He alth 2024, September

Uveitis in dogs - Causes and treatment

Uveitis in dogs - Causes and treatment

Uveitis in dogs - Causes and treatment. The eyes of our dogs are susceptible to different diseases. Any change that we observe in its shape, color or secretion is

Uveitis in cats - Causes and treatment

Uveitis in cats - Causes and treatment

Uveitis in cats is an ophthalmological disorder that can affect the uvea of felines of all ages, being more common in stray cats

Why won't my Shar Pei open his eyes? - Most common causes

Why won't my Shar Pei open his eyes? - Most common causes

Why doesn't my Shar Pei open his eyes? Eye diseases are very important, since they can even affect the character of our pet, generating irritability and

Ectropion in cats - Symptoms and treatment

Ectropion in cats - Symptoms and treatment

Ectropion in cats - Symptoms and treatment. Ectropion in cats is a disease that can cause anything from mild conjunctivitis to loss of vision and it is necessary to maintain a correct

Side effects after deworming a dog and what to do

Side effects after deworming a dog and what to do

Side effects after deworming a dog. The side effects of the pipette in dogs, antiparasitic collars or pills are diarrhea, dermatitis, vomiting

How to remove a tick from a dog? - Step by step and TRICKS

How to remove a tick from a dog? - Step by step and TRICKS

How to remove a tick from a dog? The safest and most effective way to remove a tick from a dog is with tweezers. You can also use alcohol, vinegar, oil or chamomile

PERMETHRINE in Dogs - Uses, Dosage and Side Effects

PERMETHRINE in Dogs - Uses, Dosage and Side Effects

Permethrin in dogs. Permethrin is an antiparasitic product widely used in dogs, which is found in pipette format, in collars or sprays. You can produce side effects

How long does diarrhea last after deworming a dog? - Causes and duration

How long does diarrhea last after deworming a dog? - Causes and duration

How long does diarrhea last after deworming a dog? Diarrhea in dogs due to deworming can occur in treatments for parasitic diseases or as a side effect

Pipettes, antiparasitic collars or sprays, WHICH IS BETTER?

Pipettes, antiparasitic collars or sprays, WHICH IS BETTER?

Pipettes, antiparasitic collars or sprays, which is better? We explain the differences between pipettes and antiparasitic collars and sprays so you can choose the most suitable

The best antiparasitic collars for dogs - TOP 10

The best antiparasitic collars for dogs - TOP 10

The best antiparasitic collars for dogs. Discover the most effective antiparasitic collars for dogs, their duration and possible side effects

DISEASES transmitted by TICKS

DISEASES transmitted by TICKS

Diseases transmitted by ticks. There are several diseases transmitted by ticks to people, dogs and cats and we will explain them all to you

Internal and external antiparasitics for puppies - Complete guide

Internal and external antiparasitics for puppies - Complete guide

Internal and external parasiticides for puppies. Learn about double deworming for puppies, its benefits, how often to do it and much more

DRONTAL for CATS- Dosage, Price and Side Effects

DRONTAL for CATS- Dosage, Price and Side Effects

Discover WHAT IS DRONTAL FOR CATS, its effects against internal parasites, DOSE, PRICE and SIDE EFFECTS. All about this product in AnimalWised

Bravecto for cats - Leaflet, Price and Opinions

Bravecto for cats - Leaflet, Price and Opinions

The BRAVECTO FOR CATS is a pipette formulated specifically against FLEAS AND TICKS, which also has a long duration. Find out more about this product

The best PIPETTES for DOGS - Brands, Prices and Comparisons

The best PIPETTES for DOGS - Brands, Prices and Comparisons

The best pipettes for dogs. Brands, price and comparisons. Discover which is the best pipette for your dog according to their needs

Milbemax in dogs - USES and DOSAGE

Milbemax in dogs - USES and DOSAGE

Milbemax in dogs. Milbemax is an antiparasitic product used to prevent and combat the presence of intestinal parasites. It is veterinary prescription and depending on the size and age

Milbemax in cats - DOSAGE and SIDE EFFECTS

Milbemax in cats - DOSAGE and SIDE EFFECTS

Milbemax in cats. Milbemax is an antiparasitic product that is used to prevent and combat internal parasites. May have side effects such as vomiting, lethargy, incoordination

Fleas on rabbits - How to DETECT and ELIMINATE THEM

Fleas on rabbits - How to DETECT and ELIMINATE THEM

All about fleas on rabbits. We explain how to know if your rabbit has fleas and how to eliminate fleas in rabbits through the most appropriate treatment. Fleas can be in

Pipettes for cats - HOW THEY WORK, DOSAGE and SIDE EFFECTS

Pipettes for cats - HOW THEY WORK, DOSAGE and SIDE EFFECTS

Pipettes for cats - How they work, dosage and side effects. In this complete guide we explain what they are for, how to put them on, when, effects and the best brands of internal and external deworming

