Fungus in fish - Symptoms, treatment and home remedies

Fungus in fish - Symptoms, treatment and home remedies
Fungus in fish - Symptoms, treatment and home remedies
Fungi on fish - Symptoms and treatment
Fungi on fish - Symptoms and treatment

The presence of fungi in fish is a problem that frequently affects those who have community aquariums, especially if they have not been previously quarantined before introducing new individuals, but also due to errors in handling and in the care provided.

If we have observed some symptoms of disease in fish, such as spots or white filaments, it is likely that we are facing the presence of fungi. In this article on our site we will talk about fungi in fish, the most common symptoms, the treatment to follow and a home remedy to improve the prognosis. If you have doubts about the procedure or you do not see any improvement in your fish, we advise you to visit an aquarium community so that they can advise you in detail, taking into account your specific case.

What are fungi?

The fungi are saprophytic organisms that belong to the kingdom Fungi. They are probably the most unknown decomposing microorganisms, but they play a fundamental role in ecosystems. They feed on dead organic matter present in the aquarium, such as food debris and dirt, but they also take advantage of fish tissues that are destroyed or damaged by various causes.

We must know that fungi are found naturally in the environment, however, when there is an increase in the amount of decomposing organic matter in the environment, the fungus population increases.

There are many causes that can cause fungi to settle in the body tissues of our fish, but we can highlight a rough handling that can cause injury to the individual, some bad or deficient hygienic conditions and an inadequate temperature.

The body of fungi is composed of filaments called " hyphae", which are responsible for reproducing new structures by attacking a new environment, in this case the body of the fish. Once in the tissue of the individual they develop especially quickly and in just 24 or 48 hours we will be able to notice the first visible symptoms. But in addition, the fungus spores will not stop reproducing in the environment, being present throughout the aquarium, thus being able to affect other fish.

Fungi in fish - Symptoms and treatment - What are fungi?
Fungi in fish - Symptoms and treatment - What are fungi?

Types of fungi in fish

It is impossible to detail all the types of fungi that can affect our fish, since there are more than 35 species, however, we will mention the most common types of fungi in fish:

  • Genera Saprolegnia and Achlya: they are the most common and those that most frequently affect aquarium fish. Fungi belonging to these genera feed mainly on dead organic substance, dead eggs, and also parasitize weakened fish. We will observe cottony layers on the body of affected individuals. The appearance of these fungi is also due to secondary infections. The filaments of these fungi grow outward but also inward, and can seriously damage the fish's organs. Treatment should be started early.
  • Branchiomyces: These fungi usually affect the gills of fish and are usually caused by the fungus Branchiomyces sanguinis and, to a lesser extent, by the fungus Branchiomyces demigrans. The damage it produces is especially serious, since by affecting the gill it causes CO2 poisoning, which causes the failure of vital organs. We will observe rapid breathing and gasping on the surface. The mortality rate is very high.
  • Ichthyosporidium hoferi: This particular fungus is worth mentioning as, while rare, its effects are devastating. Sick fish release spores through their droppings, thus contaminating the entire aquarium and other fish. It usually affects carp and cichlids. The damage it causes affects all internal organs and forms cysts that can reach 2 mm, usually brown or black. There is no known effective treatment to eliminate it.

Symptoms of fungi in fish

As we have already told you, most fungi in fish appear when there is a weakening of the organism, whether we are talking about wounds, mucosal damage or other pathologies. In addition, the penetration of the hyphae into the tissues causes significant damage to the organs, causing them to become necrotic.

In general, the symptoms of fungi in fish are:

  • White spots, brown or black
  • Cotton flakes and spots
  • White filaments, elongated or compact
  • Cottony coating of eggs
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Surface lock
  • Fish rubs on different surfaces
  • Inappetence
  • Death of one more fish in the aquarium
  • Other symptoms

If you have identified one or more of the symptoms mentioned, it will be essential that you act quickly, in the early stages of the disease, because Death of affected individuals can occur in a short time, in as little as 24 to 48 hours. Next we will talk about the treatment of fungi in fish.

You may also be interested in white spot disease in fish.

Fungus in fish - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of fungus in fish
Fungus in fish - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of fungus in fish

How to cure fungus in fish?

The prognosis will depend directly on the speed with which we start the treatment of fungi in our fish. That is why it is so important to check the aquarium regularly, because only in this way can we detect and treat in time the pathologies that may affect the fish in the aquarium.

Treatment of fungi in fish requires three fundamental steps:

  1. Aquarium water sterilization
  2. Disinfection of broodstock and other elements of the aquarium
  3. Use of fungicides

We must be very careful when applying fungicides, since an error in the dose can cause the death of the fish. The ideal is to go to a specialized aquarium center, where they can prescribe the most appropriate treatment according to the symptoms that the fish shows.

Generally griseofulvin is used, which is very effective in treating fungi belonging to the genera Saprolegnia and Achlya. It is recommended to dissolve 10 mg/l in the aquarium water for 24 or 48 hours.

Home remedies for fungi in fish

The effective treatment of fungi in fish always involves the use of antifungals, however, we can also put into practice some home remedies, which will help to improve the forecast of affected fish. Although there are many remedies that we can find on the net, we only recommend the use of sea s alt:

We should know that s alt is very used to disinfect aquarium utensils. It is enough to soak them in a saturated solution for 30 or 60 minutes to eliminate the germs present in them. In the case of wanting to use s alt as a complementary home remedy to treat fungi, we recommend leaving the infected fish in a solution containing 10 to 15 gr. of s alt tea/liter for 5 to 10 minutes We will repeat the procedure daily until the fungi disappear.

Don't miss our article on rainbow fish care.

How to prevent fungi in fish?

Prevention is key to prevent fungi, as well as other diseases, from affecting our fish. Here are some general tips that every aquarium fan should follow:

  • Properly inform yourself about the requirements of each fish, including food, water, utensils, temperature…
  • Try careful handling to avoid injury and stress to individuals.
  • New fish should always go through a quarantine, for a minimum of 3 to 6 weeks.
  • We will provide freshly watered fish with peace of mind and a place to hide.
  • In the quarantine tanks you must have more liters of water per fish than the final aquarium, it must never contain less liters of water than necessary.
  • We will avoid using live food from the environment, we will always go to a specialized center where we can acquire quality food.
  • We will never connect two different deposits.
  • We will disinfect the aquariums at the slightest suspicion of an infestation.
  • We will also disinfect the utensils when they are not being used.
