How long does it take for a dog to recover after being neutered?

How long does it take for a dog to recover after being neutered?
How long does it take for a dog to recover after being neutered?
How long does it take for a dog to recover after being neutered?
How long does it take for a dog to recover after being neutered?

More and more caregivers aware of the importance and benefits of castration are encouraged to intervene on their dogs. Thus, doubts arise about how the operation is performed, what it consists of or how long it takes a dog to recover after being castrated, which is what we will explain in this article from our site.

In addition, we will see how to heal the wound left by this procedure. As a first point of importance, we must always go to a veterinarian with proven experience and follow his instructions, do not forget it

Neutering in dogs

Before talking about how long it takes for a dog to recover after being castrated, we must know what this operation consists of. First of all, it is recommended to do it soon so that the dog benefits from the positive effects on his he alth, such as those related to prostate or testicular tumors. It does not hurt that before the intervention we do a check-up that includes a basic blood test to detect if there is any he alth problem to take into account, especially if the dog is already old.

On the day chosen for the surgery we must go to the clinic with the dog fasting The operation itself consists of extracting the testicles in male dogs or the uterus and ovaries in females, through a small incision, of course, with the dog anesthetized. Before, the area is shaved and disinfected. It closes with a few points of suture, which can be seen or not, disinfect again and, in a short time, the dog will wake up completely and can continue to recover at home.

How long does it take for a dog to recover after being neutered? - Castration in dogs
How long does it take for a dog to recover after being neutered? - Castration in dogs

care after castrating a dog

As we have seen, we can quickly return with our dog home. There we must take into account the following recommendations, which ensure good care for newly castrated dogs:

  • Keep the dog calm, avoiding sudden movements or jumps that can open the wound.
  • prevent the incision from being mourned or bite to prevent the points from starting. Also, the wound could become infected. For this we can use a Elizabethan necklace, at least during the time we cannot monitor it. Some dogs overwhelm with him but you have to think that they will be just a few days.
  • Clean the wound as we will see in the following section.
  • It is likely that surgery affects the nutritional needs of the dog, so from the first moment we must adjust its feeding to avoid overweight.
  • Go to review when the veterinarian cites. In many cases, approximately a week, the suture points are removed.
  • Of course, if the wound seems infected, it opens or the dog is very painful we must contact the veterinarian.

Thus, if we ask ourselves how long to recover a dog after castrating it, we will see that practically from his return home he will be doing normal life, although the care must follow approximately for a week.

Heal the castration wound

We have seen how long it takes for a dog to recover after being castrated and, for this recovery, it is important that we keep the wound always clean To We have already seen that it is essential to prevent our dog from licking or biting it. In addition, at least once a day, we will clean it with a disinfectant, such as chlorhexidine, which can be found in a convenient spray that allows us to apply it simply by spraying The area, thus causing the minimum discomfort.

If not, we can wet a gauze or a cotton and pass it through the incision, always without rubbing. In a few days we will see that the skin is completely closed, at which time it will no longer be necessary to disinfect, but it will be necessary to control it until it is discharged from the vet.

How long does it take for a dog to recover after being neutered? - Heal the castration wound
How long does it take for a dog to recover after being neutered? - Heal the castration wound

Castration discomfort

Once we have explained how long it takes for a dog to recover after being castrated, we must know that, in addition to healing problems, which we can minimize by following the aforementioned care, we can observe other discomforts.

For example, if our dog cries after being castrated, it may be because he is out of place due to the visit to the vet, the medication and the discomfort he may notice in the area, hence the importance of analgesia.

We may also notice that he eats less, sleeps more or is off. All of this should not go on for more than a day In addition, it is possible that our dog does not urinate after neutering him, also due to discomfort in the area during the first few hours, although all these situations that we describe are not frequent and resolve themselves, since the usual thing is that the dog resumes its normal life as soon as it arrives home. Otherwise we must warn the vet
