Home remedies for stomach pain in dogs - EFFECTIVE

Home remedies for stomach pain in dogs - EFFECTIVE
Home remedies for stomach pain in dogs - EFFECTIVE
Home remedies for stomach pain in dogs
Home remedies for stomach pain in dogs

The stomach pain in dogs can be caused by various pathologies, among which we can highlight gastritis as one of the most common. We can tell that our dog has stomach pain when he shows lethargy, moans, an abnormal posture to protect the stomach, abdominal swelling and difficulty breathing. Sometimes, stomach pain will also be accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting.

It is essential to go to the vet to obtain an accurate diagnosis of the cause that is causing stomach pain in our dog, as well as the most appropriate treatment. Remember that only a veterinarian can prescribe drugs, therefore, do not use any medication for stomach pain in dogs that has not been prescribed by the specialist.

But if you have already determined the cause of the problem and want to relieve the symptoms that your dog suffers from and you ask yourself "what do I give my dog for stomach pain", you've come to the right place! In this article on our site we will show you some home remedies for stomach pain in dogs, among them, how to deflate a dog's stomach.

Causes of stomach pain in dogs

Before delving into home remedies for sick stomach dogs, we must know that there are some causes that can cause discomfort in our dog. Stomach pain in dogs is a symptom that can occur in many pathologies as an underlying symptom, of varying severity.

Causes of abdominal pain in dogs

Next we will review the main pathologies that can cause stomach upset in dogs:

  • Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach)
  • Colitis (inflammation of the large intestine)
  • Canine parvovirus
  • Canine distemper
  • Constipation
  • Stomach twist
  • Gastrointestinal obstruction
  • Gastrointestinal ulcers
  • Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Malabsorption
  • Stomach or intestinal parasites
  • Abscesses in digestive organs
  • Bacterial infection of the uterus
  • Renal and biliary tract obstruction
  • Poisoning
  • Benign or malignant tumors
  • Allergy or sensitivity to certain foods

As you have seen, there are many he alth problems that can hide behind what seems like a harmless stomach ache in dogs. Therefore, it is essential to go to the vet to determine the cause of the problem. The specialist will advise us on the treatment to follow and will confirm if the home remedies for stomach pain in dogs that we will propose below are appropriate according to your condition.

In the case of stomach ache in puppies, visiting the vet is even more urgent, because at this stage dogs are much more sensitive and have a tendency to be dehydrated easilyIn these cases we will go to the vet without delay, for emergencies if necessary.

Home Remedies for Stomach Pain in Dogs - Causes of Stomach Pain in Dogs
Home Remedies for Stomach Pain in Dogs - Causes of Stomach Pain in Dogs

Fasting dogs

When our dog is sick we must try to handle the situation with all possible common sense and always respecting the needs and nature of our pet. A sick animal is an animal that does not want to eat and this will be accentuated if the disease is located in the digestive system. In addition, the dog instinctively knows how to take care of itself and knows how to use all the energies of its body in recovery and not in digesting food.

A dog that does not eat for days will need urgent veterinary attention. However, subjecting the dog to a fasting day is the first action we should take to treat stomach pain in dogs naturally. Obviously what cannot be missing is the fresh and renewed water, which must always be available.

Food for dogs with stomach pain

The vet will prescribe a specific diet for stomach pain in dogs, we are already talking about soft homemade recipes orgastrointestinal wet food veterinary prescription. Let us remember that the food for dogs with stomach pain will always be oriented according to the pathology or the sensitivity that the dog presents. We will follow the instructions of the veterinarian.

In any case, there are various foods that help our dog to detoxify his digestive system When there is a stomach ache it is important to include these foods in the diet, and although the raw form is always the most recommended, in this case we will opt for light cooking to facilitate digestion.

