Garlic to deworm dogs and cats

Garlic to deworm dogs and cats
Garlic to deworm dogs and cats
Garlic for deworming dogs and cats
Garlic for deworming dogs and cats

The world of pets has diversified enormously today, however, the pets par excellence are still the dog and the cat. Although the nature of both animals is completely different, they require some care that is similar, such as proper nutrition, company and affection, following the vaccination program established in each case and regular veterinary check-ups.

In addition, both dogs and cats are at risk of suffering parasite infestations, both internal and external, which we must detect promptly and treat appropriately as they can lead to various complications. Owners are increasingly looking for natural remedies that can solve this type of situation, for this reason, in this AnimalWised article we talk about garlic to deworm dogs and cats

Is garlic toxic?

Garlic is generally regarded as a prohibited food for dogs and at the same time a prohibited food for cats due to the study by Lee, Yamato, Tajima, Kuraoka, Omae, Maede, "Hematologic changes associated with the appearance of eccentrocytes after intragastric administration of garlic extract to dogs" American Journal of Veterinary Research, November 2000.

The truth is that garlic contains a toxic component called n-propyldisulfide, which in high concentrations can damage the cells of the body of our pet. However, in this experiment, large amounts of garlic (from 5 ml to 1.25 ml of whole and raw garlic extract per kilogram of weight) were used directly intragastrically to four adult dogs, for seven days, which gave them caused Heinz body anemia. Therefore, according to this study, we would have to feed a 20-kilogram dog with 22 cloves of garlic daily (approximately) for a month for this type of anemia to occur.

On the contrary, the publication of the article "Garlic: Friend or Foe?" of Dogs Naturally Magazine, April 2014 argues that in small amounts garlic is a powerful antiparasitic in moderate amounts, in addition to offering many other benefits to the body of our dogs and cats.

Furthermore, in 2006, the Institute of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology of the University of Zurich determined that the toxic dose of garlic is 5 grams per kilo of body weight. Taking into account that a clove of garlic can weigh from 2 to 3 grams, a Pekingese dog should eat more than 5 cloves of garlic a day to end up suffering from the anemia that the component mentioned above causes. We can conclude that the moderate and rational consumption of garlic is not toxic for our pets.

Garlic to deworm dogs and cats - Is garlic toxic?
Garlic to deworm dogs and cats - Is garlic toxic?

Properties of garlic to deworm our pets

Garlic is the medicinal food par excellence,not only has many beneficial properties for us, but also for our pets: it is antibiotic, platelet antiaggregant, protects the cardiovascular system and stimulates defenses.

In this article we must highlight the activity of garlic as vermifuge, that is, it acts against intestinal parasites.

This is because its antibacterial property remains active in the gastrointestinal tract, in addition, it acts as a digestive tonic, purifies the blood and makes it easier for the body to purify waste substances, it also favors the response of the immune system and will prevent new episodes of intestinal parasites

Garlic to deworm dogs and cats - Properties of garlic to deworm our pets
Garlic to deworm dogs and cats - Properties of garlic to deworm our pets

How to apply garlic to deworm dogs and cats

The best way is to give it naturally, through the diet, finely chopping the garlic and mixing it with the usual food of our pet.

Taking into account the recommendation of the Institute of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology of the University of Zurich, the recommended dose of garlic is 4 grams per day, however, the weight of each animal must always be taken into consideration. Likewise, if after the first intake we observe any reaction in the animal's body, we should go to the veterinarian. Even if we apply the recommended doses, any living being can have an allergic reaction to garlic, just like people, but these are very specific cases.

To treat intestinal parasites naturally we must mix 1 to 2 cloves of garlic with food and continue this treatment for a minimum period of 1 week.

Garlic to deworm dogs and cats - How to apply garlic to deworm dogs and cats
Garlic to deworm dogs and cats - How to apply garlic to deworm dogs and cats

Deworming to prevent

It is important to take into account various home remedies to deworm the cat and deworm the dog, however, it is even more important to prevent this type of condition.

Both cats and dogs need frequent preventive deworming, which becomes even more important if our pet has frequent contact with the outside.

If you want preventive deworming of your pet to also be carried out with natural remedies, we recommend that you trust the judgment of a professional and go to a holistic veterinarian.
