Why does my rat bite me?

Why does my rat bite me?
Why does my rat bite me?
Why does my rat bite me?
Why does my rat bite me?

There are people who like to keep rats as pets. Normally these animals have the same affable and affectionate behavior with the person who adopts them as any other pet. They are very intelligent animals.

However, sometimes the pet, whatever the species, tends to bite. There are different types of bites that we must know how to interpret.

In this article we will focus on biting rats and answer the question: Why does my rat bite me? On our site we will inform you about it, its possible causes and solutions.

The meaning of bites

Animals demonstrate many things through the gradation of their bites, and the rat is no stranger to this rule. Before asking why my rat bites me? you should know that when they are puppies while playing with their peers, or with us, the animals bite softly, faking fights.

It's the same thing brothers do when they fight on the sofa or the bed, while they scream, laugh and cry without interruption. It is a game, but a game of domination in which you learn to defend yourself, or to impose yourself. Any pup in play will bite you, and he will do so until you set a limit on the intensity of the bite. It is important to educate your rat if you want it to stop trying to chew your hands in the future.

Why does my rat bite me? - The meaning of bites
Why does my rat bite me? - The meaning of bites

Accidental bites

The rat, like any other animal, will bite you if you inadvertently step on it or sit on it. They are defensive bites that the animal performs instinctively.

Other common bites happen when you give your rat cheese, or any other aromatic treat, and the cheese runs out and the fingers begin to be impregnated with an irresistible whiff. Obviously, these bites are totally innocent In both cases it's your fault for not paying enough attention. The solution will be to pay more attention to what you do and where you walk.

Why does my rat bite me? - Accidental bites
Why does my rat bite me? - Accidental bites

A possible illness

If your rat is not biting and suddenly bites you, it may be a sign that is sick and has some pain. Observe her and take her to the vet if he notices any abnormality

Rats can also bite if they are stressed or in a distressing situation. A new pet, a baby; any change that modifies the usual atmosphere of the home, can cause anguish to the rodent. Give her more attention and pacify her.

Why does my rat bite me? - a possible disease
Why does my rat bite me? - a possible disease

Every rat is a world

All species have common traits, including humans. But each of us has our character, our own way of proceeding from day to day. This peculiarity is also shown by animals. There are barking dogs, there are biting dogs, there are barking and biting dogs, and there are also quiet and meek dogs.

The same goes for rats. Regardless of the breed of each rat, there are gentle rats, others that are more playful, and there are also rats with a tendency to bite. If your rat is one of the latter, observe it. Look closely if he only bites a specific person in the family; or it is democratic and bites everyone equally

If the first case occurs, it may be that the rat aspires to rise in the social hierarchy of the group. In this case, the person attacked must start working actively to remedy this situation.

Why does my rat bite me? - Each rat is a world
Why does my rat bite me? - Each rat is a world

Keys to prevent your rat from biting you

It is very important to point out that rats are tremendously intelligent animals with great learning capacity For this reason it is highly recommended to work in a positive and constant with her, in order to guide her to a more acceptable attitude. Do not forget that using punishment and violence will generate fear in your little rodent, which will significantly increase the bites, also breaking your bond.

To begin with, it will be essential to create a response every time your rat behaves inappropriately. Stop playing with her every time she bites you and ignore her for a while. After experiencing the same situation several times, the rat will begin to understand that you do not like this attitude. The key to achieving this is to always follow this same rule and prevent other family members from allowing themselves to be nibbled.

On the other hand, you should know that rats are tremendously empathetic and social animals, so if you work with them on a daily basis different tricks and exercisesthat strengthen your relationship, she will feel in tune with you and be more careful when playing.

At the same time, we have to reward her when she behaves appropriately. We can use small pieces of food that serve as a reward (or positive reinforcement) and offer them whenever he plays calmly. Maintaining a relaxed and calm attitude, through massages and calm games, is a good way to teach him to behave in a peaceful way. We can't expect excellent behavior from her if we get worked up and tease her endlessly. Our attitude must be exemplary for our intelligent rat.

Finally, remember that you can always ask your vet for any questions that arise in your day-to-day life. He will guide and advise you with proper guidelines to avoid being bitten.
