Why do betta fish inflate?

Why do betta fish inflate?
Why do betta fish inflate?
Why do betta fish inflate
Why do betta fish inflate

The bright colors and beauty of betta fish have made them the stars of many aquariums. Despite its character, it is a precious specimen that when it is present in our fish tanks we take great care of it.

If you have ever seen your fish especially bloated, keep reading this article on our site and discover the main reasons that can answer why beta fish inflate.


Hydrolepsy is an infection of the internal organs caused by various factors, viruses, intestinal parasites or bacteria. The most common reason is the presence of the Aeromonas punctata bacterium in the aquarium. It attacks weak or more delicate fish than the rest and can cause death.


  • Swollen body
  • Ruffled Scales
  • Esophthalmia (bulging eyes)
  • Color changes
  • White stools

Body swelling is due to accumulation of intraperitoneal fluid in the animal's body. Betta fish are prone to these types of infections, so cleaning the aquarium is essential. Changing the aquarium water frequently and maintaining good hygiene protects our fish against this type of infection.

Treatment for hydrolepsy

As there can be several causes of the infection, it is difficult to determine the appropriate treatment. Hydrolepsy kills many betta fish so it's a good idea to act quickly if you suspect it's sick.

We must isolate the affected fish from the rest and then change the water in the aquarium. Also clean the decorations, artificial plants and other objects that are in it.

Normally the treatment is broad-spectrum antibacterials and antiparasitics. As well as anti-inflammatories. See your vet for advice on the most appropriate treatment.

It is convenient that you know in advance how to act against this problem, because in a couple of days it can cause the death of our betta fish. If we know what to give him, we can proceed as soon as we see him with a swollen belly and bristling scales.

After the treatment, when the fish begins to improve, we must proceed to change the water in the aquarium gradually. Anti-inflammatories contain steroids and abruptly eliminating their presence in the water can be counterproductive.

We will change the water gradually for 3 or 4 days until the medications are eliminated.

Why Betta Fish Bloat - Hydrolepsy Treatment
Why Betta Fish Bloat - Hydrolepsy Treatment


Hydrolepsy can be confused with a binge eating. Fish eat dehydrated food and sometimes eat a lot of it. It hydrates in your stomach and swells. This can cause intestinal obstructions and cause the fish to stop eating.


  • Swollen belly
  • Scales not bristling

The main difference from hydrolepsy is the position of the scales. When our betta fish binge, its belly is bulging but the scales don't bristle. Ruffled scales indicate hydrolepsy.

To prevent our fish from getting stuffed we must give it the appropriate amount of food. Dehydrated food can give him problems, so we can moisten it minutes before giving it to him. This way it will increase in size before being eaten.

Leaving the fish without food a couple of days should be enough for it to get better. If not, we can give him a boiled pea without skin.

Why does my betta fish have a swollen belly

As we have seen, if we observe our betta fish with a swollen belly it can be caused by two reasons:

  • Excessive food can cause a empacho. It is a problem for the animal because it stops eating, but a few days of fasting is usually enough to improve.
  • As for hydrolepsy, it is a major problem, many betta fish die from it if not acted upon correctly. We must be able to recognize the symptoms and act.

Remember, if the scales are bristling it is hydrolepsy. Good hygiene in the aquarium will prevent this type of infection.
