How to eliminate fleas in puppies? - Step by step effective

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How to eliminate fleas in puppies? - Step by step effective
How to eliminate fleas in puppies? - Step by step effective
Get rid of fleas on puppies
Get rid of fleas on puppies

Fleas on puppies are a very serious he alth problem, since these small parasites can act as vectors ofmultiple diseases Likewise, we must remember that the immune system of puppies is developing and that, unlike adult dogs, they do not have all the necessary defenses to fight diseases and pathogens.

For this reason, if you suspect that your dog is the victim of an infestation and you wonder how to get rid of fleas on a puppy, it will be vitally important to go to a veterinarian so that he can prescribe an effective dewormer and quality. Don't forget that you should never apply products for adult dogs, as poisoning could occur in puppies.

But in the meantime, on our site, we're going to guide you a bit so you know how to get rid of fleas on puppies effectively and what methods you should follow to avoid future infestations, read on!

What are fleas?

Fleas are parasites that feed on the blood of their hosts. They are small insects, without wings, but capable of making great jumps, so transmission between dogs is very common. There are a large number of flea species, up to 2,000, and most of them are capable of infesting dogs, cats and other domestic animals.

In addition to being particularly annoying, fleas can transmit diseases to dogs, such as diplidosis or hemoplasmosis. Precisely for this reason it is so important to eliminate them promptly and effectively, as well as to use preventive products to avoid their reappearance

Finally, remember that the life expectancy of fleas varies between 7 and 21 days, a period in which they continue to reproduce and lay eggs. In this aspect it will also be interesting to pay attention to home cleaning, with the aim of preventing reinfestations.

Flea symptoms in puppies

Being insects very small (between 1.5 and 3.3 mm) it will not always be easy to detect their presence in the dog's coat, however, we should be suspicious if we observe some of the symptoms that we will mention below and that make an infestation by parasites easily recognizable.

To know how to detect fleas in puppies we must observe our dog and carry out a thorough check-up. We can begin to suspect the moment a compulsive scratching occurs, in which the dog can even injure itself and various marks. He can even use his teeth and paws.

When in doubt, we must check the dog's coat completely, separating the layers of hair well and observing the dermis. The areas where the infestation is most abundant are usually the belly, the armpits, the genitals and the neck Pay attention to these areas. Fleas are little black dots on the move.

Another way to know if our puppy really has fleas is to lightly spray the dog's fur and press it with toilet paper or Kleenex, for example. Black flea feces turn red when in contact with water. Basically it is the waste of the blood that they have consumed.

Get rid of fleas in puppies - Symptoms of fleas in puppies
Get rid of fleas in puppies - Symptoms of fleas in puppies

How to remove fleas from a puppy?

Puppy dogs cannot use dewormers for adult dogs, as they contain components that could cause pippeta poisoning in dogs. For this reason, it is essential to make it clear that we will never use pipettes, collars or antiparasitic shampoos that we find on the market for adult dogs or that are not prescribed by a veterinarian in a veterinary clinic or hospital.

Remember that antiparasitics can only be prescribed by the veterinarian, since they contain active ingredients. When purchasing a product in a commercial establishment, we must know that we are dealing with a product that does not contain these active ingredients and that, probably, will not be effective in the case of a widespread infestation.

Remove fleas on puppies step by step:

Ideally, you should start by visiting a veterinarian so that they can prescribe a dewormer for puppies There are many brands and forms of presentation in the market, but in general, a pill is usually administered that eliminates all fleas and protects the dog for a month.

If you are in an emergency you can follow a manual process to eliminate them, however, there is a risk that you will not remove them completely, which could cause a new infestation.

You will need to get a flea comb (you can also use a children's lice comb, available at a pharmacy) andspecific shampoo for puppies , never a shampoo for adult dogs or an antiparasitic shampoo that is not specifically for puppies or that is not prescribed by a veterinarian:

  1. Start by doing a general brushing all over the puppy's body. It is important that you remove as many fleas as possible and that, once on the brush, you eliminate them.
  2. Follow with a warm water bath. You can distract your puppy with different toys to make this process more enjoyable and make the experience more positive.
  3. Thoroughly clean your puppy's body with special soap for puppies. Avoid getting the shampoo into your eyes, mouth or mucous membranes in general.
  4. When you're done bathing, run the flea comb over your entire body again. Don't leave an inch unchecked. Pay attention to the critical areas mentioned above and also pass it over the head, the area that we have not washed.
  5. Once you have verified that no more fleas reside in your dog's fur, it is time to finish.
  6. Give it a thorough blow-dry while continuing to brush.

Now you know how to get rid of fleas on puppies. However, before you allow your puppy to go back to his bed and play with his toys, you should wash all the clothes(bed, blankets and stuffed animals fabric) thoroughly and at high temperature. You should also clean the floor throughout your house with bleach to make sure no more fleas reside there.

Also discover how to eliminate fleas from the home.

Get rid of fleas on puppies - How to get rid of fleas on a puppy?
Get rid of fleas on puppies - How to get rid of fleas on a puppy?

After removing fleas from a puppy

If you have not used any effective dewormer to eliminate fleas, but have followed a manual process, it is also advisable to visit a veterinarianto check that we have effectively eliminated all the fleas from his body and that our puppy does not suffer from any pathology.

We must remember that there are various diseases that fleas transmit and that can pose a serious risk to our puppy, likewise, regardless of the diseases mentioned, fleas can also cause FAD, that is, allergy to flea bites in dogs.

How to prevent fleas in dogs?

Puppies are more susceptible to infestation by parasites such as fleas and ticks because of their weak immune system. For this reason it is important to regularly check their coat and he alth status.

Remember that puppies should not go outside until they have received their first vaccinations: the primary vaccination and the polyvalent vaccination of their corresponding vaccination schedule. By this time the puppy should be 3 months old

From this moment on, his immune system is considered to be sufficiently mature and that is when we should go to the vet to consult him when to administer the first dewormer.

Now you know how to remove fleas from a puppy dog, but we also offer you some tips that will help you prevent the appearance of these parasites:

  • Follow the vaccination and deworming schedule prescribed by the veterinarian. Remember that the dog must be dewormed internally and externally. You can look for products that offer complete prevention against both parasites. Consult your trusted veterinarian to prescribe the best one.
  • Brush your puppy regularly, at least 2 to 3 times a week, to keep its coat he althy and detect possible parasites early. Thus avoiding the risk of disease transmission.
  • Avoid pipi-can with bushes and other weedy areas if your puppy is not properly dewormed. Also, check his coat thoroughly when you get home from the walk to detect any anomaly.

By following these basic tips you will keep your puppy away from fleas and other parasites, such as lice, ticks, tapeworms or mites. These are also effective ways to get rid of fleas on puppies by preventing their reappearance on the puppy dog.

Discover on our site how to put a pipette on a dog!

Get rid of fleas in puppies - How to prevent fleas in dogs?
Get rid of fleas in puppies - How to prevent fleas in dogs?

Home remedies for fleas in puppies

To finish we will talk about the home remedies, widely used throughout the world. We must know that home remedies to eliminate fleas in dogs are a great way to prevent an infestation naturally, always in addition to a veterinary prescription antiparasitic, however, they will not always be effectivewhen removing a large infestation.

The most used remedies are:

  • Citrus
  • Vinegar
  • Beer yeast
  • Oils

So, if you are evaluating the option of using home remedies, such as the option of eliminating fleas with vinegar, we advise you to consult a veterinarian firstto certify that it will be an effective and responsible procedure in our case.
