Constipation in cats - Symptoms and home remedies

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Constipation in cats - Symptoms and home remedies
Constipation in cats - Symptoms and home remedies
Constipation in cats - Symptoms and home remedies
Constipation in cats - Symptoms and home remedies

If you have a feline as a companion at home, surely you have learned very well about how to take care of it. You may not have one yet but you are thinking of adopting one. Regardless of your case, if you share or will share your life with a cat, you must be up to date with all the information related to them in order to offer them maximum well-being in their day-to-day life. One of the most vital aspects to consider is the physical he alth of these ste althy and fun companions.

On our site we want to offer you all the useful information possible to make it much easier for you to take care of your cat. Therefore, in this new article we are going to talk about a common problem in the digestive system of cats. If you want to know everything about constipation in cats, its symptoms and home remedies at your fingertips, keep reading.

Constipation in cats

Like many other animals, cats can become obstructed by abnormal accumulation of feces and have difficulties to evacuate them The constipation that should concern us occurs when this problem obstructs the entire colon, since it will mean that the feline has spent too many days without being able to defecate and accumulating waste that the body needs to expel.

It may be that looking at your cat's litter box you realize that he hasn't defecated for a day. It is also possible that you realize that he has just done it and notice that the stool is hard and dry This will indicate that he had been trying to defecate for days without success and for so much so that our cat is constipated.

Normally cats defecate every day, so it can be considered that a cat suffers from constipation if it goes between 2 and 4 days without evacuating feces and more days will be considered very serious. We must take our faithful friend to the vet when 2 days or more have passed after the last stool. It is not good for us to let a feline spend many days retaining feces, as it may be occasional constipation, but it may also be chronic constipation or it may be a problem secondary to other diseases, so the sooner the problem is identified, cause and treat, the better.

Constipation in cats - Symptoms and home remedies - Constipation in cats
Constipation in cats - Symptoms and home remedies - Constipation in cats

Possible causes of constipation

The causes of constipation in cats are diverse, below we discuss the main ones:

  1. Diet is one of the most common reasons why a cat can suffer from abnormal accumulation of feces. When the diet we give our cat turns out to be low in fiber, it ends up causing constipation.
  2. Lack of water can also be an important factor when our cat has difficulty defecating. The hydration of the body is vital for the digestive system to work well and if the cat does not have access to enough water, the digestion process will not be adequate, causing constipation.
  3. Obesity is another factor that can cause a cat to be unable to defecate normally.
  4. Lower back pain or pelvic injury prevents a cat from properly arching into the optimal posture for evacuation.
  5. Sometimes, it may be that they have developed a fear of the litter box and that is why they put up with their needs more, so we will see that after a couple of days they end up doing them in another corner of the House.
  6. Hairballs are another of the main problems that cause constipation in cats, since it may be that if they cannot expel them normally and frequently, they create a blockage that prevents them from carrying out the process well entire length of digestion.
  7. It is also possible that the feline has swallowed a piece of a toy, cloth, threads, bones, etc. that is causing the blockage.
  8. Inflammation of the digestive tract also causes problems in passing stool.
  9. Some more severe cases may be due to a neurological problem. That is why it is also very important to take it to the vet as soon as we see symptoms of constipation, because the sooner a neurological problem is detected, the better, the easier it will be to solve the problem, fewer complications may occur and the sooner we can help our cat to take a normal life.
Constipation in cats - Symptoms and home remedies - Possible causes of constipation
Constipation in cats - Symptoms and home remedies - Possible causes of constipation

Feline constipation symptoms

The symptoms of constipation in a cat are diverse, but sometimes we may not realize it until the animal has been unable to defecate for several days. For this reason, it is recommended that we check the litter box every day, to be sure of the digestive and urinary he alth of our faithful friend and to be able to solve any problem as soon as possible.

These are some of the most common symptoms of constipation in cats:

  • Spends a lot of time in the litter box
  • Try pooping outside the litter box
  • Fear or rejection of the litter box
  • Discomfort and even abdominal pain
  • Whining a lot with persistent meowing
  • Irritability
  • Lethargy
  • Neglect of hygiene, does not lick his fur
  • Lack or loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Weightloss
  • Small, hard, dry stools
  • Blood or mucus in some stools
Constipation in cats - Symptoms and home remedies - Symptoms of constipation in cats
Constipation in cats - Symptoms and home remedies - Symptoms of constipation in cats

Treatment of constipation in cats

Treatment for constipation will depend entirely on its cause. It is vital that we never give our cat any medication on our ownAny medication, enema or laxative for humans can be fatal for our feline companion, so medications will only be administered under the prescription of our trusted veterinarian.

