BARF Diet for Dogs - Ingredients, Quantities and 5 Recipes

BARF Diet for Dogs - Ingredients, Quantities and 5 Recipes
BARF Diet for Dogs - Ingredients, Quantities and 5 Recipes
BARF diet for dogs - Ingredients, quantities and 5 recipes
BARF diet for dogs - Ingredients, quantities and 5 recipes

The BARF diet for dogs (acronym for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food), known in Spanish as ACBA (Alimentación Cruda Biológicamente Adequada), It is one of the trends in terms of canine nutrition. However, we must know that the BARF diet, developed by the Australian veterinarian Ian Billinghurst, became popular at the end of the 20th century, with the publication of the book " Give Your Dog a Bone."

This diet proposes the use of raw, uncooked foods, arguing that it is the most natural way of feeding domestic canids. However, there is great controversy surrounding the ACBA diet for dogs, since when carried out improperly, it increases the risk of transmitting certain parasites and pathologies, some of them zoonotic diseases, which means that they can be transmitted to humans and vice versa.

In this article on our site we will talk about the BARF diet for dogs. We'll explain what it really consists of, what ingredients we can use, the approximate amounts or the precautions we must take when preparing it. Likewise, we will also share with you 5 he althy recipes that you can easily make at home.

What is the BARF diet for dogs?

The BARF diet for dogs consists of feeding completely raw products to pets. The objective is to recreate a diet that is as natural as possible and similar to that of canids in the wild. Pieces of meat, offal, organs, muscle, meaty bones and eggs are offered Moderate amounts of fruits and vegetables recommended for dogs are also included in smaller proportions.

Thus, the BARF diet meets the dog's nutritional requirements, which are mainly based on the consumption of quality proteins and fats. To a lesser extent it also requires fatty acids, minerals and vitamins[1].

However, it is not proven that dogs can fully assimilate the nutrients offered by totally raw fruits and vegetables. In fact, in the wild, canids consume these foods from the stomach of their prey, which are semi-digested, which is why many tutors prepare steam these ingredients before to offer them.

BARF diet for dogs - Ingredients, quantities and 5 recipes - What is the BARF diet for dogs?
BARF diet for dogs - Ingredients, quantities and 5 recipes - What is the BARF diet for dogs?

Is raw meat good for dogs?

After reading the previous section, you may be wondering if it's really good to give raw meat to dogs. There are many theories and opinions about it, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

Raw meat for dogs: pros

  • The stomach of dogs is prepared to digest raw meat. In fact, is what the dog would eat in the wild.
  • The dog's diet is Mostly carnivorous Although they can also eat vegetables and fruits, it is necessary to specify that in the wild, dogs eat vegetables and fruits from the stomach of their prey, so these are already half digested.
  • Dogs' intestines are short, so there is no putrefaction of meat in them.
  • When eating raw foods, dogs absorb more enzymes, vitamins and natural probiotics than if they are cooked or processed.

Raw meat for dogs: against

  • If the raw meat does not have a quality certificate, our dog could get infections and parasites.
  • Not all dogs like raw meat, so in the end it will be the animal itself who chooses what to eat and what not.
  • Some legends suggest that "raw meat makes a dog more aggressive", but this is totally false.

You will find more information on this topic in this other article on our site on Is raw meat good for dogs?

BARF diet for dogs - Ingredients, quantities and 5 recipes - Is raw meat good for dogs?
BARF diet for dogs - Ingredients, quantities and 5 recipes - Is raw meat good for dogs?

Benefits of the BARF diet for dogs

So, is the BARF diet good for dogs? It is considered that raw feeding, based on fresh and quality products, offers a nutritional benefit superior to that of cooked food or conventional feed. Contains digestive enzymes that increase biological availability but, at the same time, reduces the risk of heart disease and allows maximum energy to be released from food [2] [3]

Nevertheless, it is important to point out that raw feeding for dogs is not without risks, since carrying it out without guarantees can increase the risk of transmitting parasites and pathogens. For this reason, it is always recommended to ensure the quality and origin of the raw materials, betting on products from organic farming that have rigorous he alth certificates. It is also advisable to pre-freeze the food, since, even if the nutritional value is slightly altered, it is much safer[2] [Four. Five]

Likewise, to guarantee the dog's he alth status and promptly detect any he alth problem, it is advisable to carry out regular veterinary check-upsevery 2 or 3 months, as well as strictly following the dog's vaccination schedule and periodic deworming, both internal and external.

