HOW TO SOCIALIZE a PUPPY correctly? - Keys and tips

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HOW TO SOCIALIZE a PUPPY correctly? - Keys and tips
HOW TO SOCIALIZE a PUPPY correctly? - Keys and tips
How to socialize a puppy dog correctly?
How to socialize a puppy dog correctly?

Dog socialization is an essential process in which the dog learns to relate to all kinds of people, animals and environments. It is a fundamental sensitive period so that, in its adult stage, the dog has a balanced and self-confident character. However, if a puppy has just arrived at your home and you are wondering how to socialize a puppy correctly? In this article on our site we explain what It is what you should do and what to avoid in order to socialize a puppy in the best possible way.

What is socialization?

Socialization is a sensitive period that begins at three weeks of age and ends around three months in which the recognition of friendly species occursA correct socialization allows the dog to interact with all kinds of beings and environments, whether we talk about children, adults or the elderly, dogs and cats and even adapt correctly to different environments, such as the city, the mountains, the subway, etc.

The dog begins to socialize with its mother and siblings, learning the canine language, the typical behaviors of the species or the limits of the game, among others. But at what age can puppies be separated from their parent? Ideally, do this between 8 to 10 weeks, before your socialization window closes completely. At this time he will already know how to relate to other dogs and people but will still be open to adapting to a new environment and his individuals.

Offering a wide range of positive experiences will allow the dog to relate correctly as an adult. For this reason, we can affirm that socialization is a very important process in the life of any pet, just as it would be for a child.

If you are wondering, at what age can puppies be separated from their mother? or you want to have more information about the language of dogs and calm signals, do not hesitate to visit these other two articles that we recommend.

How to socialize a puppy dog correctly? - What is socialization?
How to socialize a puppy dog correctly? - What is socialization?

How to socialize a puppy dog with people?

The socialization of the dog with people is essential in any environment. Dr. Ian Dunbar, a veterinarian, ethologist and trainer, suggests that a puppy should meet 1.000 people, at least, before one hundred months. However, as we know that this is not always possible, we encourage you to associate him with people of all kinds, whether we are talking about children, adults and the elderly.

For good socialization, interactions must be:

  • Positive: it is not enough that the puppy is not afraid of people, but that he has to feel happy every time he know someone
  • Volunteers: You don't have to force your puppy to approach people, but he has to do it on his own will of him. This way you will avoid the appearance of fears and phobias.

You must make your dog have fun with people. Of course, you have to take care that he doesn't get scared or hurt in any of these interactions. A negative experience could cause the appearance of unwanted behaviors. When your dog has all his vaccinations, the daily walks will serve to strengthen his socialization with people. Then you no longer need to invite friends over just to meet your pup.

You are likely to find informative pages that point out that a dog should not be socialized with many people for him to be a good guardian. This theory is false and, moreover, very dangerous. An incorrectly socialized dog that experiences fear or insecurity towards people may end up showing very serious aggressive behaviors that are very complicated and even impossible to solve in adulthood.

How to socialize a puppy dog correctly? - How to socialize a puppy dog with people?
How to socialize a puppy dog correctly? - How to socialize a puppy dog with people?

Tips and tips on how to socialize a puppy with people

Some tips on how to socialize a puppy with people are:

  • Invite your friends and family: ask them to give your dog a few minutes of attention. They can offer him a small piece of food, offer him some caresses or play with him. Remember, interactions have to be positive.
  • Take your dog outside: so he can see new people every day. If your dog still does not have the vaccination schedule up to date, carry it in your arms or in the travel cage to avoid contagion. You don't need to take it for a walk two kilometers, walk to the corner and come back, take it when you go to the store, etc. Check here the Schedule of vaccinations for dogs.
  • Get used to the presence of small children and babies: for this, allow him to approach small children and give him a little food when he is calm. In this way, you will associate small children with good things. Control these interactions very well so that children do not hurt your dog.
  • Puppy dog socialization meetings: or puppy classes will also help you socialize your dog with people because owners of the other puppies are present.
  • Get your puppy used to being handled: pet him, pick him up, touch his paws, check his teeth, etc. Do all this gently and gently, giving him a small piece of food when he sits still and allows you to handle him. It is highly advisable that other people also practice handling with your puppy. This way he will get used to this and will easily accept veterinary check-ups.
  • Show him different people: In addition to introducing him to children, adults and the elderly, he also has to meet people of different ethnic origins, with different types of clothing (hats, coats, glasses…) and with different characteristics.

