How to approach an unknown dog?

How to approach an unknown dog?
How to approach an unknown dog?
How to approach an unknown dog?
How to approach an unknown dog?

Normally when we see a dog we want to approach it to touch it, hug it or play with it. However, each dog has a different personality, so while some are very trusting and sociable, others are more reserved and do not like contact with people they do not know.

If we pounce on any furry without knowing what its reaction will be it can make it nervous, run away or aggressive. That's why on our site we want to teach you the basic guidelines so you know how to approach an unknown dog without overwhelming him or taking risks.

Corporal lenguage

Before approaching an unknown dog, it is very important that we know how to interpret canine body language. Dogs are very expressive animals and depending on their attitude we can tell if it is convenient or not to approach him.

Yes you should come closer:

  • he Has a relaxed and calm posture
  • The tail remains relaxed, never between the legs or up.
  • Calmly sniffs its surroundings.
  • Avoid our eyes and behave correctly.
  • If we approach him little by little and talk to him, he wags his tail.
  • You are interested in people and seek social contact in a positive way.

You must not approach:

  • It tries to run away from you or hide behind its owner.
  • Turns its head around and constantly avoids you.
  • He smacks his lips and yawns.
  • Her eyes are half-closed.
  • Riza loin.
  • Bares his teeth and growls.
  • Its ears and tail are tense.
How to approach an unknown dog? - Corporal lenguage
How to approach an unknown dog? - Corporal lenguage

Approaching an unknown dog

Every time we see a dog we feel like petting it and making friends with it. But even though dogs are social animals, you don't always know how to approach a strange dog and on many occasions we make mistakesHere are the keys to approach a dog you don't know:

  1. Ask the dog's owner if you can come over. He will know better than anyone if his dog is sociable or, on the contrary, if he is more shy and doesn't like to be approached
  2. Approach slowly, without running, giving the dog time to see that we are approaching and not be caught by surprise. It is preferable that we do not approach from the front or from behind, but from the side.
  3. Do not look him directly in the eyesfor a long time, as the dog may interpret it as a threat to the dog's own safety he or his owner
  4. Before approaching, talk to him in a high-pitched tone, in a relaxed and pleasant way, so that he doesn't feel like you are scolding him or saying something bad, must be all positive.
  5. It is important not to invade the personal space of the dog, so when we are at a safe distance we will reach out our hand and show him the palms, so you can smell them and get acquainted with us. It is also useful to make them understand that we do not have food or anything hidden. Keep in mind that many dogs, just like people, do not like to have their space invaded, so you should totally avoid jumping on it, covering it from above or touching any part of its body unexpectedly.
  6. If the dog accepts your company he will approach by himselfand he will start sniffing you. At this time you can begin to caress him slowly and calmly so as not to excite him. You can start by stroking around his neck. Remember that if he doesn't come close you shouldn't force him and you should never cover him.
  7. If he's sniffing you quietly, you can get down on his leveland make him feel more comfortable. Also, you should not put your knees or hands on the ground, so that if the dog has an unexpected attitude, you can react in time.
  8. Never hug or kiss him. Contrary to what people think, dogs do not like to be hugged, as it blocks them and does not let them escape, so they feel stressed.
  9. Give him kind words and pet him gently, remember that, although some dogs are very rough, others are very delicate and are not friends strong slaps on the back.
  10. Reinforce positive interactions, such as being calm or allowing him to be manipulated and, on the contrary, never scold him or have an attitude angry with him, don't forget he's not your dog.
