Burmese Cat - Characteristics and Care (With Photos)

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Burmese Cat - Characteristics and Care (With Photos)
Burmese Cat - Characteristics and Care (With Photos)
Burmese cat
Burmese cat

When looking at a Burmese we may think that it is a variant of the Siamese cats, but of a different color. However, we are not dealing with a Siamese variant, but rather with a really old breed that already existed in the Middle Ages, despite the fact that it did not reach the US and Europe until the last 20th century. In this breed file on our site we will learn all the history and details of the Burmese cat breed

Origin of the Burmese cat

About the history of this feline race there are numerous legends that say that these felines originated in the monasteries of the Burmese monks Yes that there is numerous archaeological and artistic evidence that corroborates that this cat was already present in Thailand in the 15th century

Regardless of its specific origin, we do know exactly how this breed came to United States, because it did so by the hand of Wong Mau, a cat who traveled from Burma accompanying Dr. Joseph C. Thompson. After crossing it with Siamese, it was found that it was not a dark variety of the same, establishing itself as a differentiated breed.

But the history of the breed does not end here, because due to its notorious fame, hybrids began to appear at CFA shows, for which official recognition of the Burmese as a breed was withdrawn in 1947, not recovering the standard until 1953.

Characteristics of the Burmese cat

Burmese are cats of medium size, weighing between 3 and 5 kilograms, with females being closer to the lower limit than the males. His body is of strong complexion and marked musculature, with rounded shapes and strong legs. Its tail is long and straight, ending its tail in a round brush shape. The head of a Burmese is round, with protruding cheeks and wide-set, bright, round eyes, usually golden or yellow. Its ears follow the rounded pattern of its entire body and are medium in size.

The coat of Burmese cats is short, fine and satiny, as a particular note that it has to be close to the body and that each hair is lighter at the root and darker as it reaches the tip. It is common that, regardless of the color of the coat, it is a few shades lighter on the belly. As for the color of that coat the following colors are allowed: tortoise shell, red, cream, chocolate, cinnamon, fawn, lilac, blue, platinum, champagne and saberñ

Burmese Cat Character

Burmese are sociable cats, who love spending time with their own, as well as meeting new people. For this reason, it is a breed that does not tolerate loneliness well, which we must take into account if we spend long periods of time away from home.

They are felines playful and curious, so we advise you to prepare games for them with toys either purchased or make homemade DIY toys. Regarding children, he gets along great with them, being an ideal companion for our children, and as he is not territorial at all, he will not have problems living with other pets. In addition, these cats are quite communicative they have a sweet and melodious meow and they will not hesitate to have real conversations with their owners.

Burmese cat care

The Burmese do not require too much attention beyond providing them with quality food, in the right quantity, allowing them to exercise regularly, playing with them or if we have a garden allowing them to go out and explore a little. We must also take care of his coat, with relatively frequent brushing to keep it shiny, clean and free of dead hair that can cause hairballs.

Burmese Cat He alth

Given the robustness of these felines, no non-hereditary or acquired diseases have been recorded that particularly affect them. To keep our feline he althy it is necessary that we have them vaccinated and dewormed in a timely manner, following the vaccination and deworming schedule that ourmarks us veterinary

In turn, we must ensure the good condition of their eyes, ears and mouth, and it may be necessary to clean their mouths or ears in certain cases or at certain times in our pet's life cycle.

Photos of Burmese Cat
