Jaundice in dogs - CAUSES, SYMPTOMS and TREATMENT

Jaundice in dogs - CAUSES, SYMPTOMS and TREATMENT
Jaundice in dogs - CAUSES, SYMPTOMS and TREATMENT
Jaundice in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Jaundice in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Dogs in good he alth show a pink hue to their skin and mucous membranes, as we can see if we look at their gums or eyes. It is convenient that we periodically review this coloration, since, if it changes, it may be a sign that it suffers from some disease. Specifically, in this article on our site we are going to explain what happens when a dog suffers from jaundice, which is the name given to the yellowish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranesBelow we review the causes of jaundice in dogs and its treatment.

What is jaundice in dogs?

Jaundice is a characteristic yellowish coloration of the skin and mucous membranes that we can observe if we look at the skin, gums, tongue, the genitals, the nose or the eyes of our dog. When we talk about yellow eyes in dogs, we mean that this is the color that the sclera acquires, which is the white part of the eye. Jaundice occurs as a result of a elevated level of bilirubin Bilirubin is a yellow/orange pigment that is part of bile, a fluid secreted by the liver that acts as an aid to the digestive processes and that is stored in the gallbladder.

Bilirubin is the substance that results from the degradation or destruction of hemoglobin, which is another pigment that red blood cells have to transport oxygen. When red blood cells end their life, they break down into their different components in a process in which bilirubin is released. High bilirubin in dogs occurs as a result of different pathologies, which can range from hemolytic anemia, in which large amounts of red blood cells are destroyed, thus releasing bilirubin, to a liver problem that causes bile to accumulate in the blood and fabrics.

Is jaundice in dogs contagious?

The realization that my dog has turned yellow can be very shocking to any caregiver. That is why it is normal to worry, not only about the he alth of the dog in question, but also about the possibility that the he alth problem that it seems to have is contagious for other animals with which it lives in the home or even for people. For your peace of mind, jaundice is not contagious, although, as there are multiple causes that can cause it, it may happen that just the one that affects our dog is be contagious. For example, if the reason for jaundice is infectious hepatitis, this is a very contagious disease, but what is spread, in any case, is the disease, not the jaundice.

Jaundice in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - What is jaundice in dogs?
Jaundice in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - What is jaundice in dogs?

Causes of jaundice in dogs

As we have mentioned, there are numerous causes that may be behind an increase in bilirubin in the blood and, therefore, the appearance of jaundice. All of them are usually divided into three groups according to their origin:

  • Hemolytic, that is, derived from the destruction of red blood cells. There is so much bilirubin as a result of this destruction that the liver is not able to manage it, which is why it accumulates. This section includes anemias, including infectious ones, caused by parasites that cause jaundice in dogs, such as Babesia canis or Ehrlichia canis.
  • Hepatic, which are due to a problem that affects the liver and prevents the proper development of its functions, so it does not get rid of bilirubin. In this group would be cholangiohepatitis, cirrhosis or copper poisoning.
  • Obstructive, because they prevent the exit of bile from the liver, which accumulates in it and in the blood. They are diseases such as pancreatitis, enteritis, but also the obstruction can be due to stones in the gallbladder or stenosis or ruptures of the bile ducts.
Jaundice in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Causes of jaundice in dogs
Jaundice in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Causes of jaundice in dogs

Symptoms of jaundice in dogs

Jaundice is one of the clinical signs that appear in numerous diseases such as the ones we have mentioned and is always a reason to consult a veterinarian. These diseases trigger other symptoms in the dog, among which we highlight the following:

  • Apathy.
  • Anorexy.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Polydipsia and polyuria, that is, increased water intake and urination.
  • Orange discoloration of feces and urine.
  • Confusional state.
  • Weight loss.
Jaundice In Dogs - Causes, Symptoms And Treatment - Symptoms Of Jaundice In Dogs
Jaundice In Dogs - Causes, Symptoms And Treatment - Symptoms Of Jaundice In Dogs

Diagnosis of jaundice in dogs

The vet is the only professional who can diagnose what is the cause of our dog's jaundice. You have to go to him without waiting, as soon as we detect the first symptom. It is advisable to review our copy from time to time. Detecting yellow eyes or gums in dogs, even without other clinical signs, is reason enough to make an appointment with the vet.

For the diagnosis, this professional will examine the dog, ask us for information and carry out a series of tests depending on the symptoms it presents. Discovering the cause is essential to be able to prescribe a treatment. The most common tests that this professional will carry out are the following:

  • Urine analysis.
  • Blood test.
  • Abdominal x-ray and/or ultrasound.
  • Puncture or biopsy.
  • Crop.
  • CAT.
Jaundice in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis of jaundice in dogs
Jaundice in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis of jaundice in dogs

Treatment for jaundice in dogs?

The treatment of jaundice will depend on its cause That is, there are no medications for jaundice in dogs that will cure directly. What it is about is discovering what problem is triggering it. Thus, if you are wondering how to eliminate jaundice in dogs, it is essential to point to the cause. By treating it, we get the bilirubin in the blood to return to normal levels, and the jaundice disappears.

However, many dogs with jaundice are in such a serious condition that, regardless of the cause, the first thing the veterinarian will do is hospitalize them for stabilizationIt is usual to prescribe fluid therapy and drugs , depending on the suspected cause and symptoms. In the most serious cases of anemia, a blood transfusion will also be necessary. The dog will have to remain hospitalized until its situation stabilizes and it can continue the treatment at home.

Sometimes it is necessary to prescribe a specific diet to help the functioning of the liver. Other times it is necessary to subject the dog to surgery, for example when the bile duct has been blocked or a tumor is detected.

Is jaundice in dogs curable?

Jaundice is curable if the cause that has caused it is curable Of this, of the damage it has caused and of the time that how long it takes to start veterinary treatment will depend on the prognosis. For example, in the best of cases, babesiosis can be solved by medicating the dog for a season, while chronic liver failure will require lifelong treatment.
