Ticks in cats - Symptoms and how to remove them

Ticks in cats - Symptoms and how to remove them
Ticks in cats - Symptoms and how to remove them
Ticks on cats - Symptoms and how to remove them
Ticks on cats - Symptoms and how to remove them

Although ticks are more common in dogs, cats can also be affected by these ectoparasites, especially those cats that do not have adequate preventive medicine. In addition to feeding on their blood and producing intense itching, ticks can also transmit serious diseases to our kittens, such as feline Cytauxzoonosis, a very severe pathology popularly known as "wildcat fever". Therefore, it is essential to prevent these ectoparasites to preserve the good he alth of our cats.

In this article on our site we show you how to identify ticks on cats and remove them correctly. In addition, we summarize some essential tips to prevent our cats from being affected by these annoying parasites.

Can cats get ticks?

Although many guardians think not, the truth is that cats can have ticks In general, domestic cats that do not usually take walks outside the home have very low chances of coming into contact with these ectoparasites. Let us remember that ticks are found mainly in parks, squares with vegetation or lawns, fields, gardens, forests, rural areas, etc. However, cats that take walks outside can get ticks directly or indirectly from contact with other cats or dogs. In addition, kittens that live with dogs that often walk outdoors can also become infected from contact with their household companion. Also, it should be noted that even we can bring ticks into our home without realizing it.

On the other hand, stray cats represent the feline population most prone to attack by ticks, as they live in unfavorable and do not receive regular deworming. For this reason, if you have recently adopted a kitten, be sure to go quickly to the vet to verify its he alth status and start its immunization and deworming

Diseases that ticks transmit to cats

As we have mentioned, ticks can transmit severe pathologies to our cats, as they act as vectors for various pathogens, such as protozoa and bacteria. Below, we summarize the main diseases that ticks can transmit to cats:

  • Feline Cytauxzoonosis (M altese Cat Fever)
  • Lyme's desease
  • Tularemia (rabbit fever)
  • Feline Babeosis
  • Feline infectious anemia (haemobartonellosis)
  • Ehrlichiosis
  • Paralysis

How do I know if my cat has ticks?

Ticks are small arachnids (just like mites) that obtain the nutrients necessary for their survival by parasitizing other organisms. These parasites lodge in the skin of different animals to suck their blood and thus feed and reproduce, completing their life cycle.

The various known species of ticks are divided into 2 large groups: hard ticks and soft ticksAmong the hard species, we find the ticks of the Rhipicehpahlus genus, the most numerous and widespread specimens throughout the world. These ticks are the ones that most commonly parasitize dogs and cats, staying mainly on their backs. Its main characteristic is the dark shell that covers and protects its body, which generally shows a dark brown color.

Among the soft species, the best known is the Otobius megnini, which usually lodges in the ears of the animals it parasitizes. Unlike hard ticks, these ectoparasites do not have a hard coat on the outside of their body, so they are soft to the touch. In addition, they tend to have a lighter color, between beige and cream.

In the same animal, we can observe the three phases that make up the life cycle of ticks: larvae, nymphs and adults. In general, the youngest ticks (larvae and nymphs) tend to settle in the dorsal region, where they find thicker and firmer skin. Already in the adult phase, these parasites usually lodge in the softest and thinnest skin of the legs (mainly between the fingers), in the ears, in the neck and in the perianal area.

Ticks in cats - Symptoms and how to remove them - How do I know if my cat has ticks?
Ticks in cats - Symptoms and how to remove them - How do I know if my cat has ticks?

Symptoms of ticks in cats

The most obvious sign of ticks on cats is the very identification of the parasite Therefore, if you are suspicious that your kitten may have come into contact with ticks, it is essential to carry out a very detailed examination of their entire body, paying special attention to the regions already mentioned.

However, cats can also develop some symptoms associated with the presence of ticks on their body, such as constant scratching consequently from itching caused by bites. Some kitties may also use their teeth to try to relieve itching. In addition, to feed on the cat's blood, the tick must pierce its skin, which causes a bleeding that is relatively easy to identify.

When the ectoparasites are not eliminated quickly and multiply, more serious symptoms may appear, such as a picture of anemia, paralysis or intoxication.

What should I do if my cat has ticks?

If you notice that your cat has a lot of ticks, the first thing you should do is stay calm and not despair. Nobody likes to identify these annoying parasites in their beloved kitty, but calm will be essential to know how to react intelligently and prudently. In these cases, it is best to take your cat to the vet to establish a quick and effective treatment to eliminate ticks. In addition, at the clinic, the professional will be able to perform a physical examination and request some tests to verify the patient's he alth status.

However, if you spot one or two ticks on your cat's body, you can remove them at home, always with great care. Here's how to do it.

How to remove a tick from a cat?

If your cat is very itchy and you are suspicious that it may have come into contact with ticks, but you cannot find any adult ticks with the naked eye, you can use a flea combto brush all of your kitty's fur. Carefully, we can make several gentle passes to try to eliminate the larvae and identify ticks in cats. Always taking care to remove them at each pass to avoid new contamination.

To remove adult ticks from your cat, you must be very calm and proceed very carefully, always using the right tools, such as some small tweezers Do not try to do it with your own hands or use other objects that could harm you or your cat. Why is it necessary to use tweezers? Very simple, because by using the wrong tools we can make the mistake of leaving the tick's head inside the animal's body, a fact that can favor the development of an infection.

Steps to remove a tick from a cat

  1. The tick must be removed in its entirety, so the tweezers must always be located as close as possible to the mouth of the parasite that is adhered to the skin of the animal. If we remove only part of the tick or make it explode, this can cause a severe infection in the body of our kittens.
  2. After properly positioning the clip, you should begin to pull it up very gently, without turning or making sudden movements.
  3. After removing the tick, it is essential to clean and disinfect the wound on the cat's skin. And don't forget to take your kitty to the vet to check his he alth status and rule out any pathology transmitted by ticks.

If you have difficulty removing a tick from your cat, a very effective trick is to apply a thin layer of olive oil or apple cider vinegar on it with a clean gauze pad. After carrying out this act, wait a few seconds, since sometimes the tick detaches itself.

Ticks in cats - Symptoms and how to remove them - How to remove a tick from a cat?
Ticks in cats - Symptoms and how to remove them - How to remove a tick from a cat?

How to prevent ticks in cats?

The most effective way to prevent your cat from getting ticks is to offer them adequate preventive medicine, the pillars of which are vaccination and periodic dewormingVarious products are available on the market to deworm cats, such as pipettes, collars, internal antiparasitics and antiparasitic hygiene products (shampoos, soaps or colognes).

On the other hand, you can also choose to deworm your cat using home remedies and more natural ones, such as apple cider vinegar, lavender essential oil or lemon juice. However, it is always recommended that you consult your veterinarian before applying any home treatment to your cat.

Also, to keep ticks away from our home, we must adopt sustainable hygiene habits, always using pet friendly cleaning products. Remember that common products contain irritating and corrosive chemicals that harm the he alth of our pets. It is also important that we ventilate our home quite frequently and have good lighting.
