Mice are mammals belonging to the order Rodentia (rodents) which, together with other small mammals such as rats, make up the family Muridae. There are several species of mice, however, the best known are the house mouse (Mus musculus) and the field mouse(Apodemus sylvaticus), which we can easily find in nature. Although both are very similar, like many other rodents, they differ in some aspects such as their way of life or food. In fact, we usually associate mice with cheese as their main food, but we will see that this is not the only thing that these animals can consume.
If you are interested in knowing what mice eat, don't hesitate to read this article on our site.
Mice Digestive System
Before knowing what mice eat, it is very important to know how to differentiate these small mammals from other domestic rodents such as hamsters or rats, because although they have a similar appearance and diet, they are totally different species. Here are some general features of mice:
- They are small animals, although their size, which is usually around 9 or 10 centimeters in length, can vary depending on the species. They have round or oval bodies with normally short fur and are characterized by their long tails and long whiskers used to recognize the environment.
- Regarding their habitat, the places where mice can be found can be quite diverse, from areas with little or no vegetation to large forests and mountainous areas. All this without forgetting the many homes where house mice predominate.
- They have great abilities, among them the enormous agility that they present both on land and in water, offering this a great advantage when it comes to to escape from their predators in nature (birds, reptiles, domestic cats, etc.). In addition, they are very active animals and have a great sense of smell that allows them to detect the long-distance food.
- House mice can live about 2-3 years. However, mice in the wild tend to have a shorter life expectancy because they are exposed to greater dangers from nature such as the presence of their predators.
If you want to know more about the characteristics of mice, you may also be interested in the following article: "Differences between rat and mouse".
Now, focusing on the digestive system of mice, which is what will allow us to know what they eat, we can say that they are originally herbivores, so their digestive system is adapted to consume plant matter. However, today they can be considered omnivorous animals since in nature it is also common to see them feeding on other small animals or human food scraps.
On the other hand, it is important to note that their incisor teeth grow continuously, so they must be filed down while eating. If the mouse does not manage to wear down these teeth, it can develop pain and mouth problems that will prevent the animal from eating and, therefore, it can die due to extreme physical weakness.
After food is eaten, it is broken down and digested in the mouse's stomach and long intestines. Plant matter is broken down in the cecum, but the resulting proteins and vitamins are not absorbed by the cecum. It is for this reason that it is a common practice in mice to ingest fecal matter or cecotroph to incorporate these nutrients into the body. Finally, the waste products are expelled back through the anus.
What do field mice eat?
These little animals have a very high metabolism, so they consume food several times a day. Newborn mice feed on their mother's milk during the 20 to 25 days of lactation. After weaning, as mentioned above, mice can be considered herbivores or omnivores, since their diet usually varies depending on the habitat in which they are found. Thus, the diet of free-range or field mice may include:
- Floors
- Fruits
- Seeds
- Estate
- Vegetables
- Human food scraps
- Insects
- Scorpions
- Other small animals
No less important is the diet of house mice, as these animals are usually fed commercial mouse feed. However, many owners also choose to offer a homemade diet

What do house mice eat?
Many mouse keepers decide to feed these rodents with a suitable feed for them. We can find this type of commercial food in numerous animal feed stores and they are highly recommended, since they collect the necessary nutrients. Thus, a good mouse mix might include:
- Dried fruits such as apples or bananas
- Dehydrated vegetables such as carrots
- Soy oil
- Cereals
- Carobs
- Seeds
- Nuts
- Beans
- Dairy products
- Products rich in fiber
Good food for mice
Other mouse keepers prefer to supplement this type of diet with a homemade diet, thus including natural foods. These can be given in small or larger pieces to wear down your teeth when you bite down. Among them we can find:
- Carrot
- Celery
- Spinach
- Cucumber
- Apple
- Banana
- Peach
- Pear
- Broccoli
- Stale bread
- Cheese
- Meat
An important aspect that we must not forget about feeding mice is the fact of avoiding foods that may be harmful to them, such as chocolate, garlic or onion Good hydration is also important, so a suitable drinking fountain that always has clean and fresh water is essential.
Finally, we would like to highlight the importance of going to a veterinarian to help you understand what mice eat and establish the best diet for each type of mouse.
If you have adopted a mouse, don't miss the smells that mice hate the most to avoid them.

How much does a mouse eat a day?
Mice need approximately 10 grams of food for every 100 grams of their weight So if a mouse weighs 70 grams, it is It is convenient to give 7 grams of food daily, which should be left freely available to the animal since it eats several times a day
Now, entering the amounts of each nutrient, bearing in mind that you need about 10-20% protein of the total of his diet, it is important to give him the food and the right amount. This means that, if we decide to offer a mixture to a house mouse, it would be necessary to check on the label that the percentage of protein is not very high. If, on the other hand, we prefer a more homemade diet, it is important not to overuse foods rich in protein, such as cheese, and focus on others that provide more nutrients such as fruit or vegetables, since 80 -90% remaining must be made up of vitamins, minerals, fiber, carbohydrates, etc.