It should be noted that 98.7% of guardians in a survey considered their dogs he althier after initiating them on the BARF diet for dogs. Among the various benefits they pointed out a brighter coat, cleaner teeth, less voluminous feces and, in short, a state of he alth and more positive behavior They also considered that it was a more palatable food for them and they showed greater satisfaction in being able to choose the products for their animals' diet[6]

BARF diet for dogs - Ingredients, quantities and 5 recipes - Benefits of the BARF diet for dogs
BARF diet for dogs - Ingredients, quantities and 5 recipes - Benefits of the BARF diet for dogs

Ingredients for the BARF diet for dogs

You're probably already wondering what foods you can use to make A. C. B. A Biologically Appropriate Raw Dog Food, right? Before starting, it will be essential to review the different ingredients that we can use, all of them of natural origin

Dog meat

These are some examples of raw meat for dogs Remember to choose quality products, preferably from organic farming, that also have the relevant certifications. Do not forget also that it will be essential to freeze the meat before offering it to the dog:

  • Beef steaks
  • Beef Tapa
  • Beef brisket
  • Beef neck
  • Chicken breast
  • Turkey breast
  • Duck breast
  • Pork Cheeks
  • Ox Cheeks
  • Beef cheeks
  • Rabbit loin

Dog bones (raw and meaty)

Raw bones for dogs are an excellent option that allows us to offer protein, fat and calcium We'll start by grinding up the meaty bones and, once Once the body is used to consuming these foods, we will offer easy-to-eat pieces, such as duck neck or chicken carcass.

Later we will introduce new meaty bones for dogs, such as rabbit ribs or veal neck. Finally, when the dog is familiar with these ingredients, we can include some more complex and voluminous ones, such as turkey carcass. It is also advisable to freeze them:

  • Beef shank
  • Rabbit ribs
  • Rabbit leg
  • Lamb Chops
  • Turkey neck
  • Chicken neck
  • Duck Neck
  • Rabbit Neck
  • Lamb neck
  • Beef neck
  • Sheep Skirt
  • Pork ribs
  • Veal ribs
  • Chicken butt
  • Chicken wings
  • Chicken Carcass
  • Breast of veal
  • Turkey Carcass
  • Duck Carcass
  • Chicken thigh

Remember that under no circumstances should you offer cooked bones to your dog, since they splinter easily. Only raw, meaty bones for dogs should be included in the BARF diet for dogs.

Recreational Dog Bones

Have you heard of recreational bones for dogs? These bones are not part of the diet, but are offered as one more form of enrichment to train them, improve their well-being and, at the same time,replace dental snacks , as they help clean your dog's teeth naturally. Of course, it is essential that they chew them under supervision, especially the first few times. It is also advisable to freeze them beforehand:

  • Beef trachea
  • Pig femur
  • Beef femur
  • Beef patella
  • Beef Shank
  • Beef scapula
  • Beef hip
  • Chicken foot
  • Pork leg
  • Beef humerus
  • Beef tail

Viscera and organs for dogs

Another very important aspect of the BARF diet is the organs and viscera, as they provide many of the nutritional requirements of dogs, such as proteins, fatty acids and vitaminsAs in the previous cases, we will freeze before offering:

  • Chicken Stomach
  • Lamb's Heart
  • Chicken heart
  • Beef heart
  • Pig Heart
  • Heart of beef
  • Rabbit Heart
  • Chicken gizzards
  • Chicken's liver
  • Beef liver
  • Beef kidney
  • Chicken kidney
  • Beef liver
  • Beef spleen
  • Rabbit lung
  • Rabbit brains
  • Pork Criadillas
  • Lamb Criadillas

Fish for dogs

Fish is another food of animal origin that cannot be missing from the BARF diet for dogs, yes, remember remove the bones before offering this food to your dog. As in the previous points, it will be convenient to freeze. Some examples are:

  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Sardines
  • Mackerel
  • Anchovies
  • Anchovies
  • Trout
  • Cod
  • Turbot
  • Mere
  • Nice
  • Emperor
  • Snuff
  • Sole
  • Hake

Seafood for dogs

Like fish, shellfish is an excellent source of protein and vitamins. Choose the product to offer well, always fresh, well washed and previously frozen:

