6 Benefits of cutting a dog's hair - Advantages and tips to do it correctly

6 Benefits of cutting a dog's hair - Advantages and tips to do it correctly
6 Benefits of cutting a dog's hair - Advantages and tips to do it correctly
Benefits of cutting a dog's hair
Benefits of cutting a dog's hair

The haircut of dogs is usually associated with certain breeds, which have characteristic hairstyles, or with specimens that participate in beauty exhibitions. But the truth is that cutting hair can be an option for all those dogs whose fur allows or requires a cut. Next, in this article on our site, we talk about the benefits of cutting a dog's hair


A long, well-groomed coat is spectacular, but we don't always have the time to keep it in perfect condition, which can lead to the appearance of tangles, knots, dreadlocks, etc. These are not only an aesthetic problem, but can even cause skin damage and discomfort such as irritation, pulling and even dermatitis. Maintaining this type of coat requires brushing almost daily. Therefore, if we cannot spend a few minutes every day, one option would be to cut it In this way, the coat will look he althy and well cared for, even if it does not reach all its length, and it will be easier for us to wash it, apply shampoo or any other product, dry it, comb it, etc. In other words, your care will be easier.

On the other hand, a shorter coat can also be more comfortable for the dog itself, especially during the hot months. The cut can be done by a professional dog groomer or by us at home. We just have to have a quality cutting machine that allows fast, efficient and safe work, like the ones offered by MOSER Animal Their machines stand out for being very easy to use and for adapting to different types of hair, and they even have ideal models for cutting the hair on the pads, something that is often forgotten and that is also very important to keep in mind.

Benefits of cutting a dog's hair - Comfort
Benefits of cutting a dog's hair - Comfort


A long hair can be dragged along the ground, get into the drinker or feeder, or get dirty with urine, feces and other fluids such as saliva, legañas or blood. Therefore, keeping it short helps us maintain hygiene. In these cases, it may be enough that we cut the hair around the anus and genitals, ears, eyes or chin, in addition to the one that comes into contact with the ground. But be careful, because it has been common practice to remove the hair from inside the ear canal under the pretext of improving ventilation and hygiene of said canal, but the truth is that pulling out these hairs is counterproductive. Removing them could favor the appearance of otitis. Also remember that you should not cut the whiskers, which are the specialized hairs found on the eyebrows, muzzle, etc., and which have a specific function related to the sense of touch.

He alth

Sometimes, dogs can hurt themselves and get wounds that will need dressingTo facilitate recovery and prevent rubbing against the hair can trigger infections it is a good idea cut the hair in the area In fact, this cut is usually the first step when starting to clean and disinfect a wound.

Another case in which it may be recommended and, therefore, another of the benefits of cutting dogs' hair for he alth reasons is when it grows between the toes and footpadsLong hair in this area can make the dog slip on some floors, hindering its mobility and causing falls, as well as accumulating mud and dirt from the outside. To do this, we recommend consulting this other article: "How to cut the hair of the dog's pads?".

Benefits of cutting a dog's hair - He alth
Benefits of cutting a dog's hair - He alth


The haircut can also help us better visualize the animal's body, which will make it easier for us to detect the presence of parasitesexternal like ticks or fleas, which can go unnoticed between too long hair. In addition to being able to make a tactile recognition, a short hair will help us to see them better and to be able to locate and eradicate them. This better visualization of the entire body also favors that we better observe any alteration, such as a wound, inflammation or the growth of a lump.


Some dogs have very long, thick or heavy fur that falls over the eyes and makes it difficult to see and move the tail and earsSince dogs use their bodies to communicate, a good grooming, especially in these areas, can help them to be better understood both by their peers and by us.


Cutting our dog's hair is a way of getting him used to being handled all over his body, which favors the creation and maintenance of the bond between him and usIn addition, we can turn the moment into a good opportunity to practice education, rewarding him when he stays still, allows himself to be manipulated, cut, etc. Of course, for this it is very important to take into account the following:

  • The first cut must be carried out as soon as the veterinarian or the canine groomer tells us. Beforehand, it is important that we introduce him to the cutting tools, let him smell them and reward him so that he associates them with positive stimuli
  • It is essential that the whole experience be beneficial for the dog, otherwise we will not be able to create that bond. If he is afraid or we see that he is stressed, it is preferable to leave it for another time

Cutting is not shaving

Now that you know the benefits of cutting your dog's hair, we must make it clear that the cut we are talking about is not shaved. Cutting your hair is a good thing to do, but shaving it to zero is counterproductive and even dangerous. In other words, we take advantage of the benefits of cutting in dogs when we leave a length of several centimeters of hair, which can be more or less depending on the needs of the dog itself. On the other hand, if we cut close to the skin, that is, if we shave our dog practically to zero, what we do is expose it to different aggressions, such as those derived weather conditions, both hot and cold, or contact with multiple elements that could cause injuries.

Although many times the intention is to cut the hair as much as possible because we understand that it is the way to help the dog fight the heat, the truth is that we are achieving the opposite effect by removing the protection it offers hair and allow direct exposure of your skin. In addition, for dogs that have hair (hairless dog breeds are exempt), it is not natural to have their coat completely shaved, so it can also cause problems when it comes to relating with other dogs

For these reasons, the zero cut is reserved only for situations in which it is essential. For example, when a surgical intervention is needed. In these cases, the veterinarian will shave the area in order to clearly visualize the area on which he must act and work and to prevent the hairs from causing an infection when they come into contact with the wound.
