Why does my cat drool when I pet it? - Here the answer

Why does my cat drool when I pet it? - Here the answer
Why does my cat drool when I pet it? - Here the answer
Why does my cat drool when I pet it?
Why does my cat drool when I pet it?

Like us, felines can drool for different reasons and in response to different stimuli. Salivation is a normal and he althy phenomenon of your body, although it can be worrying when it occurs excessively or suddenly.

Have you ever indulged your cat with pampering in his favorite areas and watched as a small fountain of slime was born from his little mouth? So, you've probably already wondered why your cat drools when you pet himIf you want to discover the answer, we invite you to continue reading this article on our site.

Why do cats drool when we pet them?

Surely you already know this feeling of excessive salivation when seeing, smelling or just thinking about a tasty food that "makes your mouth water", or you already noticed a small drool stain on your pillow when you woke up from a nice nap In these cases, drooling appears as a positive reflex in the face of stimuli and situations that we like or relax us. Much like what happens with us, a he althy cat can drool when perceiving stimuli to its liking and experiencing pleasant, funny or relaxing moments

If your cat drools when you pet him, purrs and rubs his cheeks or his head on your hands or feet, he is saying that he enjoys being with you and receiving your cuddles. Your feline may also drool at the smell or taste of catnip or catnip, and at the scent of his favorite food. Although the percentage of cats that experience this phenomenon is not very high.

When is excessive salivating a concern?

As we said, drooling can be a natural and positive aspect of your cat's behavior. But it is important to be careful to know how to differentiate “pleasure drools” from excessive and sudden salivation, which can be a symptom of intoxication, of poisoning or of certain pathologies.

When a cat drools for pleasure, this behavior is usually present since childhood and is repeated regularly in the face of pleasant stimuli, appearing as a pleasant and spontaneous response from its body. Plus, pleasurable slime almost always shows up as tiny, clear, liquid droplets that aren't smelly or sticky.

If your cat begins to salivate excessively in an unusual way or without ever having done so, it is essential to consult your trusted veterinarian. The same applies if you notice changes in the color, texture and aroma of your slime.

And if you are also interested in knowing more about excessive salivation in domestic cats, we recommend you read our article “Why does my cat drool a lot”.

Why does my cat drool when I pet it? - When is excessive salivation a concern?
Why does my cat drool when I pet it? - When is excessive salivation a concern?

Is your cat stressed?

Another frequent cause of excessive salivation in cats is associated with the accumulation of tension and stress, which tend to favor the appearance or aggravate the symptoms of numerous diseases by weakening the animal's immune system.

A stressed cat may be more aggressive or hyperactive, being more vulnerable to the development of certain compulsive behaviors. Their appetite and digestive functions are also often affected by extremely stressful environments and situations.

Are you paying proper attention to your cat's oral he alth?

Animals can salivate excessively, have bad breath and accumulate tartar on their teeth and gums as a result of poor oral hygiene. Oral hygiene is essential care to preserve the he alth of your pet and provide effective and adequate preventive medicine. Although our cats can be very independent in their day-to-day lives, they need our help to guarantee their oral he alth, so if you notice that your cat drools when you caress it and you suspect that it may be for this reason, do not hesitate to go to the vet.

When was the last time you brushed your cat's teeth? If you have never done it or if you want to learn how to do it correctly, you can take advantage of our tips on how to clean my cat's teeth.