  • Clams
  • Shrimp
  • Cigalas
  • Lobster
  • Prawns
  • Mussels
  • Cockles

Dog Vegetables

Vegetables are also part of the BARF diet for dogs, although in lower proportion than foods of animal origin. Some examples you can use are:

  • Spinach
  • Carrots
  • Zucchini
  • Beetroot
  • Lettuce
  • Cabbage
  • Celery
  • Green beans
  • Green peas
  • Peppers
  • Chard
  • Cucumber

Fruits for dogs

Fruits, due to their high sugar content, should be moderated. The quantity, which we will see in the following sections, is even smaller than that of vegetables:

  • Apple
  • Coconut
  • Blueberries
  • Pear
  • Papaya
  • Banana
  • Apricot
  • Peach
  • Strawberries
  • Watermelon
  • Mango
  • Cantaloupe

Other BARF diet foods for dogs

To finish we want to mention some extra foods that can also be part of the ACBA diet for dogs but that we could not include in previous sections:

  • Chicken eggs
  • Quail eggs
  • Kefir
  • Cottage cheese
  • Curd
  • Natural yogurt
  • Olive oil
  • Fish oil
  • Alfalfa
  • Seaweed
  • Ground bone
  • Beer yeast

These are just some examples of foods that we can include in the ACBA diet for dogs, however, there are many more. The key to this diet is to be able to offer our animals a rich and varied diet, which they also like.

Discover more natural food supplements for dogs on our site and don't hesitate to ask your veterinarian about adapting the diet to avoid nutritional deficiencies.

BARF diet for dogs - Ingredients, quantities and 5 recipes - Ingredients for the BARF diet for dogs
BARF diet for dogs - Ingredients, quantities and 5 recipes - Ingredients for the BARF diet for dogs

Amounts of the BARF diet for dogs

Another important factor to consider will be the quantities of BARF food to be offered. It is best to consult a veterinarian, as the specialist will be able to tell us the most appropriate foods and amounts taking into account age, he alth status, activity leveland other factors.

However, in general, we can know what amounts to offer taking into account the daily kilocalories required by a he althy adult dog with a ideal body condition[7]:

  • 2 kg=140 kcal/day
  • 3 kg=190 kcal/day
  • 4 kg=240 kcal/day
  • 5 kg=280 kcal/day
  • 8 kg=400 kcal/day
  • 10 kg=470 kcal/day
  • 12 kg=540 kcal/day
  • 15 kg=640 kcal/day
  • 17 kg=700 kcal/day
  • 20 kg=790 kcal/day
  • 23 kg=880 kcal/day
  • 25 kg=940 kcal/day
  • 28 kg=1020 kcal/day
  • 30 kg=1080 kcal/day
  • 33 kg=1160 kcal/day
  • 35 kg=1210 kcal/day
  • 38 kg=1290 kcal/day
  • 40 kg=1340 kcal/day
  • 43 kg=1410 kcal/day
  • 45 kg=1460 kcal/day
  • 49 kg=1560 kcal/day

How to make the BARF diet for dogs?

Once we are clear about the daily kilocalories that our dog requires, also evaluating the aforementioned factors, we will be able to choose the most convenient ingredients for our dog's BARF food. Likewise, when preparing the composition of the dish, we will guarantee a proportion that includes 50% meat and offal, 20% meaty raw bones, 20% fresh vegetables and 10% fruit.

Of course, these ratios are not final. In fact, there is no study that can guarantee quantities and percentages in a generic way. Any food or diet for dogs, including dry feed, must be adapted to the specific individual In this sense, it is always a good idea to consult a veterinarian for guidance and help to prepare correctly the quantities and doses to offer.

BARF diet for dogs - Ingredients, quantities and 5 recipes - How to make the BARF diet for dogs?
BARF diet for dogs - Ingredients, quantities and 5 recipes - How to make the BARF diet for dogs?

5 BARF diet recipes for dogs

Looking for a example of a BARF or ACBA diet for dogs? If you are considering starting your dog to eat raw meat, you can try one of the following recipes, in this way you will observe the acceptance of your dog and the time you must dedicate to preparing it.

Next, we are going to offer you five examples of the BARF diet for dogs. We must remember once again that if you intend to feed your dog raw food regularly, you should first go to the vet and check that he is in good physical shape, In addition, you will ask the veterinarian or nutritionist for some specific recommendations for your dog to avoid the appearance of nutritional deficiencies.

