What do rabbits eat? - FOODS and QUANTITIES (by age)

What do rabbits eat? - FOODS and QUANTITIES (by age)
What do rabbits eat? - FOODS and QUANTITIES (by age)
What do rabbits eat?
What do rabbits eat?

The domestic rabbits are mammals that belong to the order Lagomorpha, that is, they are not rodents, as had been considered until recently. early 20th century, are a distinct order. Rabbits are sociable and intelligent animals, which can accompany us for more than ten years. As with dogs, we currently find a wide variety of types and breeds of rabbits.

If you have a rabbit, have decided to adopt one or are going to adopt one soon, it is very important that you inform yourself properly about rabbit diet, to ensure an optimal quality of life and a positive state of he alth. Are you wondering what rabbits eat? How to feed a newborn rabbit?

In this article on our site we will inform you about rabbit feeding in all its stages, whether we are talking about rabbits, adults or seniors. Discover below the keys for your rabbit to be he althy, happy and well cared for. Take note!

Feeding newborn rabbits

Baby rabbits, also known as " kits", are especially delicate and require special care to survive. In an ideal situation, it is the parent who should feed all her kits with breast milk, however, if the female rejects her young or dies, we we will have to take care of their diet to ensure their survival, and it is common to ask ourselves what do baby rabbits eat.

It is important to note that the chances of survival of a baby rabbit are low if it is far from its parent, therefore, if you are in charge of a newborn baby rabbit, we recommendgo to a veterinarian to ensure their he alth status and receive specific guidelines depending on the case.

The rabbit's nest, essential for its survival

Before delving into the feeding of newborn rabbits, it will be very important to focus on the care of newborn rabbits. We'll start by highlighting the importance of creating a "nest" or "security zone" for the little rabbit. You can make a cardboard box, which you will accommodate with a soft towel, with coconut fiber, goat hair or hay. You can even combine several of these materials to make it more comfortable and fluffy.

We will place the nest in a quiet area, without drafts or direct light. Also, if it is winter in your country, you should ensure the warmth of the nest with a thermal blanket Of course, the blanket should never come into contact with the newborn rabbit. You will have to wrap it in a thick towel or blanket and, on top, you will place the nest.

Feeding newborn rabbits

You should know that feeding newborn rabbits is not an easy task, for this reason, it may be highly recommended to go to a veterinarian specialized in exotic animals to show us the procedure. We must have a bottle with a very small nipple (for example, for kittens and puppies) or a small syringe without a tip and specific milk for rabbits, that is, milk formula for rabbits, for sale in veterinary centers, pet supply stores or online stores.

The amount of milk is around 3 milliliters during the first week of life. At this stage it will be convenient to feed it about three times a day and supervise it regularly to ensure that everything is going well. We will progressively increase the amount of milk, until reaching 15 milliliters during week 6 or 7. From the third week, approximately, we will leave small portions of fresh hay within reach of the rabbit, so that it begins to experiment with the.

Some key tips for feeding a newborn rabbit are:

  • Always bet on specific formulas for rabbits
  • Always feed your rabbit horizontally, never like a human baby
  • Weigh the rabbit daily to ensure it gains weight
  • Do not force him to eat, you could cause aspiration pneumonia
  • Go to the vet if you notice no defecation or any symptoms of illness
  • Don't overstimulate him, let him rest the necessary hours
What do rabbits eat? - Feeding newborn rabbits
What do rabbits eat? - Feeding newborn rabbits

What do young rabbits eat?

The weaning age is around 8 weeks, however, it is important to note that each rabbit has its own rhythm and that some will start eating solid food before or after eight weeks. At this time we can move him to a suitable size rabbit cage. To comply with a minimum of animal welfare we must ensure that the minimum measurements of the cage are between 1 meter and 1.5 meters, yes, it can be greater if you wish. Do not forget to place a nest inside the cage so that your rabbit can take refuge. Likewise, the cage should act as a refuge, a safe place for your rabbit, not as its only space. These animals, like all animals, need to move freely, so it is not correct or appropriate to keep them confined in a cage 24 hours a day. For this reason, we recommend leaving the cage always open and adapting the home so that the rabbits can move freely around it without endangering their he alth.

When it comes to feeding rabbits from this moment on, it should be noted that they are strictly herbivorous animals, so they do not they should eat foods such as grains or seeds. Ideally, try to keep as much as possible what the species would eat in the wild. Next, we name the different types of food that should be introduced and in what percentages:

Hay and alfalfa

From weaning and up to 6 months of life, the rabbit will still be growing. At this stage, you should have unlimited hay in your cage, as this should be the basis of your diet (about 80% of the daily diet) because It will ensure an active and he althy intestinal transit. It is important that you always have hay at your disposal, because if the intestinal transit stops, you could suffer from serious he alth problems. Likewise, the hay must be of quality to guarantee a correct balance of fiber and protein, since these animals need to consume a lot of fiber and less protein. Check out this other article where we talk about which is the best hay for rabbits.

Alfalfa is rich in calcium and contains more protein than hay, so it is also recommended to include it in the rabbit's daily diet young, since at this stage you need to ingest more calcium than in adulthood. The amount should be less than that of hay and should be reduced progressively as the rabbit grows to avoid excess calcium, which could lead to the formation of kidney stones.


