Do bumblebees sting? - All about the bumblebee sting

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Do bumblebees sting? - All about the bumblebee sting
Do bumblebees sting? - All about the bumblebee sting
Do bumblebees sting?
Do bumblebees sting?

It is no secret to anyone that wasps and bees sting, causing a reaction in the affected area that makes it swollen and painful. Now, if it is a bumblebee that is approaching us, much more unknown than the previous insects, it is normal for us to wonder if these animals also bite. There are several types of bumblebees that exist, but all of them are characterized by presenting their entire body covered with hair, a feature that also makes them look more voluminous than wasps and bees.

Do bumblebees sting? In this article on our site we will talk about it and the importance of these animals on the planet to highlight how negative it is to try to kill them. Keep reading!

Can bumblebees sting?

Yes, bumblebees sting Now, it is not common because these animals are usually very calm and peaceful and tend to resort to stinging only when they feel very threatened. In a normal situation, in which nothing and nobody disturbs the bumblebee, it will not sting. Therefore, it is not a dangerous insect and we should not try to harm it under any circumstances. If you are allergic to bumblebee stings, we recommend that you simply stay away from it.

However, not all bumblebees sting. Only the females have a stinger and, therefore, they are the only ones with the ability to sting. This is also the case with bees and wasps.

Do bumblebees die when they sting?

No, bumblebees sting but don't die like bees. This is because its stinger does not come off or stick to the skin. So what does a bumblebee sting look like? First of all, it is important to note that the buzzing emitted by these animals is usually much stronger than that produced by bees or wasps, so that almost only with this sound we can identify them. As we have said, bumblebees are usually peaceful and will only sting if they feel very threatened as a defense mechanism. Its venom is acidic and, once injected through the stinger, it will trigger inflammation, redness, itching and pain Since the bumblebee does not leave the stinger stuck when it stings, you can chop again.

Difference between male and female bumblebee

As we mentioned before, only female bumblebees sting. For this reason, it is common for us to ask ourselves how to learn to differentiate a female from a male. Thus, the main difference is that the male has no sting, as we have anticipated in the previous section. Regarding size, the queen, who is the only fertile female in the hive, is the largest, with an approximate size of 20-30 mm. The males, that is, the drones, and the workers measure more or less the same, about 17 mm.

Do bumblebees sting? - Difference between male and female bumblebee
Do bumblebees sting? - Difference between male and female bumblebee

Difference between bee and bumblebee

Both bumblebees and bees belong to the Apidae family. Bumblebees of the genus Bombus are also pollinating insects that feed on the nectar of flowers and, in turn, harvest it to feed the larvae of the colony. Therefore, bumblebees are as important as bees in our ecosystem and, therefore, we should never hurt them if one approaches us. If you are afraid, the best thing to do is either stay still until you decide to leave, or walk away quietly and calmly so as not to scare you.

Because of their similarities, a common mistake is to confuse bumblebees with bees. To avoid this, here are the most significant differences:

  • The bumblebee has a hairier and stockier body, while the bee is usually smaller and slimmer.
  • Bumblebees are calmer and calmer.
  • Bumblebees do not produce enough honey to be marketable.
  • Bees die when they sting because their sting remains stuck in the skin.
  • The queen bumblebee hibernates underground. With the arrival of spring, it leaves that state to look for a nest and start building the hive in which it will establish its colony. There it will lay its first eggs, which will give life to the first workers (sterile females). At the end of summer, the future queens and drones will be born to start the cycle again.

If you want to expand your knowledge about bees, don't hesitate to consult these articles:

  • Types of bees
  • How do bees make honey?
Do bumblebees sting? - Difference between bee and bumblebee
Do bumblebees sting? - Difference between bee and bumblebee

What to do in case of a bumblebee sting?

As soon as you begin to notice the first symptoms of the sting, that is, inflammation, redness, itching and pain, it is best to wash the area wellwith soap and water and apply a cold compress or ice wrapped in a cloth. A bumblebee sting does not usually require medication. However, if the area is very inflamed, it is possible to take anti-inflammatories and analgesics , always with the doctor's approval.

Likewise, to cure bumblebee stings, there is the possibility of applying hydrocortisone or calamine ointments, creams or lotions to it. Again, these topical treatments should be recommended by your doctor or pharmacist.

In the event of an allergic reaction, it is best to see a doctor as soon as possible to receive treatment depending on the degree of allergy. In these cases, antihistamines, corticosteroids and other drugs are common.

Bumblebee stings in animals

If your dog or cat has been stung by a bumblebee, you should still clean the wound and apply a cold pack or ice wrapped to reduce inflammation, itching and pain. If the animal shows symptoms of allergy, such as dizziness, respiratory distress or anaphylactic shock, you should go to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible to administer antihistamines, corticosteroids, or the treatment that the professional considers.

Refer to these articles to identify an allergic reaction:

  • Allergy symptoms in dogs
  • Allergy symptoms in cats
