Intestinal parasites in dogs - Symptoms and treatment

Intestinal parasites in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Intestinal parasites in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Intestinal parasites in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Intestinal parasites in dogs - Symptoms and treatment

For those who live with animals, parasites are a well-known enemy. Present throughout the world, they frequently and easily infest all kinds of animals, hence the importance of adequate preventive medicine.

In this article on our site we will focus on intestinal parasites in dogs, explaining which are the most common, their effects and symptoms that we can detect in our dog, how to combat them and, above all, the importance of good prevention to keep our dog safe throughout his life.

Types of parasites in dogs

Our dog can be affected both internal and external parasites. The first, which we will talk about in this article, are those that live in the digestive tract but can also lodge in organs such as the lungs or the heart.

Among the external parasites, those that live in the hair or skin of the dog, fleas and ticks stand out. Both intestinal parasites in dogs and external parasites or those that infest the heart or lungs, produce damage in the animal due to their activity.

Lesions will be more or less important depending on their state of he alth and the level of infestation. Thus, parasites can be asymptomatic or, instead, produce different clinical pictures. In all cases they must be prevented and treated, since there are parasites that can also affect humans.

Types of intestinal parasites in dogs

It is vitally important that guardians know about intestinal parasites in dogs, therefore, below we will show you the most common ones:

  • Ascaris: such as Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina, which are very common. They live in the stomach and intestines and can reach a considerable size. They lay eggs that can last a long time in the environment. Puppies can be infected from their mother and any dog could become infected through the environment or by ingestion of an intermediate host, such as a rodent.
  • Hookworms: They are known as "hookworms" because they attach through the mouth to the mucosa of the small intestine, thus absorbing blood and liquids. These worms can be contracted through the puppy's contact with its mother, by ingestion of larvae present in the environment, by direct penetration through the skin, especially in the pad area, or by ingestion of an intermediate host.
  • Tapeworms: these are worms that live in the small intestine and can reach 2 meters in length. Fleas play a very important role in this parasite, as they can ingest tapeworm eggs and transmit them to dogs if they swallow them.
  • Whipworms: They are known as "whipworms" due to their threadlike appearance, but with a thicker end. These worms attach themselves to the walls of the large intestine and, although they lay fewer eggs than other parasites, they are able to survive for years in the environment.
Intestinal parasites in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Types of intestinal parasites in dogs
Intestinal parasites in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Types of intestinal parasites in dogs

Symptoms of intestinal parasites in dogs

Although, as we have said, the presence of internal parasites in dogs does not always generate a clinical picture, below we will present the most common symptomsthat we can perceive when the infestation is important or the dog presents more risks due to having a deficient immune system, as happens in puppies, due to immaturity, or in elderly or vulnerable dogs because they suffer from illnesses or are going through stressful situations such as surgeries or transfers.

The symptoms of intestinal parasites in dogs are:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Weight loss or stunted growth in puppies.
  • Abdominal swelling or, also, symptoms associated with pain.
  • Anemia, observable in the pale coloration of the mucous membranes.
  • Weakness.
  • Blood in the stool.
  • A ball-like mass formed by a large number of worms could lead to intestinal obstruction.
  • Some intestinal parasites can also be responsible for respiratory symptoms.
Intestinal parasites in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of intestinal parasites in dogs
Intestinal parasites in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of intestinal parasites in dogs

Dog parasites that can be spread to humans

Some of the intestinal parasites in dogs that we have discussed are susceptible to transmitting themselves to humans and vice versa For example, roundworms they are capable of producing in people a disease called "visceral larva migrans", which occurs after ingestion of their eggs.

Young children are a risk group, as they are more likely to eat dirt and display poorer hygiene habits. The symptoms, which appear in large infestations of internal parasites in dogs, include abdominal pain or cough, as well as complications that will depend on the organ where the larvae reach.

Some hookworms are responsible for the disease known as "cutaneous larva migrans", which causes itching due to the penetration of their larvae into the skin. Given that we can share parasites and so that dogs do not become a source of contagion and vice versa, it is essential to establish a correct deworming schedule.

How to eliminate intestinal parasites in dogs? - Effective treatment

If we discover any of the symptoms described in our dog and even get to observe worms in his feces or vomit, we must go, without delay, to the vet. But more than treating infestations, we must prevent them. Thus, we will protect our dog and the whole family. For this, prevention is basic, which will consist of setting up a complete deworming program with our veterinarian The professional will assess the age of the dog, its habitat, safety of the product and route of administration.

Medicines for intestinal parasites in dogs

Thus, on the market we will find syrups, pastes or, more conveniently, pills to eliminate intestinal parasites in dogs. Of course, we will always use products prescribed by our veterinarian, since, otherwise, we could cause poisoning to the dog and even aggravate a problem if there are ungenerated symptoms by internal parasites in dogs.

The recommendation is to follow a program of monthly deworming that should start at two weeks of age and be maintained throughout his life. Because we love them, we protect them, deworm your pet.

Intestinal parasites in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - How to eliminate intestinal parasites in dogs? - Effective treatment
Intestinal parasites in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - How to eliminate intestinal parasites in dogs? - Effective treatment

Environmental control of intestinal parasites in dogs

In addition to internal deworming, to eradicate these parasites from the environment as much as possible and thus prevent reinfestation, we must include measures such as the following:

  • Install good hygiene habits, especially in children.
  • Avoid playing in parks frequented by dogs or in uncovered sandboxes.
  • If our dog enjoys an outdoor area, the floor should be made of cement or gravel, which can be disinfected, since the earth is a good substrate for parasites. If you have a shed, it is advisable to clean it daily with a hose.
  • We must remove our dog's feces immediately if he defecates in the home.
  • It is not recommended that we let them hunt, eat food scraps from the garbage or raw meat.
  • We must consult with our veterinarian for additional measures taking into account the life cycle of the parasite.
  • Of course, it is essential to keep our dog dewormed, for his he alth and that of the whole family

Home remedies for intestinal parasites in dogs

More and more people are looking for natural remedies for internal parasites in dogs, however, it is important to point out that this type of therapy must also be prescribed by a veterinarian, who will supervise the process, and that in no case replace pharmacological treatment Its use can help prevent its appearance but, once the infestation occurs, it does not completely eradicate it.

Thus, if you want to use some home remedies for intestinal parasites in dogs, it is important that you consult your trusted specialist and do not neglect the prescribed veterinary treatment.
