What to do if my dog is stung by a Scorpion - SYMPTOMS and TREATMENT

Table of contents:

What to do if my dog is stung by a Scorpion - SYMPTOMS and TREATMENT
What to do if my dog is stung by a Scorpion - SYMPTOMS and TREATMENT
What to do if my dog is stung by a scorpion
What to do if my dog is stung by a scorpion

There are insects that regularly attack our dogs. Fleas, ticks or mosquitoes are annoying external parasites from which we can protect them with collars, pipettes or sprays to avoid bites that can transmit serious diseases.

But there are also other types of stings, less frequent, such as bee, wasp or scorpion stings, also called scorpions. This bite is accidental and the result of a defensive response to the threat posed by the dog's presence. In the case of the scorpion, the dog usually accidentally steps on it when it is out of its nest.

This is a very painful and potentially dangerous sting, hence the need to go to the vet immediately. In this article on our site we answer the question what to do if my dog is stung by a scorpion.

How do I know if my dog was stung by a scorpion? - Symptoms

If scorpions inhabit the area where we live or we are traveling, we might think that some specimen has stung our dog if it presents inflammation and rednessin any part of your body, lack of support or limping in a limb or even more serious scorpion sting symptoms in dogs, such as following:

  • Tearing.
  • Hypersalivation.
  • Muscle tremors.
  • Pupil dilation.
  • Trouble breathing.
  • Vomiting.
  • Pain, which the dog shows by moaning.
  • Seizures, which can end with the death of the animal.

It should be remembered that, although normally the scorpion sting in dogs will be painful, but will not offer major complications, there is a possibility that it may be fatal, if it is the work of any of the scorpion species that bite lethal. Hence, the question about what to do if my dog is stung by a scorpion has only one answer: go to the vet.

In other words, although most scorpions will not cause more than an annoying sting to the dog, unless we are absolutely sure that the species that has attacked it is not fatal, it is not the best idea to risk waiting at home doing nothing. On the other hand, scorpion stings in dogs can trigger, in some dogs, a serious allergic reaction and immediate. It is called anaphylactic shock and it is also a veterinary emergency that requires prompt professional attention.

What to do if my dog is stung by a scorpion - How do I know if my dog was stung by a scorpion? - Symptoms
What to do if my dog is stung by a scorpion - How do I know if my dog was stung by a scorpion? - Symptoms

What to do if my dog is stung by a scorpion? - Treatment

First of all, it is important that you remain calm in order to act quickly and, above all, not to make a dog that is in a lot of pain more nervous. If possible and not too time-consuming or risky, as scorpions can also sting people, try to catch the scorpion This way can be identified to know what species it is and what is the effect of its sting.

You can use long kitchen tongs to hold it at a certain distance and place it in a container that you can close. If you don't feel capable or don't have the necessary elements to catch it safely, at least photograph it

Then, run to the nearest veterinary center. Remember that even if the sting occurs outside working hours, there are on-call veterinarians who attend precisely when the clinics are closed, that is, at night, the holidays etc Always have the phone number of the nearest on-call veterinarian at hand.

On the other hand, you have to know that even the slightest bites that "only" cause pain, will take a while to heal completely. The veterinarian is the only one who can prescribe drugs to alleviate this pain or start treatment if the dog shows clinical signs like those we have described. This focuses on controlling the symptoms that the animal presents, which is why it usually includes analgesics, anti-inflammatories, fluid therapy, etc.

What to do if my dog is stung by a scorpion - What to do if my dog is stung by a scorpion? - Treatment
What to do if my dog is stung by a scorpion - What to do if my dog is stung by a scorpion? - Treatment

Home remedies for scorpion stings in dogs

If my dog was stung by a scorpion, unfortunately, at home we can do little to alleviate the pain caused by these stings, much less to avoid or control the serious symptoms that the dog may present. Even so, while we go to the nearest vet we can choose to remove the stinger with tweezers, if it has stuck,wash the area with soap and water and apply:

  • Paste made by mixing baking soda and water.
  • Ice, always wrapped in a cloth or similar to avoid burning the skin. They are also worth wet compresses in cold water. Cold soothes and slows the spread of the poison.
  • Lotion of calamine.

Remember that these remedies can provide a timely and local relief the time it takes to receive veterinary assistance. None will cure a dog that presents symptoms like the one we have described, nor can they be the only treatment. Delaying veterinary help can leave the dog with no chance of recovery.

What to do if my dog is stung by a scorpion - Home remedies for scorpion stings in dogs
What to do if my dog is stung by a scorpion - Home remedies for scorpion stings in dogs

How to prevent my dog from getting stung by a scorpion?

Prevention involves avoiding as much as possible that our dog encounters a scorpion. For this, it is convenient to know what the customs of these animals are. Thus, these are nocturnal species that hunt their prey at night and remain inside their nests during the day. Depending on the type of scorpion, these can be in sandy, rocky or underground places.

Because of all this, it is more difficult to find them in cities, except in those areas with houses with gardens. Taking these data into account, the recommendations to prevent your dog from being stung by a scorpion are as follows:

  • Prevents him from wandering alone at night, especially in areas where scorpions could potentially live. During the day it is more difficult to be bitten.
  • Do not accumulate construction material, wood or, in general, any object that, thrown in the garden, can be used as shelter by a scorpion or its potential prey.
  • Use a repellent product to spray the door and window frames of your house to prevent these animals from accessing the inside.
