Otohematoma in dogs - Causes, treatment and remedies

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Otohematoma in dogs - Causes, treatment and remedies
Otohematoma in dogs - Causes, treatment and remedies
Otohematoma in Dogs - Causes, Treatment and Remedies
Otohematoma in Dogs - Causes, Treatment and Remedies

otohematoma in dogs is a very common problem and it is not uncommon for dogs to present it at some point in their lives. Otohematoma, as its name suggests, consists of a accumulation of blood in the ear that can be due to different causes. It is very important that we bear in mind that this disorder will always need veterinary treatment.

In this article on our site we will talk about otohematoma in dogs, the most common causes that cause it, the treatment it requires and many other curiosities about this he alth problem. It should be noted that An otohematoma left untreated will end up deforming the ear permanently.

My dog has a swollen ear

The most common causes that can explain an inflamed ear in our dog are abscesses and otohematomas In this article we we will focus on otohematomas in dogs. If we want to know what to do when a dog's ear becomes inflamed, the answer is always to go to the vet. This professional is the one who will distinguish whether the accumulation that causes the swelling is due to an accumulation of pus or blood Treatment will depend on the diagnosis.

What is otohematoma in dogs?

A hematoma consists of the accumulation of blood under the skin, in this case the ear. Its origin is usually strong shaking of the head or insistent scratching of the ears. Both signs usually indicate the presence of an ear condition that is causing the dog to itch. To solve the otohematoma it is essential that the veterinarian discovers this underlying cause and treats it.

Otohematoma symptoms are very obvious. We will see that the animal scratches its affected ear and shakes its head. In addition, that ear will be swollen and hot We must not delay the visit to the vet because, otherwise, the condition will worsen and an untreated otohematoma could leave the ear deformed Permanently.

Otohematoma in dogs - Causes, treatment and remedies - What is otohematoma in dogs?
Otohematoma in dogs - Causes, treatment and remedies - What is otohematoma in dogs?

Causes of otohematoma in dogs

As we have said, behind an otohematoma there is usually some ear disorder that causes the dog considerable itching. Mites in the dog's ears, foreign bodies or infections can act as triggers for otohematoma. If the dog repeatedly hits the ear with force, the action of its paw or the blows of the ear against its head or any object can cause a wound in its interior. This causes bleeding that accumulates, forming the otohematoma.

So, in addition to solving it, the vet will have to examine the ear with the otoscope in search of the source of the itching. Once the cause is discovered, the appropriate treatment can be prescribed. A foreign body will be removed, mite infestations require miticides, while bacterial infections will require antibiotics. anti-inflammatories can also be prescribed and good hygiene of the dog's ears will always be needed.

Treatment for otohematomas in dogs

If our dog is suffering from an otohematoma, it is essential that we treat it. Not only because of the inconvenience it is causing you, but also because, otherwise, the ear could be irreversibly deformed.

To know how to cure an otohematoma in dogs, the first thing we have to take into account is that, in these cases, home remedies are not going to help usAnd this is so because, in addition to using drugs depending on the underlying cause, otohematoma always requires veterinary intervention, since it is essential take the bloodWe will explain it in more detail in the next section.

If we leave the otohematoma untreated the blood may reabsorb itself but doing so will affect the shape of the ear. Externally we will see it as if it had shrunk. It is not just an aesthetic problem since the position and movements of the ears are part of the communication between dogs.

We must remind caregivers not to administer antibiotics for otohematoma in dogs, unless expressly recommended by the veterinarian. Antibiotics are not always essential in these cases, they will not dissolve the otohematoma and we risk complicating the condition and creating resistance.

Otohematoma in dogs - Causes, treatment and remedies - Treatment for otohematomas in dogs
Otohematoma in dogs - Causes, treatment and remedies - Treatment for otohematomas in dogs

Otohematoma surgery in dogs

In the event of an otohematoma, the veterinarian may choose to empty the accumulated blood with a syringe and needle. What happens is that this procedure is not curative by itself in a significant number of cases. That is why we may have to decide on surgery Depending on the case, the veterinarian will decide on the most appropriate technique. The basic thing is to allow blood to drain and keep the skin stretched, all with the aim of avoiding new accumulations.

Sometimes an incision is made for drainage and a piece of skin is removed to leave it open for drainage. This will close by second intention. Stitches can also be given to keep the skin well attached and that the accumulations are not repeated. Sometimes sponges are placed that absorb liquids. It is important to use a Elizabethan collar to prevent the dog from scratching its ear and, of course, follow the treatment that the veterinarian has prescribed until its conclusion.

Prevention of otohematomas in dogs

To prevent an otohematoma from forming in our dog's ear, it is advisable that we regularly examine his earsand maintain correct hygiene. It is contraindicated to pull out the hairs that are inside the ear since, contrary to what is believed, we would be favoring the appearance of infections.

Of course, at the first sign of ear problems we should go to the vet to diagnose and treat. If we allow the dog to feel itchy, it will scratch and shake, so the trauma that will cause the otohematoma is more likely to occur.