Some causes do not require pharmacological solutions since only correcting the cat's diet or behavior can be corrected and the feline's constipation is easily corrected. These easier cases to solve are usually:

An inadequate diet, in which case the vet will recommend a diet higher in fiber and with more water. We will observe that little by little the constipation disappears

If the cause is obesity, the vet will recommend a diet to help our companion lose weight and will explain how to help him exercise more for cats. As you lose weight you will feel better about everything in general

In the event that our cat is obstructed by hairballs, we should offer him m alt for cats

The fear or rejection of the litter box can be solved by changing the type of box or the type of litter and with positive reinforcement to regain confidence in the litter box

On the other hand there are more complicated cases, in which constipation is rather a symptom of a larger problem, since it is treated of causes that require pharmacological or even surgical treatment:

When our cat swallows a foreign body, be it a piece of a toy, a bone, cloth, thread or other objects, it can easily cause an obstruction in the intestines. If it is something big, we will surely notice the problem before constipation develops. But if it is something small or that accumulates little by little, we will begin to notice that the cat suffers from constipation and other symptoms of discomfort. The vet will need to perform ultrasounds or x-rays among other tests. Depending on each situation, it may be that with some specific medication the expulsion is achieved or it may be that surgery must be intervened. Obviously, in these cases, the most serious problem is not constipation, but after proper treatment, the entire picture, including constipation, will be resolved

In other cases such as when there is an inflammation of the digestive system, an injury to the pelvis, pain in the lower back or even a neurological problem, it is very important to go to the first symptoms to the vet and have him carry out all the necessary tests on the cat until the cause is found. Once the root of the problem is detected, the veterinarian will recommend the best treatment options which may include medications or surgery depending on the cause and severity

Constipation in cats - Symptoms and home remedies - Treatment of constipation in cats
Constipation in cats - Symptoms and home remedies - Treatment of constipation in cats

Home remedies for constipation in cats

At home we can also do some things to help our cat to recover its normal intestinal transit. Next, we are going to discuss some tips and home remedies so you can help your partner:

  • Brushing your cat daily will reduce the hairballs and therefore prevent the obstructions that they can produce.
  • Offering cat m alt periodically will also help.
  • Provide access to fresh water and make sure there is always enough.
  • Ensure that they exercise daily, providing space and/or fun circuits.
  • Change the diet to one with a higher fiber content or one that also contains wet food.
  • The pumpkin and zucchini can be added to your daily food in the form of puree so that you ingest more natural fiber.
  • Vaseline works well for treating hairballs and constipation, but should not be used for a long period of time as it can end up obstructing the absorption of necessary nutrients.
  • Olive oil is one of the home remedies that works best against the accumulation of feces. It acts as a lubricant for the intestines, helping food to circulate better and avoiding constipation. We will have to add more or less half a teaspoon of olive oil to our cat's daily food, whether it is dry food or wet food. We should not prolong it for more than a week, because the consumption of olive oil in excess can cause a vitamin A deficiency.
Constipation in cats - Symptoms and home remedies - Home remedies for constipation in cats
Constipation in cats - Symptoms and home remedies - Home remedies for constipation in cats

Prevent constipation in cats

As a cat gets older, constipation tends to be more frequent. For this reason, we can help you prevent this uncomfortable problem in your day-to-day life with some habits that include home remedies. Here are some rabbits to prevent constipation in cats:

  1. Our cat's diet must be balanced, it must contain the necessary nutrients as well as an adequate amount of fiber and water.
  2. It will also be good if this diet contains, in moderation, oily fish such as tuna, sardines or mackerel, since its fat is very good for the intestinal tract and helps prevent the accumulation of stool.
  3. The cat must always have access to fresh and abundant water.
  4. Make sure you clean the litter box often.
  5. Controlling your cat's weight and physical activity with the help of a veterinarian will prevent it from suffering perfectly avoidable ailments and diseases such as constipation and obesity.
  6. Brush the cat's fur every day, cut its hair when necessary and make sure it can expel the hairballs and, if not, give it m alt for cats.