The most beneficial foods and that we can use as home remedies for stomach pain in dogs are the following:

  • Carrot: cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and is also a vermifuge, that is, it acts against intestinal parasites. It is also very beneficial for the large amount of vitamins it provides. Do not hesitate to take a look at the following article on the Benefits of carrots for dogs, here.
  • Turnip: the turnip is also highly purifying and will be beneficial in those cases where there are intestinal parasites.
  • Miel: in addition to its nutritional power, honey is very suitable as an antiseptic, this means that it will help fight any germ that is found in the digestive system.
  • Oat flakes: act by cleaning the entire gastrointestinal tract, favoring the elimination of mucus and fecal residue.
  • Pumpkin: it is very beneficial for dogs and helps regulate intestinal transit, as well as being useful for preventing urinary obstructions that they can also cause stomach pain in dogs.
  • Manzanilla: it is a home remedy that has anti-inflammatory properties, so it can help us when faced with the question of "how to deflate the stomach of a dog. It also works for stomach sickness and discomfort, as well as relieving heartburn. You can offer it in a half-size syringe every hour or leave it in a bowl at room temperature.

All the vegetables mentioned can be mixed with lean meats such as chicken breast, turkey, some parts of the pork or white fish, always boiled or grilled and well shredded for easy consumption. Likewise, it is also possible to include a little boiled rice, the cooking water being the one that provides the most benefits to treat this discomfort.

You may be interested in the following article about Rice with vegetables for dogs on our site.

Home remedies for stomach pain in dogs - Food for dogs with stomach pain
Home remedies for stomach pain in dogs - Food for dogs with stomach pain

Home remedies for sick stomach dogs

After starting treatment for stomach pain in dogs, overcoming the fast and starting a diet for dogs with stomach problems, you may be wondering if there are other remedies Home remedies for stomach pain in dogs that you can use to relieve the symptoms that your dog presents.

Well, next we are going to mention some home remedies for dogs with stomach problems, among them, how to deflate a dog's stomach.

Using Aloe Vera

"My dog is sick to his stomach, what can I give him?" In a complementary way to the dietary changes that we must make, we can use other natural remedies that will be very useful to us. The first option of what I can give my dog for stomach pain is based on the use of aloe vera, a plant that, applied internally, will help the body to recover its state of he alth.

However, it also has properties that help to calm the inflammation of the gastric mucosa and that promote its healing if it exists an injury, so it is another home remedy that helps us know how to deflate a dog's stomach.

Take short, frequent walks

The causes of stomach pain in dogs can also cause other he alth problems, such as diarrhea or constipation. The walks will help your dog maintain an active gastrointestinal motility, which will favor its recovery and the relief of symptoms. Increase the number of walks and reduce their duration.

Don't hesitate to take a look at the following article on our site with other Home Remedies for Diarrhea in Dogs, here.

Offer fresh and clean water

Although we have already mentioned it, water consumption is essential for the recovery of dogs with stomach problems, therefore, make sure to renew regularlythe water so that it is always fresh and clean. Also, do not forget to clean the containers and place the bowl nearby, so that it can be accessed without problems.

Give medication with food

Except in those cases in which the veterinarian has specifically prescribed that you offer him some drug on an empty stomach, the ideal is that the medication be included together with the intake of food foravoid irritation of the stomach lining Likewise, you can also consult with your veterinarian about the possibility of offering probiotics and stomach protectors to promote faster improvement.

Reduce stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety are serious behavioral problems that have a direct impact on the dog's body, delaying its recovery and making it more susceptible to getting sick again. For this reason it will be essential that you provide a comfortable space, attention and a lot of affection

All this will help improve your well-being and, therefore, his he alth. In the event that your dog presents high levels of stress or anxiety, we recommend going to a canine educator to evaluate the possible causes and start an effective behavior modification therapy. Also, if my dog's stomach hurts and it trembles, we also suggest that you go to the vet as soon as possible.

Now that you know what I can give my dog for a stomach ache, also take a look at these Remedies to reduce stress in dogs and 10 signs of stress in dogs that we recommend.
