Artzai: shepherd
- Txipi: small
- Musu: kiss
- Fede: fe
- Harri: stone
- Gabone: Christmas
- Krabelin: carnation
- Lehoi: lion
- Kai: port
- Txeru: sky
- Xabat: savior
- Koska: Bite
- Zuri: white
- Oker: Crooked
- Zuzen: right
- Nahia: wish
- Angeru: angel
- Amets: dream or daydream
- Anker: Fierce
- Buhame: gypsy or bohemian
- Xahupen: Destruction