Life cycle of lice and nits - Everything you need to know

Life cycle of lice and nits - Everything you need to know

Lice stick their eggs or nits to the host's hair and gestation takes place there until they hatch, starting the lice life cycle. In general, they live 30 days and

How long does a tick live? - Complete guide with prevention measures

How long does a tick live? - Complete guide with prevention measures

Knowing how long a tick lives on and off a host is vital to preventing possible infestation, both in animals and people. These parasites are disease carriers

Why deworm my dog every month? - The importance of deworming

Why deworm my dog every month? - The importance of deworming

If you wonder why deworm your dog every month, in this article we talk about the importance of deworming and the consequences of not establishing a correct schedule

Types of fleas and how to identify them

Types of fleas and how to identify them

Types of fleas and how to identify them. There are types of fleas that affect cats, dogs, other animals, and humans. Learning to identify them is essential to protect ourselves. Take note

Ticks in cats - Symptoms and how to remove them

Ticks in cats - Symptoms and how to remove them

Ticks can also attack cats and transmit serious diseases such as Lyme disease. To remove them, we will use tweezers

How to deworm canaries? - Internally and externally

How to deworm canaries? - Internally and externally

The presence of parasites in our canaries is considered a serious he alth problem, since in some cases it can cause death

The best products to deworm rabbits - Internally and externally

The best products to deworm rabbits - Internally and externally

The best products to deworm rabbits. More and more homes have the company of a rabbit. These small and adorable animals, although they may not seem like it, can

Lice in cats - Symptoms and treatment

Lice in cats - Symptoms and treatment

Lice in cats - Symptoms and treatment. Lice are one of the external parasites that most frequently affect cats. They usually invade stray cats or cats

How to make a homemade pipette for cats

How to make a homemade pipette for cats

How to make a homemade pipette for cats. Should we invest a lot of money to keep our feline protected? At AnimalWised we are going to explain how to make a homemade pipette for cats

Puppy deworming calendar - Internal and external

Puppy deworming calendar - Internal and external

In this AnimalWised article we will delve into the deworming schedule for puppies, explaining the most convenient and efficient routine

Common external parasites in cats - Complete guide

Common external parasites in cats - Complete guide

Fleas, ticks, mites and lice are the most common external parasites in cats, however, they are not the only ones. Other parasites like

Tips for bathing a cat with fleas

Tips for bathing a cat with fleas

Tips for bathing a cat with fleas. Fleas can become real torture when they attack your cat. Not only do they make you unbearably itchy, but they also

How often to deworm a horse?

How often to deworm a horse?

How often to deworm a horse?. The fight against parasites in farm animals, such as horses, was never a minor issue. The arduous task of population control

Garlic to deworm dogs and cats

Garlic to deworm dogs and cats

Garlic to deworm dogs and cats. The world of pets has diversified enormously today, however, the pets par excellence are still the

How to eliminate fleas in puppies? - Step by step effective

How to eliminate fleas in puppies? - Step by step effective

Have you noticed the presence of fleas on your puppy? In this AnimalWised article we will show you how to get rid of fleas in puppies quickly and effectively

Psittacosis or avian chlamydiosis - Symptoms, treatment and prevention

Psittacosis or avian chlamydiosis - Symptoms, treatment and prevention

Psittacosis or avian chlamydiosis. Avian chlamydiosis mainly affects pistacean birds, pigeons and turkeys. It can be asymptomatic and can be transmitted to humans

My cat has yellow teeth - CAUSES and WHAT TO DO

My cat has yellow teeth - CAUSES and WHAT TO DO

My cat has yellow teeth. Yellow teeth in cats are caused by tartar buildup, periodontal disease, tooth decay, or chronic gingivostomatitis

Bird mites - Symptoms and treatment

Bird mites - Symptoms and treatment

Find out what mites are in birds. We tell you what is the treatment for mites in birds, in addition to what are the symptoms they present to know if your bird has mites

Intestinal parasites in dogs - Symptoms and treatment

Intestinal parasites in dogs - Symptoms and treatment

Discover the TYPES OF INTESTINAL PARASITES IN DOGS, how they are transmitted, their symptoms, treatment and prevention. It is essential for the he alth of your dog



Caries in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment. If your dog has trouble chewing, refuses food or has bad breath, he may be suffering from cavities. We explain what to do and how to prevent it

PYODERMA in CATS - Causes, symptoms and treatment

PYODERMA in CATS - Causes, symptoms and treatment

Pyoderma in cats - Causes, symptoms and treatment. Pyoderma in cats is an infectious skin disease caused by an increased multiplication of certain bacteria