Raw diet or BARF for cats - Example, benefits and tips

Raw diet or BARF for cats - Example, benefits and tips
Raw diet or BARF for cats - Example, benefits and tips
Raw diet or BARF for cats - Example, benefits and tips
Raw diet or BARF for cats - Example, benefits and tips

If you have a cat at home, you'll know how much he enjoys eating. As soon as he hears his bag of food or sniffs the can of wet food, your kitty goes crazy and won't leave you alone until he sees the food on his plate.

Now, have you ever considered giving your cat a natural diet, based on raw foods and free of flour, chemicals and dyes? Maybe it sounds crazy to you or you can't find the reason to do this, that's why on our site we want to talk to you about the BARF diet for cats

For years to this day, this diet has become very popular among owners of felines, especially among those whose cats are prohibited from consuming processed food for various reasons, or in those who choose to feed their animals with a natural diet. Find out what it's all about!

The origins of the BARF diet in cats

The name of the BARF diet has two meanings: Bones and Raw Food, which means "bones and raw food", and Biologically Appropriate Raw Food, which is the name given to this diet in Spanish, abbreviated ACBA, which means "Biologically Appropriate Raw Food".

This type of feeding was implemented by Ian Billinghurst in 1993, although the name BARF is due to Debbie Trip.

The idea of this diet is that the cat can have a diet as close as possible to what it would have in the wild, based on raw meat, bones, organ meats and a small portion of raw vegetables.

It is assumed that feeding in this way the cat will have all the nutrients it needs to be he althy, in addition to avoiding the harmful effects that processed foods can bring, due to the amount of chemicals and flours they contain, since they can cause diseases, allergies and even obesity.

After Billinghurst published his theory, many veterinarians, researchers and, over time, protectionists and advocates of the organic lifestyle, have chosen to feed their cats this type of diet, promoting and disseminating this natural way of feeding animals as the most appropriate and natural.

Raw diet or BARF for cats - Example, benefits and tips - The origins of the BARF diet in cats
Raw diet or BARF for cats - Example, benefits and tips - The origins of the BARF diet in cats

Why is the BARF diet advocated?

The philosophy that follows this type of feeding appeals to the fact that, despite the entire adaptation process that cats went through until they became a domesticated species, the structure of their organism continues to be the same, so the digestive system processes protein, that is, meat, better than carbohydrates, a component that processed foods contain in excess.

Also, The chemicals and fat in processed food can cause illness in some cats, such as pancreatitis and kidney stones, so example, with which more natural recipes are recommended, so the BARF diet becomes an excellent option in these cases.

How to make a BARF diet for a cat?

Between sixty and eighty percent of the food must consist of raw meat, either chicken or turkey, with wings, neck, etc. Just ten percent raw shredded vegetables, like carrots, celery, zucchini and some fruits, and even cooked zucchini, foods that cats really enjoy. Remember that it is important to review which fruits and vegetables are recommended for cats to avoid possible poisoning.

In addition, it is necessary to add between fifteen and twenty percent of lamb, duck or rabbit meat, for example, a couple of times a week; fish and organ meats (heart, liver, kidney, among others) once a week; about five eggs a week, and maybe some extra vitamin supplements. Among the supplements, taurine is necessary, an essential component for the cat's diet, which must be consumed daily. Taurine can be ingested by eating heart, or with supplements.

The idea is mix all the ingredients without needing to cook, and give the adult cat about two servings a day, and the puppy about four.

Avoid raw pork, cruciferous foods and excess starches, flours and cereals. The fish must be refrigerated before preparing the food, to kill possible bacteria. If you want, you can take the same measurement with the rest of the protein. If bones are added, they must be with some meat, and always raw, because when they are cooked they can splinter and drown the animal.

Raw diet or BARF for cats - Example, benefits and tips - How to make a BARF diet for a cat?
Raw diet or BARF for cats - Example, benefits and tips - How to make a BARF diet for a cat?

Example of BARF diet for cats

If you are interested in starting to feed your cat the BARF method, here is an example of how to identify portions:

  • 1/2 kilo of chicken or turkey meat, including breast, wings, neck, etc.
  • 400 grams of heart, either beef, chicken or lamb
  • 200 grams of chicken liver
  • 300 grams of grated vegetables (zucchini, carrot and pumpkin)
  • 1 egg
  • Fish oil

Preparing the BARF diet:

Mince meat and bones very well, either at home or by ordering them cut up when you buy them. Place in a container and add the heart, vegetables and egg. Mix the ingredients to the meat very well. Add a little fish oil, a source of omega 3, according to your cat's weight. You can use, for example, salmon oil.

Separate into portions with plastic wrap and store in the freezer. Starting the night before, start defrosting the portions you'll need the next day, to serve to your cat at room temperature.

The idea is that you can vary the ingredients. Once a week, instead of using liver, add fish; when you have no heart, add taurine in supplements; alternate the vegetables you use.

If you prefer to add taurine as a supplement, you can add it directly to the portion at the time your cat is going to eat it, to prevent the components from "oxidizing" and to make it easier for you to calculate the amount suitable according to the weight of the animal.

You must not use any seasoning, nor s alt, oil, sauces or anything similar, nor garlic, chives, leeks or onions. Your cat does not need this, and they can be toxic to him or cause allergies.

Raw diet or BARF for cats - Example, benefits and advice - Example of BARF diet for cats
Raw diet or BARF for cats - Example, benefits and advice - Example of BARF diet for cats

Benefits of the BARF diet

There are many benefits of the BARF diet for cats that you should consider if you are thinking of changing their eating habits:

  • You will provide your cat with a natural diet, the closest thing to that of wild cats, with the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities (protein, taurine, fats, vitamins and amino acids), and without the side effects harmful that processed food can bring, due to chemicals, preservatives and the high proportions of flour and cereals.
  • You will avoid problems of overweight, obesity and lethargy.
  • The fur will be shinier,
  • The joints will be he althier, avoiding diseases.
  • Without carbohydrates, your stool won't smell bad.
  • The cat will recover its active attitude
  • Raw food has large amounts of water, so you will reduce your fluid intake.

If you are interested in introducing your cat to the BARF diet, consult your veterinarian about the portions and supplements required according to to its weight and the needs of the animal. Twice a year, he performs stool tests to rule out the presence of parasites, although with proper refrigeration and regular deworming this should not happen.
