Cat NEVA MASQUERADE - Characteristics, care and PHOTOS

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Cat NEVA MASQUERADE - Characteristics, care and PHOTOS
Cat NEVA MASQUERADE - Characteristics, care and PHOTOS
Cat neva masquerade
Cat neva masquerade

The neva masquerade cat is the colorpoint pattern variety of the Siberian cat, although it is currently listed as an officially recognized breed by the International Feline Federation (FIFE). This cat was first seen in the Neva River basin of St. Petersburg, Russia. Despite the fact that the Siberian cat has been the long-haired cat of Russia during the last centuries, it was not until the 80s of the last century that the breeding of the colorpoint variety, that is, the neva masquerade, was not enhanced and he was separating from the Siberian.

The neva masquerade is a large, soft, long-haired cat, with a very good nature and quite active, so it enjoys games and frequent interactions. You want to know more? Continue reading to find out all the characteristics of the neva masquerade cat, its origin, character, care, he alth and where to adopt it.

Origin of the neva masquerade cat

The neva masquerade cat is native to the regions of the Neva River basin in Russia. It is actually a Siberian cat with a colorpoint pattern, which possibly arose as a result of crossing Siberian cats with cats from the area and even with Thai cats, hence the color pattern.

These long-haired cats were rare in Europe until the 19th century. They were part of the first cat exhibition at the Crystal Palace in London in 1871, however, they later fell into oblivion due to their mixing with other breeds such as the Persians. During the 1980s they were raised again and in 1985 an experimental breed was established with long-haired cats imported from Russia to the German Democratic Republic. These cats were exhibited from 1986 and were recognized in 1987 as "Siberian Forest Cat", gaining more and more admirers. They were first exported to the United States in 1990 and systematic breeding of the Siberian cat began in Russia. In 1991 the name changed to the Siberian cat to better differentiate it from another feline breed, the Norwegian Forest Cat. To this day, Siberian neva masquerada cats are bred separately from Siberians that do not have the colorpoint pattern.

Characteristics of the neva masquerade cat

The neva masquerade cat is medium-large It weighs between 4 and 9 kg and does not fully develop until it is 2-3 years. It is a cat that has a robust, elongated, muscular and very strong body, with short and robust legs, with tufts of hair on the fingers and a tail that it is half the length of its body, broad at the base, hairy, and opulent in shape.

The head of these felines is short and triangular, with a curved forehead and a prominent chin. The nose is wide and the eyes are large and oval, of an intense blue color that matches the fur. The ears are wide, triangular and erect.

Colors of the neva masquerade

The hair of these cats is soft, dense and long, especially on the sides and chest. Undoubtedly, what distinguishes this breed is the colorpoint pattern that it has in the coldest areas of its body, that is, the ears, face, tip of the tail and legs, being in these parts the shade darker than the rest. of the cat's body. The color of these cats can be of the following types:

  • Seal point
  • Blue point
  • Chocolate point
  • Fawn point
  • Lilac point
  • Cinnamon point
  • Cream point

neva masquerade cat character

The neva masquerade cat has a similar temperament to the Siberian cat, that is, it is affectionate, sweet, curious and very tender It is of an ideal and suitable companion for families, since he is also sociable and outgoing, so he gets along well with other animals and children.

The neva masquerade is an active cat that needs to climb, hunt and play to be in constant movement, since, despite its robustness, it is agile and athleticLikes to communicate with handlers at times, but is not a meowing breed like Eastern types. Being also very intelligent, he enjoys intelligence and training games.

Neva masquerade cat care

The neva masquerade cat needs to have caregivers who care about maintaining its level of activity and who are always devising new games for it to play. don't get bored or frustrated. If you have a balcony or patio where they can go out safely, this cat will certainly appreciate it. Likewise, it is essential to maintain a correct environmental enrichment so that he is well stimulated at home.

Something very important to take into account when determining the care of the neva masquerade is its type of hair, since it requires daily brushing, especially in spring and autumn as they are the times for shedding. This is important to avoid the accumulation of large amounts of hair in the digestive tract, which predisposes to the formation of hairballs that can obstruct it and compromise the cat's he alth. The use of m alt is also important for its prevention, in addition to good hydration. The bath will be necessary if it is very dirty and tolerates it or if it requires a dermatological treatment in the form of a shampoo.

Your ears, eyes, and teeth should be cleaned frequently to prevent infection and inflammation in these body structures. Likewise, the diet of this cat must be intended for the feline species, complete and balanced, with a good amount of protein of animal origin to maintain its strength and muscles and obtain essential daily nutrients. Water should always be at your disposal.

Cat he alth neva masquerade

Neva masquerade cats are he althy and strong, with a life expectancy of 18-20 years. However, they seem predisposed to heart and orthopedic diseases because of their large size. Among cardiac disorders, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy stands out, a pathology in which the muscular wall of the left ventricle thickens, thus reducing the filling volume in diastole or ventricular relaxation, creating a dysfunction that can trigger heart failure. Regarding disorders related to the bones, hip dysplasia stands out, in which there is an inconsistency between the bones that form the hip joint (acetabulum and head of the femur), which causes instability in the joint, which can cause pain, osteoarthritis and lameness in affected cats.

Good preventive medicine is also important with routine check-ups, vaccinations and deworming, among other care, carried out at a veterinary center.

Where to adopt a neva masquerade cat?

The neva masquerade cat can be hard to find in shelters and protectors, but it never hurts to ask. On the web you can search for rescue associations of these cats or of Siberian cats, since they look a lot alike.

Before adopting a cat you should be aware of whether you are a good candidate to take care of it, if you can offer it everything it needs every day and cover all its needs so that it is happy and maintains a good quality of life.

Photos of Cat neva masquerade
