Wasp stings in dogs do not usually have serious consequences, but we should know how to react to one, especially during the warmer months and in curious dogs with free access to the outside, as these are circumstances that cause these bites.
In this article on our site we are going to explain what happens when a wasp stings our dog, what symptoms appear and which ones should alert us. We will also talk about how to cure a wasp sting in dogs and what remedies are applied to relieve the dog at home.
Wasp sting symptoms in dogs
There are different types of wasps that can potentially sting our dog, especially if it is exposed outdoors during the warmer months of the year and especially if it is near some valuable resource for them, such as food or, above all, water. Curious dogs who dare to sniff, paw, or mouth a wasp are also more likely to be stung.
Thus, these bites are more frequent on parts of the body devoid of hair, such as the feet or, above all, the nose. The bites can go unnoticed, but in some cases we will detect signs or, directly, we will witness the moment of the bite. So how do you know if your dog has been stung by a wasp? In general, the most common symptoms are:
- Inflammation of the bite area.
- Pain in that spot.
- Redness of the affected area.
- Itchy.
- Face bites, which are common, can cause considerable swelling all over.
- Those that occur inside the mouth, due to swelling, can cause serious respiratory problems.
- Anaphylactic shock if the dog receives multiple stings or is allergic to wasps.

Allergic reaction in dogs due to wasp sting
Although wasp stings in dogs usually only cause symptoms locally, in some dogs that have been stung more than once or had already been stung in the past, the so-calledcould occur. anaphylactic shock , which is an immediate and severe allergic reaction to inoculated toxins. Requires prompt veterinary intervention.
In addition to the local symptoms mentioned, these dogs go on to suffer from a generalized symptomatology immediately or within a few hours. The symptoms that should concern us indicate hypersensitivity to the poison and are a reason to go immediately to the veterinary center. They are as follows:
- Nervousness.
- Hypersalivation.
- Vomiting.
- Diarrhea.
- Trouble breathing.
- Stridor-like breath sounds due to swelling of the larynx.
- Generalized weakness.
- Seizures.
- Collapse in the most severe cases.
- Without treatment, the dog falls into a coma and dies.
What to do if my dog has been stung by a wasp?
First of all, if we have the opportunity to observe the moment of the sting, it is important that we make sure which insect caused it, since bees, mosquitoes, spiders or ticks can also bite dogs. As there are variations in both symptomatology and treatment, the identification of the author of the sting is relevant and helps the veterinarian to diagnose and treat more efficiently and quickly.
In principle, a wasp sting in dogs can be painful but, with few exceptions, it will only cause local discomfort that we can relieve at home without major consequences. But, if our dog after the wasp sting shows symptoms compatible with anaphylactic shock, there is no possibility of treating it at home and it is mandatory that we moveimmediately to the nearest veterinary center . These dogs will require the administration of drugs and fluids intravenously and subcutaneously, in addition to oxygen.
Finally, bites on the face should also be checked by a vet. Given the degree of swelling they cause and the discomfort that may result from it, it may be necessary to administer a drug that, of course, will have to be prescribed by the veterinarian. Those that have occurred inside the mouth, such as can make breathing difficult, are the other case in which we would have to go to the clinic.

Home remedies for wasp stings in dogs
At home it is only possible to treat wasp stings in dogs that have not caused more than a mild local reaction. If the affected part is the face, the inside of the mouth or the dog shows signs compatible with anaphylactic shock, we cannot limit ourselves to treating at home. It is essential that we contact the veterinarian.
In all other cases the wasp sting will mainly cause inflammation and pain, so a good option if you are wondering how to cure a wasp sting in dogs is apply cold after of having washed it with water and neutral soap. For this we can use a bag of frozen food or an ice cube covered with a cloth or a towel, never directly on the skin.
If the dog is very upset and the effect of the cold does not seem to be enough, do not medicate it yourself, but go to the veterinarian so that it is this professional who determines, after reviewing it, which drug is the most appropriate.