What to do when stung by a wasp? - Tips and home remedies

What to do when stung by a wasp? - Tips and home remedies
What to do when stung by a wasp? - Tips and home remedies
What to do when stung by a wasp?
What to do when stung by a wasp?

The pain of a wasp sting is especially annoying and, probably for this reason, it is one of the least appreciated insects of the animal world. It is important not to disturb them, because unlike bees, which die when they sting, wasps can sting us repeatedly. If you want to know more about these two very similar insects, do not hesitate to visit our article about the differences between bees and wasps.

Regardless, if you've been stung by a wasp and you're suffering the consequences, our site will help you relieve the burning that you are suffering Keep reading and discover what to do when you get stung by a wasp:

What do you do when a wasp stings you?

Before a wasp sting, we must clean the area affected by the sting We recommend using water and neutral soap, available at any pharmacy. Do not put pressure on the bite or scratch it, you could worsen the sensation of pain. To prevent a possible infection, and especially if you've gotten dirty, you can help yourself with a topical antiseptic, such as chlorhexidine, iodine or hydrogen peroxide.

What to do when stung by a wasp? - What do you have to do when you get stung by a wasp?
What to do when stung by a wasp? - What do you have to do when you get stung by a wasp?

What to do if you are stung by a wasp and you are allergic?

It is completely normal that, after a wasp bite, we experience intense pain and swelling, however, if your face swells completely (as well as other parts of your body) it will be important to rule out that you can be allergic to wasp stings.

Some of the symptoms of wasp sting allergy are:

  • Reactions throughout the body, even in areas where we have not been stung
  • Feeling like hives spreading all over the body
  • Difficulty breathing normally, such as choking, coughing, or asthma
  • Presence of hives and redness on the skin
  • Dizziness, vomiting, or urge to vomit
  • Sneezing, watery eyes and runny nose
  • Blackouts, blackouts, and stupor

If you are suffering from one or more of these symptoms we advise you to go to a hospital urgently so that they can evaluate your case and treat you if necessary necessary.

5 home remedies for wasp stings

We know that even if we wash the wasp sting and apply an antiseptic, the pain of the sting is still there. For this reason, below we are going to offer you some home remedies for a wasp sting:

  1. Mix in a glass in equal parts water and vinegar. The resulting mixture is a powerful poison neutralizer, apply it for at least five minutes.
  2. The lemon is also a wasp poison neutralizer.
  3. The clay (especially if it is cold) is an excellent remedy to combat pain. Get clay from any store and mix it with water until you get a homogeneous mass. Apply it for at least 20 minutes.
  4. We also find in bicarbonate an ally against the pain caused by a wasp sting. Mix water and baking soda until you get the mixture. Apply it for 5 minutes.
  5. You can cut some slices of potato and leave them on top of the affected area

If you don't have any of the above products at hand, we recommend applying only cold to the affected area. You'll ease the burning a little.
