OTITIS IN DOGS - Treatment, symptoms and home remedies

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OTITIS IN DOGS - Treatment, symptoms and home remedies
OTITIS IN DOGS - Treatment, symptoms and home remedies
Otitis in Dogs - Treatment, Symptoms and Home Remedies
Otitis in Dogs - Treatment, Symptoms and Home Remedies

otitis in dogs is one of the most common and annoying diseases that dogs can suffer from. There are several causes that can cause this condition, such as parasites, excessive humidity and even foreign bodies that are characterized by a inflammation of the ear canal

Although it may be non-infectious, it is almost always accompanied by ear infections, either because the initial otitis causes subsequent infections or because the infections lead to otitis.

In this article on our site we will talk in detail about canine otitis, the most common causes, the symptoms that the dog will show, the treatment that the veterinarian will prescribe or some home remedies that we can always apply after consulting with the specialist.

What is canine otitis?

In veterinary medicine, otitis is defined as inflammation of the ear, which is generally caused by an infection. The most common manifestation of this disorder is otitis externa, which occurs when cells in the external ear canal become inflamed. Depending on the cause or duration of this clinical picture, external otitis can cause pain or itching in the dog, likewise, it can appear in both ears or only in one. The manifestation can be sudden or prolonged in time. Other symptoms of external otitis in dogs can also be head shaking, bad odor from the ears, abnormal discharge and even narrowing or occlusion of the ear canals.

When the infection progresses through the ear canal or when it is caused by penetration of the eardrum, a otitis media In this case we could observe the aforementioned symptoms and, in addition, noticeable loss of hearing In the most severe cases of otitis media in dogs, facial paralysis and involvement of the eyes may occur, such as dryness and abnormal size of the pupils.

If inflammation of the middle ear is not treated, the structures inside the ear can be severely affected, causing otitis interna which can lead to in the loss of balance and deafness Internal otitis in dogs is especially serious and can also be accompanied by nausea and constant head tilt.

Chronic otitis in dogs is a relatively common problem and is due to the resistance generated by the bacteria involved. Among other causes, it may be caused by non-compliance with treatment (underdosing, forgetfulness, premature interruption…), which reduces the effectiveness of cleanings, drugs and any other measure prescribed by the specialist.

Otitis in dogs - Treatment, symptoms and home remedies - What is canine otitis?
Otitis in dogs - Treatment, symptoms and home remedies - What is canine otitis?

Causes and risk factors of canine otitis

It is important to point out that there are various causes that can cause the appearance of canine otitis, from various he alth problems to the presence of foreign bodies. Some of the factors that can cause this disease are:

  • Environment conducive to infection The dog's ear canal is moist and warm, providing an environment conducive to the growth of fungi and bacteria. Under normal conditions, the body keeps these pathogens at bay, but hormonal changes, allergies or additional humidity can upset this balance and allow infections to develop. Yeast otitis is very common.
  • Trauma Damage to the ear from trauma can lead to infections and otitis. Trauma can be caused by the dog scratching or rubbing itself, by fighting with other dogs or animals, or by accidents. It can also happen when cleaning the ear if you are not careful.
  • Parasites External parasites such as mites and fleas cause irritation and damage to tissues, in addition to promoting wax secretion. The dog, scratching, also hurts its ears and ear canals. The result is inflammation and infection of the area.
  • Foreign objects Small objects entering the dog's ear canal cause irritation that leads to inflammation and infection. Commonly these objects are seeds or plant parts that stick to the dog's fur and some get into the ear. Objects can also enter when trying to clean the dog's ear without knowing how to do it.
  • Allergies Dogs with allergies often develop ear infections. Allergies change the environment of the ear canal and favor the development of secondary infections caused by fungi or bacteria. In these cases, allergies should be treated in addition to infections.
  • Hormonal problems. Like allergies, hormonal imbalances can make the environment inside the ear canal favorable for fungal and bacterial growth.
  • Other causes. Other causes for otitis in dogs include hereditary factors that predispose to the disease, as well as polyps and tumors.

To finish, it is important to note that there are some dogs with a higher risk of suffering from it, such as dogs with moist ear canals chronically (retrievers in water or dogs that are frequently bathed). So are those dogs with abundant fur inside the ear canal (poodles, schnauzers and terriers), dogs with droopy ears , because this makes it difficult to ventilate the ear canal (bulldogs, golden retrievers, labradors, basset hounds, beagles, etc.) and those with narrow ear canals(stenotic), such as shar pei.

Symptoms of otitis in dogs

As we have explained, the symptoms of canine otitis can appear suddenly or gradually However, in general, the dogs suffering from an ear infection may exhibit the following canine otitis symptoms:

  • Inflammation of the ear canal
  • Headshakes
  • Head and ear rubbing
  • Constant ear scratching
  • Head tilted
  • Ear Canal Discharges
  • Wax Plugs
  • Excess wax
  • Ear ulcers or scars
  • Hair loss in the ears
  • Thickening of the ear pinna
  • Loss of balance
  • Circle turns
  • Decrease or loss of hearing
  • Bad odor from ears
  • Pain in the ears
  • Handling intolerance
  • Depression or irritability
Otitis in dogs - Treatment, symptoms and home remedies - Symptoms of otitis in dogs
Otitis in dogs - Treatment, symptoms and home remedies - Symptoms of otitis in dogs

Diagnosis of otitis in dogs

How to know if a dog has otitis? The veterinarian should observe inside the ear canal with an otoscope to look for physical causes of the swelling (foreign bodies, tumors, etc.) and to determine the existing damage. It will also take samples of ear exudate for microscopic examination or bacterial or fungal culture if necessary.