In the variety of ingredients is the secret of the diet invented by Ian Billinghurst, so don't forget to mix different meats and fish, as well as fruits and vegetables. Discover 5 ACBA diet recipes for dogs that include a wide variety of foods, all of them designed to offer a dog weighing 30 kilograms throughout the day, he althy and with a normal physical condition:

1. Sample BARF diet for chicken dogs

Chicken meat stands out for being one of the he althiest, since it barely contains saturated fat. It is ideal for sedentary adult dogs, as well as for dogs that are overweight Here is a chicken recipe for dogs:

  • 250 grams boneless chicken breast
  • 100 grams of chicken wings
  • 100 grams of chicken gizzards
  • 1 chicken neck (approximately 38 grams)
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 100 grams of beetroot
  • 50 grams of spinach
  • 1 medium apple (seeds removed)

two. BARF diet example for beef dogs

In this case we are talking about lean meat with a high nutritional value. It offers proteins, water, fats and minerals. It should be offered in moderation as it is also rich in cholesterol:

  • 200 grams of beef fillet
  • 100 grams of beef heart
  • 2 diced beef ribs (approximately 170 grams)
  • 100 grams of kefir
  • 1 large carrot
  • 100 grams green beans
  • 50 grams of coconut

3. Sample BARF diet for duck dogs

Duck meat is usually well accepted by dogs, however, due to its high fat content, we should moderate its intake. We can offer it moderately to puppies or dogs that perform daily physical activity:

  • 250 grams of duck breast
  • 100 grams of duck carcass
  • 100 grams of duck liver
  • 50 grams of cottage cheese
  • 50 grams of brewer's yeast
  • 110 grams cabbage
  • 1 small pear

4. Sample BARF diet for lamb dogs

Lamb is ideal for dogs suffering from food allergies to chicken or other poultry. It is also usually very well accepted by dogs:

  • 100 grams of lamb chop
  • 125 grams lamb tongue
  • 100 grams of lamb brains
  • 100 grams of lamb criadillas
  • 3 quail eggs
  • 1 sliced cucumber (approximately 125 grams)
  • 1 stick of celery (approximately 30 grams)
  • 100 grams of wakame seaweed
  • 1 medium banana

5. Sample BARF Salmon Dog Diet

We will end with salmon, one of the star fish in dog food, as it is rich in essential oils and offers many benefits for he alth. It is recommended for dogs of all ages, it also helps reduce the risk of heart disease and helps keep the cognitive system in shape, ideal for elderly dogs:

  • 300 grams of salmon
  • 150 grams of mussels
  • 2 tablespoons sunflower oil
  • 2 tablespoons ground bone for dogs
  • 1 whole natural yogurt (approximately 125 grams)
  • 1 medium zucchini (approximately 100 grams)
  • 50 grams of green peas
  • 1 medium papaya (approximately 140 grams)

As you can see, you can modify the menu according to your dog's preferences. Preparing an ACBA diet is relatively simple and very satisfying, so we encourage you to try it always taking into account the indicated preventive measures and following the advice of your trusted veterinarian.

Don't forget to introduce these foods gradually to your diet!

Where to buy BARF diet?

Since the BARF diet consists of various natural foods for dogs, in this sense you can buy the BARF diet in any supermarket, that is, buying the ingredients separately and always checking that the food is of quality. However, you can also buy ready-made BARF food at some pet stores

To avoid buying spoiled food, another option is to opt for buy frozen BARF diet, which you can keep comfortably in your freezer and defrost it at the desired time to offer it to your dog. In this way, you can acquire several BARF menu for dogs at the same time and keep them.

BARF diet for cats

If you have cats at home as well as dogs, you may be interested to know that there is also the BARF diet for cats. As in the BARF food for dogs, the ACBA diet for cats consists of offering the tenant a natural diet as close as possible to that of felines in the wild.

Benefits of the BARF diet for cats

BARF food for cats has many advantages, including:

  • Your coat will be shinier.
  • The cat will be more active.
  • Your joints will be he althier.
  • You will avoid overweight and obesity problems.
  • The stool will not have a bad smell.
  • Since raw meat has large amounts of water, your cat won't need to drink as often.

For more information, in addition to consulting your veterinarian, you can take a look at this other article on Raw diet or BARF for cats - Example, benefits and advice.
