Fleas on rabbits - How to DETECT and ELIMINATE THEM

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Fleas on rabbits - How to DETECT and ELIMINATE THEM
Fleas on rabbits - How to DETECT and ELIMINATE THEM
Fleas on rabbits - How to detect and remove them
Fleas on rabbits - How to detect and remove them

In this article on our site we are going to talk about a nasty parasitic insect. Specifically, we will deal with fleas on rabbits These external parasites, which also affect dogs, cats and even humans, among others, feed on the blood of the animals they parasitize. It is important to know that they lay their eggs in the environment, so it is just as important to deworm the animal as it is to disinfect its environment. We will learn how to identify and remove them, so read on to find out how to get rid of fleas on rabbits

How do I know if my rabbit has fleas?

Even if our rabbit lives indoors, it may be affected by fleas, either because it lives with dogs or cats that contract them outside or even because we carry them without realizing it. Therefore, we must pay attention to the symptoms of fleas in rabbits

In the first place, the itching is usually the fundamental sign that will make us suspect the presence of the parasite. Fleas are hematophagous insects, which means that they feed on the blood that they extract from the animals they parasitize through bites. This action causes discomfort and itching. In addition, in some animals their saliva is capable of triggering an allergic reaction, which produces, in addition to itching, hair loss and lesions of greater or lesser severity, especially in the final zone of the loin.

How to detect fleas on rabbits?

We have already seen that the symptoms of fleas in rabbits can coincide with other skin problems, so it is necessary to analyze the animal well to look for parasites and detect them. If we examine our rabbit carefully, separating the hair to visualize the skin, we may see fleas, a few millimeters long and elongated body, ideal to move through the mantle. In addition, they have hind legs capable of jumping great heights. But not seeing any fleas doesn't mean they aren't there. Sometimes what we find in the hair are small black grains, like grit, which are their droppings. If we wet them we can verify that it is blood.

It is very important to know that fleas are not only found on the animal, in fact, on the rabbit we can see adult fleas that are feeding, but it is on the environment where they lay their eggs and where they develop into adults that climb back onto an animal, completing the cycle. Therefore, any flea treatment should target both the rabbit and its habitat, and both the adult and immature forms of the parasite.

If our rabbit scratches and we don't find fleas or it is already dewormed, we should go to the vet because the itching may be present in other pathologies that must be diagnosed.

Fleas in rabbits - How to detect and remove them - How to know if my rabbit has fleas?
Fleas in rabbits - How to detect and remove them - How to know if my rabbit has fleas?

Diseases transmitted by fleas to rabbits

Fleas on rabbits are not just a he alth problem for them, as they can spread to other animals they live with and also to people. Therefore, it is essential that we establish a correct deworming schedule, following the recommendations of our veterinarian.

In addition to the damage that parasitic action can cause to the skin, a high infestation of fleas could cause anemia, since it is They feed on blood, especially in more vulnerable rabbits such as the young, the elderly or those that already had a disease. But fleas can transmit a very serious disease: myxomatosis

This viral disease carries a very high mortality and is characterized by the appearance of lumps, inflammation and associated skin lesions. The immune response is diminished, which opens the door to the development of secondary bacterial infections such as conjunctivitis and pneumonia. This pathology can be prevented with a vaccine. For more information, don't miss this article: "Myxomatosis in rabbits - Symptoms and prevention".

How to prevent fleas in rabbits?

As we have already said, the prevention of fleas in rabbits and other parasites involves proper deworming, always hand in hand with our veterinary. To prevent and treat external parasites, pipettes for rabbits or sprays are usually used. For internal parasites, pills to deworm rabbits or syrups are usually used.

On the other hand, because there are no flea collars for rabbits, many people choose to use the versions for cats or small dogs. However, this is not recommended because they are products formulated for other species. You will find all the information about antiparasitic products and their administration in this article: "The best products for deworming rabbits".

How to get rid of fleas on rabbits?

Although we can find numerous anti-flea products for sale, we should always consult the veterinarian before administering any to our rabbit. The reason is that not all of them are formulated for them and their use could cause serious poisoning.

Once the veterinarian has prescribed the appropriate drug, we will proceed to apply it to combat fleas in rabbits. In general, pipettes are used for rabbits that release a liquid that spills over the head, between the ears, making sure the rabbit does not touch it and, if it lives with others, preventing it from being licked by its peers due to the risk of intoxication. Antiparasitic powder or shampoo are less recommended because rabbits do not usually accept baths with good grace.

We can also buy a special comb to catch fleas They are small, metallic and with close-knit bristles. When passing them through the fur, the parasites are trapped between the spikes. They are an aid to end the infestation but they do not replace the use of a deworming product.

And, finally, we must not forget the deworming of the house, which is where most of the fleas will be found in their immature stages. We can wash the textiles and apply insecticides to the surfaces, always consulting the veterinarian to make sure they are not harmful to the rabbit or other animals.

Fleas in rabbits - How to detect and remove them - How to eliminate fleas in rabbits?
Fleas in rabbits - How to detect and remove them - How to eliminate fleas in rabbits?

Home remedies for fleas in rabbits

Although some products such as lemon or vinegar are attributed a repellent effect against fleas, the truth is that, once we have an infestation at home, we must treat it with a veterinary product, which will also serve as a preventive. The problem with using water with lemon or vinegar is that if we apply it with a sprayer we can stress the rabbit, which can also be disturbed by its smell. For this reason, these home remedies for fleas in rabbits can be used in emergency cases, such as when we detect the parasites during a time when the vet is not working, but we must always go to the specialistEspecially if your rabbit is full of fleas, or if we are dealing with a case of fleas in baby rabbits, remedies will not solve the problem.
