Fruits and vegetables for the mandarin diamond

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Fruits and vegetables for the mandarin diamond
Fruits and vegetables for the mandarin diamond
Fruits and Vegetables for Mandarin Diamond
Fruits and Vegetables for Mandarin Diamond

Mandarin finch lovers know that they are very curious birds that love to try new food, especially when it comes to fruit or vegetables. Even so, it's not just about adding variety to their diet, but it's super necessary for them to appear beautiful, he althy and active.

Remember that vitamins disappear in a very short time when they are in water, on the contrary, the vitamins found in fruits and vegetables persist for longer.

In addition to the basic diet, today we will focus especially on fruits and vegetables for the mandarin diamond.


The tender green shoots are fantastic for your Mandarin Diamond's diet, we are talking about the food that they most easily accept and for that That is why we recommend that you offer him arugula, spinach (better boiled), endives or escarole. Remember that you should change the fruit and vegetables you leave them often to prevent them from spoiling.

Some people tend to give them lettuce even though it has too much water which can cause diarrhea, better think of other options.

Fruits and vegetables for the mandarin diamond - Vegetable
Fruits and vegetables for the mandarin diamond - Vegetable

More vegetables

Other interesting options are cucumber, chard, cabbage leaves, and even dandelions you'll find in the field (they love them!). Remember that fruit and vegetables should consist of 20% of your Mandarin Diamond's diet

Try giving him different types to find out which ones he prefers.

Fruits and vegetables for the mandarin diamond - More vegetables
Fruits and vegetables for the mandarin diamond - More vegetables


It may be that your diamonds are not very interested in the vegetables you offer them and it is that it is normal that they take a while to accept the vegetablesFor this reason, a very interesting option in the diet is to offer them sprouts, which, having a different consistency and resembling seeds, are more accepted. Soybean sprouts and wheat sprouts are two very interesting options.

Fruits and vegetables for the mandarin diamond - Sprouts
Fruits and vegetables for the mandarin diamond - Sprouts


Fruit is a delicious option full of vitamins that your Mandarin Diamond will love. Among the infinite possibilities we find kiwi, orange or apple, some very interesting supplements to fill you with vigor.

Fruits and vegetables for the mandarin diamond - Fruits
Fruits and vegetables for the mandarin diamond - Fruits

Also you should never miss…

The natural cuttlefish bone is the best option for your diamonds to receive their daily dose of calcium. You can buy it at any pet store and its use is becoming more and more widespread. This fantastic option has gradually replaced the classic and artificial calcium chemical compact.

Fruits and vegetables for the mandarin diamond - In addition, you should never miss…
Fruits and vegetables for the mandarin diamond - In addition, you should never miss…

Do your diamonds not eat fruit and vegetables?

It is normal that some diamonds when they arrive at our home do not taste the fruit and vegetables that you leave them. It is completely understandable, since it is food that they are not used to.

It is important that you be patient and leave them within their reach every day different types of food. At the beginning we recommend offering sprouts and tender shoots such as arugula for example, then you can start to deposit a variety of fruit and vegetables.

Do not always offer the same thing as diamonds quickly hate the same type of diet. By varying you will not only discover which foods your diamond likes the most, but you will also foster a better relationship between the two.

Fruits and vegetables for the Mandarin diamond - Do your diamonds not eat fruit and vegetables?
Fruits and vegetables for the Mandarin diamond - Do your diamonds not eat fruit and vegetables?

Other options

If your mandarin diamonds don't even eat fruit and vegetables, we recommend that you go to a pet supply store and get some type of vitaminsuch as Tabernil.

These are chemical products that lose their effectiveness after a while and have a strong smell (not all diamonds will drink vitamin water), for this reason the best option is still to insist on fruits and vegetables.

If you found this article interesting, go ahead and discover everything about the mandarin diamond as well as the breeding of the mandarin diamond.