The dog's medical history will also be important in making the diagnosis, as it helps to determine the causes of the otitis. That way, the vet can get an idea of whether trauma, hereditary factors, allergies, or other factors are involved. If the vet suspects that the otitis is caused by another he alth problem, he will probably request other tests, which may include biopsies, x-rays, CT scans, neurological studies, of hormones and allergy test

Treatment for otitis in dogs

Otitis is usually easy to diagnose and treat, but it is very important to do it in time to prevent irreversible damage The Dogs that are not treated or that are treated late can lose their sense of hearing and, in the most serious cases, a generalized infection.

How to cure otitis in dogs?

The initial treatment of canine otitis consists of cleaning the ear and the administration of corticosteroids to reduce inflammation. Regarding the use of antibiotic for otitis in dogs, which is often offered inappropriately and without a medical prescription, we must know that they should be administered only in case of occur a bacterial infection, always prescribed by a veterinarian, who will prescribe the exact dose. In addition, those who seek to use amoxicillin for otitis in dogs should know that it is not always effective, since there are many other causes that can cause this pathology.

Other medications for otitis in dogs that can be prescribed are the antimycotics, in case of a fungal infection, or a antiparasitic, if it is due to an infestation of external parasites. If the ear canal is completely blocked by inflammation and tissue growth, surgery may be the only option

When otitis is a consequence of other diseases, such as allergies or hormonal problems, it is necessary to follow a specific treatment for these diseases. If otitis is detected and treated early, when it has only affected the outer area of the ear (external otitis), the prognosis is usually good. On the other hand, when the disease has affected the middle or inner ear, the prognosis is guarded

For all this it is vitally important go to the vet once we detect the symptoms.

My dog has otitis, what can I give him?

If you suspect that your dog has otitis, it is better that we do not self-medicate it We always go to the vet first, because depending on the cause of your otitis, you will need one type or another of treatment. However, until you can go to the vet, you can choose to provide natural anti-inflammatories for dogs.

Otitis in dogs - Treatment, symptoms and home remedies - Treatment for otitis in dogs
Otitis in dogs - Treatment, symptoms and home remedies - Treatment for otitis in dogs

Home remedies for otitis in dogs

Fortunately, pharmacology applied to veterinary medicine has advanced to such an extent that we have multiple therapeutic tools to effectively treat numerous disorders, however, the widespread use of these drugs also presents other aspects that are not so positive: tolerance to certain drugs, antibiotic resistance, a wide variety of side effects and a decrease in our pet's body's own healing responses.

We are becoming more and more aware of this problem and therefore we are looking for more natural and respectful alternatives to our dog's body, which also effectively treat many conditions. Although it is not always possible to treat otitis in dogs with home remedies, we can use some resources to improve well-being and help alleviate the symptoms they experience.

In any case, the application of these remedies does not replace veterinary attention nor do they constitute a treatment in themselves. Therefore, we will always consult with the specialist before applying them. Do you want to know some of the home remedies for otitis in dogs? Let's see below what they are:

1. Water with s alt

We will use a glass of warm water in which we will dissolve a teaspoon of s alt, then we will spray our dog's ears with this solution. S alt is an excellent antiseptic and it will be of great help to treat the presence of mites and fungi.

two. Green Tea

Green tea is ideal for reducing infection and inflammation and helps reduce discomfort. We only have to make an infusion and let it cool, then we will apply a few drops in the affected ear. We must administer for several days until the total disappearance of symptoms.

3. Tea Tree Essential Oil

We will use it mixed with olive oil, in half a glass of olive oil we will add approximately 20 drops of tea tree essential oil and let it mix well, later we will add several drops in the ear of our dog, we will repeat for several days until the symptoms disappear. Tea tree essential oil has antiseptic, bactericidal and antiviral properties, in addition, it is one of the best natural deworming remedies.

4. Sweet almond oil

This oil will help us to stop the infection and due to its emollient effects it will relieve discomfort, we must apply 5 drops daily in the affected ear for a minimum period of 2 weeks.

5. Apple vinager

Apple cider vinegar has important antiseptic properties that will be of great help in cleaning the ear and recovering the inflamed tissue. In a glass we will add half of warm water and the other half of apple cider vinegar, we will apply the mixture gently and slowly in the dog's ear, this will help to clean the earwax, regardless of the cause of the otitis it is an excellent remedy for ear cleaning. We should not use vinegar if there is an open wound in the affected area.

Otitis in dogs - Treatment, symptoms and home remedies - Home remedies for otitis in dogs
Otitis in dogs - Treatment, symptoms and home remedies - Home remedies for otitis in dogs

Is otitis in dogs contagious?

To finish this article on otitis in dogs, we would like to point out that canine otitis is very contagious between dogs, so it will be It is essential to start treatment promptly if we do not want it to spread to other individuals. But in addition, we will also check the ears if our dog lives with others.

Prevention of canine otitis

Especially if your dog has already suffered from otitis, you will be interested in knowing how to prevent it from appearing again, some of the precautions that you can take are:

  • Check your dog's ears regularly for discharge, odour, swelling, or any other abnormal symptoms.
  • If your dog swims frequently, has hanging ears or a history of otitis, it is highly recommended that you regularly clean his ears with products prescribed by the specialist. Make sure you don't put anything in your dog's ear canal, especially cotton, as they leave behind residue.
  • If you have to clean your dog's ears, ask the vet to explain how to do it.
  • If you have any symptoms of otitis or ear infection, consult your veterinarian immediately.
