Cat Sterilization - PRICES, AGE and CARE

Cat Sterilization - PRICES, AGE and CARE
Cat Sterilization - PRICES, AGE and CARE
Cat Sterilization - Prices, Age and Care
Cat Sterilization - Prices, Age and Care

In this article on our site we are going to deal with a very important topic for all caregivers, which is none other than the sterilization of cats. Neutering cats is a common operation in any veterinary clinic, but it still raises questions that we will answer below.

On the other hand, some people still show reluctance around this intervention. Therefore, we will also analyze the advantages and disadvantages of sterilization. Keep reading and discover everything you need to know about neutering cats.

The sterilization of male cats

Cat sterilization is a simple and quick procedure that consists of the removal of the testicles. It is done through a minimal incision in them, of course, with the anesthetized cat. In addition, it will hardly require postoperative control.

Regarding the age to sterilize a male cat, the truth is that it can be done when the cat is still a puppy and, in fact, an early intervention is recommended, approximately at five months, because in this way we avoid showing the typical signs of sexual maturity when detecting cats in heat.

The main objective of this operation is to prevent the animal from having offspring and show its reproductive behavior. We will see in another section the advantages and disadvantages of the operation.

Sterilization of cats - Prices, age and care - The sterilization of male cats
Sterilization of cats - Prices, age and care - The sterilization of male cats

Differences between spaying and neutering a cat

The sterilization of cats, strictly speaking, would refer to an intervention that prevented the animal from reproducing. Thus, this definition would include the type of surgery that we have described in the previous section, which, more correctly, should be called castration, since it is the appropriate term for refer to the removal of the testicles or the uterus and ovaries in the case of cats.

The sterilization of a cat could be done with a vasectomy, which would be the cutting of the tubes that join the testicles to the penis, moving the sperm to it. In this way, reproduction would be prevented, leaving the testicles, but it is not a surgery that is usually performed. Keep in mind that a vasectomy or, in cats, a tubal ligation only prevents reproduction but does not prevent heat or its associated behaviors and side effects.

In the following video we explain in more detail the differences between spaying and neutering a cat.

The sterilization of cats

The sterilization of cats is somewhat more complex when it comes to females, because, in this case, the organs to be removed are inside the body, so the veterinarian will have to open the abdominal cavity. As in the case of males, the intervention can be done in the first months of life, before the first heat, and the main objective will be to prevent reproduction and zeal.

When we talk about spaying a cat, the most frequent operation is removal of the uterus and ovariesthrough an abdominal incision, of course, after administering anesthesia. To sterilize a stray cat, a lateral cut is sometimes made and only the ovaries are removed. It is considered that in this way the objective of avoiding the reproductive cycle is fulfilled and the postoperative period presents a lower risk of complications, which is very important if the cat is going to return to the street immediately. Still, even with an abdominal incision, recovery is usually unproblematic. Upon awakening from anesthesia, the cat can now go home to recover, as admission is not required.

Cat sterilization: postoperative

Both males and females recovery is easy Generally, the veterinarian will inject an antibiotic to prevent the risk of bacterial infections and He will prescribe analgesia to administer at home during the first few days. Otherwise, our job will be to see that the incision heals smoothly. During the first few hours, it is common for the cut area to appear somewhat swollen and red, an aspect that will improve over the following days. By a week, the wound will heal and in 8-10 days the vet will remove the stitches or staples, if applicable.

If the animal accesses the wound in excess, we will have to put an Elizabethan collar on it, since the effect of the rough tongue of cats and their teeth could open or infect it. Cats don't usually like these collars at all, but they will be necessary if touched, at least during the time we can't keep an eye on them.

Although for the intervention the cat must go to the clinic after fasting for a few hours to avoid complications with anesthesia, When you get home we can offer you food and drink with normality, since the usual thing is that, from the first moment, they return to their daily life. Of course, it is important that we bear in mind that after sterilization the nutritional needs will change in such a way that we will have to adjust the menu to avoid being overweight.

Sterilization of cats - Prices, age and care - Sterilization of cats: postoperative
Sterilization of cats - Prices, age and care - Sterilization of cats: postoperative

Complications of sterilization in cats

Although it is not usual, below we will see complications of sterilization in cats, highlighting the following, which will affect females more due to the greater degree of complexity of their surgery:

  • Not common, but anesthetic drugs may cause side effects.
  • Especially in females, the wound could open or become infected, which prolongs recovery and may mean putting the animal back to sleep, resect, treat with antibiotics, etc.
  • It is also possible, although rare, for cats to cause an internal hemorrhage that will require prompt veterinary attention.
  • Sometimes, a seroma forms in the healing area or there is a certain reaction in the cut area due to some product used in disinfection.

Neutering cats: consequences, advantages and disadvantages

In this section we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of sterilizing cats, regardless of whether they are male or female. But first we must bear in mind that cats, no matter how much they insist on their independent character, are domestic animals and it is from that perspective that we have to contemplate this section. We highlight, first of all, the advantages of sterilization:

  • Uncontrolled birth is prevented of litters.
  • Signs of heat are avoided such as marking, aggressiveness or anxiety, which favors coexistence with humans but, also, it reduces stress and increases the he alth of cats by reducing the risk of fights or escapes.
  • Decreases the probability of suffering diseases associated with reproductive hormones, such as pyometra in cats or breast tumors.

As disadvantages we can highlight the following:

  • The animal bears the risks typical of surgical interventions and postoperative.
  • Energy needs decrease, so we must pay attention to the diet to avoid being overweight.
  • The price of the intervention may deter some caregivers.

Finally, not being able to reproduce irreversibly is a consequence of the operation that, in the current situation, is considered an advantage, but could be a drawback.

Sterilization of cats - Prices, age and care - Neutering cats: consequences, advantages and disadvantages
Sterilization of cats - Prices, age and care - Neutering cats: consequences, advantages and disadvantages

Price to sterilize a cat

We cannot talk about the sterilization of cats without mentioning the price, since there are not a few caregivers interested in neutering their cat who do not decide on this factor. The truth is that it is completely impossible to give a figure because this will vary due to several elements such as the following:

  • The sex of the cat, since the intervention will be cheaper in males, as it is simpler.
  • The location of the clinic, as prices can vary widely depending on the city where it is located. Within the same location, the amount to be paid will be similar between clinics because the prices are usually recommended by the corresponding veterinary college.
  • If something unforeseen arises, like the complications we talked about, the final bill may increase.

Although a priori sterilization, especially in females, may seem expensive, we must bear in mind that it is carried out by a professional, sometimes more than one, who has been trained for years in an operating room installed according to the legislation and equipped with a technology that also has a high cost. In addition, sterilizing cats is an investment that will save us expenses that could cause an entire animal such as litters, pyometra, tumors, injuries due to fights or run over by escapes.

On the other hand, sterilizing a cat for free or at a very low cost is sometimes possible, as programs are implemented in some places for the control of the feline population with measures like this. In some shelters we can adopt an already sterilized cat, although, depending on each one, a certain amount usually has to be paid to help defray the expenses generated by the pussycat.

Therefore, it is advisable to search for a few veterinarians with good references and compare prices. In addition, some clinics offer the possibility of paying in installments or we can find out if a low-cost sterilization campaign is being carried out in our area As part of responsible ownership, we must always take this expense into account if we want to live with a feline, just as we have to buy food for it.

Can you spay a cat in heat?

Finally, it is a common question among caregivers whether cats can be sterilized when they are in heat. The recommendation is wait for it to end or better, operate before the first oestrus occurs. If this is not possible, it will be the veterinarian who decides if the operation is acceptable at that time, assessing the advantages and disadvantages.