In addition to hay, rabbits eat vegetables, leaves and fresh grass for their fiber, vitamins and minerals, such as leaves carrot, escarole, arugula, lamb's lettuce or red cabbage. Specifically, the contribution of vegetables should occupy 15-20% of the total daily diet. Of course, not all vegetables are suitable, so we recommend consulting our article on Fruits and vegetables recommended for rabbits. Likewise, to offer a varied diet, it is advisable to offer different vegetables during the day, not always the same one.

I think

Finally, within the feeding of the young rabbit we find the introduction of commercial feed. This is a processed food that is not mandatory, especially if we focus on imitating the feeding of the species in the wild. However, if you want to introduce it to provide extra calcium and nutrients, the percentage that it should occupy in the rabbit's daily diet should be 5-10%. The food in the form of pellets must be of good quality, formulated specifically for growing rabbits, that is, between 8 weeks and 6 months, and composed of 20 Minimum % fiber. The mixture is not recommended because it includes seeds and cereals in its composition.

Abusing feed can cause your rabbit to develop obesity, a really negative condition for its he alth. On the other hand, despite indicating approximate percentages of each type of food, it is best to consult a veterinarian specialized in nutrition of small animals such as rabbits, since the ideal is to establish a personalized diet adapted to the characteristics of each rabbit.

Complementary foods

You can complete your diet with snacks that, preferably, should be pieces of fresh fruitDue to its high sugar content, it is not convenient offer the fruits daily or in large quantities, so they are reserved to give them as a prize.

Clean water

Apart from the food, the rabbit should always have fresh and clean water.

What do rabbits eat? - What do young rabbits eat?
What do rabbits eat? - What do young rabbits eat?

What do adult rabbits eat?

Around 6 or 7 months of life our rabbit will reach the adult stage and, at that time, its diet should be slightly modified to prevent obesity in rabbits. Any change in your diet should be done gradually, never suddenly, as this can cause gastrointestinal disorders.

If you wonder what rabbits eat, unlimited hay will continue to be the basis of their diet to ensure proper gastrointestinal motility, which must always remain active. Make sure it is fresh, quality hay. If your rabbit doesn't seem interested in eating hay or stops doing so, you should see a vet to rule out he alth problems, but you can also try encouraging him with different types of hay and grasses. In fact, it is very positive to offer different hays to provide a varied diet. At this point, it is also convenient to reduce the amount of alfalfa.

The vegetables, leaves and fresh grass will continue to occupy 15-20% of the daily dietof the rabbit. Again, it is convenient to vary the vegetables and leaves during the day, so you can prepare small salads for your rabbit and offer one first thing in the morning and another in the afternoon, for example, since they are crepuscular animals. As for the feed, if it was included in the previous stage to make the animal gain a little more weight, or for any other reason, in adulthood it is advisable to reduce its contribution to the minimum possible and even eliminate it. As we mentioned in the previous section, feed is not an essential food.

As in the previous stage, it is advisable to limit fruit and offer it only as a reward or sporadic snacks. It is important to enrich their diet by varying foods, however, pay special attention to foods that are prohibited for rabbits to avoid possible poisoning.

It is important that you supervise daily that the rabbit is eating properly and drinking water. In the case of observing a lack of interest in food, lack of droppings, diarrhea or dental overgrowth in the rabbit, go to your veterinarian to carry out an evaluation. On the other hand, stools that are too small, dark, or have irregular shapes may indicate a lack of fiber.

What do rabbits eat? - What do adult rabbits eat?
What do rabbits eat? - What do adult rabbits eat?

What do old rabbits eat?

Around years old, rabbits begin their old age. It is important to spend more time with them and pay close attention to their behavior, habits and droppings to detect any problems early and ensure the daily interaction they so much need.

When they become old, rabbits continue to maintain the same diet as adult rabbits if they do not have any he alth problems. However, in this case, the amount of alfalfa can be increased, as long as the animal's calcium levels allow it.

If the elderly rabbit suffers from any he alth problem, the diet must be adapted following the instructions of the veterinarian. Especially if you begin to observe a notable weight loss, it is highly recommended to assess the dose and type of food with the specialist to establish a diet that really benefits the current he alth of the animal.

Make sure you give him all the affection he needs. Remember that a rabbit can exceed 8 years of life, although this will depend directly on its diet, the care it receives and socialization. Take care of it as it deserves, for all the moments it has given you.

What should rabbits NOT eat? - Foods not indicated

To finish, we are going to show you a list of some foods toxic, poisonous or poorly indicated for rabbits:

  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Sugar
  • S alt
  • Fruit in syrup
  • Fat
  • Starch
  • Iceberg lettuce
  • Potato
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Avocado
  • Chocolate
  • Tea leaves
  • Bamboo
  • Poinsettia
  • Belladonna
  • Mushrooms
  • Orchids
  • Ivy
  • Fern
  • Cactus
  • Geraniums
  • Mistletoe
  • Daffodils
  • Cannabis
  • Aloe vera
  • Juniper

Likewise, it is not recommended to offer human food or any animal derivative, remember that the rabbit is a strict herbivorous animal The food, if it is fresh, it will be much better accepted by his body and he will enjoy eating it much more. Always pay attention to the expiration date.

Now you know what rabbits eat and what fruits and vegetables should be included in a rabbit's diet, what else would you add to this list? Keep in mind that, as we have mentioned, it is essential to adapt the diet to the characteristics of each individual, so that the best diet for your rabbit is one that is totally personalized. If you don't know how to do it, don't hesitate to go to a veterinary clinic specialized in rabbits so they can advise you.

Tell us, do you know more vegetables for rabbits? What is the ideal food for your rabbits? Leave us your feedback so other members of our site community can benefit!
