How to CUT A Dog's Milk? - Remedies and Expert Tips

How to CUT A Dog's Milk? - Remedies and Expert Tips
How to CUT A Dog's Milk? - Remedies and Expert Tips
How to stop the milk to a bitch?
How to stop the milk to a bitch?

Sometimes we see a dog whose milk we have to withdraw for different reasons. Psychological pregnancies, deceased or weaned puppies or pathologies that affect the mother explain this need. The milk can be withdrawn by implementing a series of measures or by resorting to drugs that only the veterinarian can prescribe.

In this article on our site we will explain how to cut off a bitch's milk and in which cases it is recommended. We insist on the importance of veterinary supervision to avoid causing adverse damage to the bitch, since the most important thing, always, is to preserve her good he alth.

Home remedies to stop a dog's milk supply

Before considering how to make a bitch stop producing milk, a veterinarian must confirm that this measure is necessary. Under normal conditions, it is not recommended to cut off the bitch's milk, since the puppies must be fed with mother's milk during their first weeks of life. The milk will flow from the breasts stimulated by the sucking of the puppies or, if applicable, by any manipulation that the bitch or ourselves do if we feel the area. When no stimulation occurs, milk production stops. This happens in as little as three days and is often part of the natural weaning process.

Now, if it is necessary to shorten this time for he alth reasons or because, due to certain circumstances, the puppies must go to their new homes, we can resort to a series of remedies to cut off the milk from the bitch. To do this, we must remove the water and food from the dog for 24 hours. The next day we will feed her a quarter of the usual ration. We will give half to the other and on the third day we will provide three quarters. If your diet was for pregnant or lactating bitches, we will change it to the normal adult diet.

On the other hand, if we see that the dog licks her breasts excessively, we must stop her. To do this, we can use the so-called Elizabethan collar, also known as a bell. In addition, for many dogs it is a cause of stress. In a stressful situation, the bitch secretes hormones that are incompatible with lactation. In this way, we also manage to eliminate the milk.

Among the natural remedies to cut off a bitch's milk supply, the prescription of parsley or, specifically, tortillais well known of parsley as a treatment for these cases. It is true that this herb has properties that can help in these situations, but it is also true that, without stimulation, the milk disappears spontaneously in a short time. That is why it would not be necessary to give parsley. If in a few days there is still milk or complications arise, you have to go to the vet and parsley would not be enough.

How to stop the milk to a bitch? - Home remedies to cut milk to a dog
How to stop the milk to a bitch? - Home remedies to cut milk to a dog

How to cut off milk to a dog with psychological pregnancy?

The so-called psychological pregnancies occur when the body believes that there has been a gestation, although this has not really been achieved. Affected bitches can develop maternal behavior, adopt a doll as a puppy and even produce milk. The recommendations to tackle this problem, in terms of milk production, are those that we have already explained.

In addition, within the treatment of pseudo-pregnancy, an increase in the dog's distractions and the withdrawal of the dolls that she may have adopted are included. Although this disorder usually resolves without further complications, it is sometimes necessary for the veterinarian to prescribe a medication to cut off the bitch's milk These drugs have an antiprolactin effect, such as cabergoline. Diuretics such as furosemide can also be used, and some bitches are even given mild tranquilizers. However, none of these treatments will prevent the dog from suffering a psychological pregnancy again and, therefore, we will be forced to cut off the dog's milk again. The definitive solution involves castration

How to stop the milk of a dog without puppies?

The measures that we have explained are also useful if in our case we ask ourselves how to stop the milk of a bitch without puppies because they have been born dead, die shortly after birth or are given up for adoption when the bitch is still are nursing them.

Likewise, if we have a female dog with milk without puppies due to a psychological pregnancy, in the following video we will see more details about the most appropriate treatment and whether a female dog with a psychological pregnancy can be sterilized or not.

Can you stop the milk of a recently given birth dog?

In some cases we will need to know how to stop the milk of a bitch that has given birth and finds her puppies. These situations are usually related to he alth problems of the mother. It is a reason of force majeure and only the veterinarian can indicate this measure. Otherwise, we should never cut off milk to a bitch that has just given birth, since breastfeeding is essential for her puppies

The pathologies that require the withdrawal of breast milk are the following:

  • Eclampsia: This condition is characterized by a drop in calcium levels. It requires urgent veterinary treatment and administration of intravenous calcium. Puppies should be removed until the bitch recovers. In some cases, nursing can be continued if the bitch receives oral calcium supplements. But if she shows symptoms again, stop breastfeeding
  • Acute septic mastitis: in this case there is an infection in the breast that causes intense pain and the secretion of milk that sometimes shows a different appearance than normal. In addition to administering antibiotics, milk must be removed from the bitch, gently, after softening the breast by applying hot compresses. This situation can decrease the overall production of milk, cause the bitch to reject the puppies or that they refuse to suckle. They would have to be fed artificially.
  • Acute Metritis: This is a uterine infection that can even be fatal. The dog is so sick that she will be unable to feed the puppies, so we will have to do it ourselves. Since a bitch with metritis usually requires hospitalization, the infection and separation will cause the milk to disappear.
How to stop the milk to a bitch? - Is it possible to stop the milk of a recently given birth dog?
How to stop the milk to a bitch? - Is it possible to stop the milk of a recently given birth dog?

Weaning, the natural way to cut off a bitch's milk

Puppy weaning should be a natural and gradual process, no earlier than 6-8 weeks of age Bitches, if left on, they could continue to breastfeed for 10 weeks or more. Therefore, if the little ones travel to their new homes when they are two months old and we wonder how to stop the milk from the dog, we can start by separating them from the mother a while before the time at which we offer them solid food. With this we encourage them to eat more and, although they suckle later, they will take a smaller amount, which will decrease milk production until it disappears. If for any reason the withdrawal must be faster, we can follow the recommendations explained in the previous sections.

For more information about separation, don't miss this article: "At what age can puppies be separated from their mother?"