How to socialize a puppy with other dogs?

Dog socialization with other dogs is a relatively easy process to work on when it comes to eight-week-old puppies. At this stage the dog will have been separated from her family at the optimal time, so he will already have the basic notions to relate properly.

We can go to puppy classes or look for other dogs at the same stage to match them. It is important that they are sociable dogs and that, as in the previous case, they offer a positive experience to the dog. Socialization will happen on its own. Ideally, you should be able to introduce many dogs for your pup to play with or interact with on a daily basis. We will try to find dogs of different breeds, colors and sizes

We recommend that you take a look at this other article on How to socialize an adult dog, in case you have any questions.

How to socialize a puppy dog with other animals?

Puppy socialization with other animals is influenced by:

  • Our life style.
  • The place we live in.
  • Animals found in our home or environment.

In the countryside, dogs easily relate to all kinds of animals, but in the city it is more complicated. If we consider the option of adopting an animal in the future, we should consider it now and find sociable individuals with whom we can associate our dog on a regular basis.

Remember that a puppy's socialization must occur voluntarily. To know how to socialize a dog with other animals you have to take some precautions, among them:

  • Watch for the safety of your puppy and other animals: for example, a good way to introduce cats and dogs is to place the adult feline inside a travel cage. In kittens it will not be necessary. If you want more information on How to introduce a dog and a cat correctly? don't hesitate to read this article on our site that we recommend.
  • Prevent your puppy from playing with small, fragile animals: an example of this is hamsters. In this case, it will be better for your puppy to get used to ignoring these pets, since even playing he can hurt them. If you live in a place where there are large animals, such as cows and goats, you should also socialize your puppy with those animals by walking nearby and using positive reinforcement to associate their presence with pleasant things, such as petting, tasty treats, or play sessions. Find out more about Positive Reinforcement in Dogs here.
How to socialize a puppy dog correctly? - How to socialize a puppy dog with other animals?
How to socialize a puppy dog correctly? - How to socialize a puppy dog with other animals?

How to socialize a puppy dog with the environment?

Finally we will talk about one last part, although no less important. We must remember that in our environment there are objects or other elements that the dog must know, such as cars, bicycles or plants.

There are many dogs that in their adult stage chase, bite and even attack scooters. This is due to the lack of socialization with these objects, which have generated fear and insecurity in him. To do this, we will take our puppy to all kinds of parks and environments, especially if they are busy, to get him used to the presence of all kinds of elements. If we live in a very quiet place, it may be interesting to introduce these elements gradually, so that a state of overexcitement does not occur.

How to socialize a puppy with sounds?

Although we, as humans, are used to sounds, there are some that continue to scare us from time to time: when they take us by surprise, they are too loud or simply give us a feeling on edge.

By this rule of thumb, dogs must also carry out a process of socialization with sounds. To do this, do short five-minute sessions with YouTube videos or similar in which you can play different sounds to your dog, such as storms, gunshots, vacuum cleaners or birds. This will help you get used to them and not be afraid.

Consequences of poor or no socialization of puppies

Preventing our dog from interacting with other people and animals, especially with dogs, or from not having access to different inmates is putting his well-being at risk, in addition, we can cause him to experience different types of problems of the behavior, such as:

  • Fear of people.
  • Fear of dogs.
  • Unsafety.
  • Aggressiveness towards people.
  • Aggressiveness towards dogs.
  • Separation anxiety.
  • Stereotypes.
  • Excitability.
  • Destructiveness.

In the most serious cases, when dogs live in poor environments without the possibility of interacting with other animals or people, the dog can develop sensory deprivation syndromein dogs, in which they are unable to interact correctly and present blockage, paralysis, rejection, uncontrolled barking, etc.

We must know that to a greater or lesser extent we can practically always work on the socialization problems of dogs, however, to socialize an adult dog or to solve a trauma in the dog, the guidelines that only a specialist can offer us. In this case, the ideal is to go to a veterinarian specialized in ethology

Consult the 10 most common behavior problems in dogs and what is Sensory Deprivation Syndrome in dogs: its causes and treatment in these other posts on our site that we recommend.

Extra tips on how to socialize a puppy

To finish we will add some extra tips, fundamental in this very sensitive stage and on which an adequate character in his adult stage will depend.

  • It is a gradual process: we will avoid overexposing the dog to stressful environments or situations that can trigger anxiety.
  • Do not force your puppy: you could cause the appearance of fears and phobias when interacting with other dogs or experiencing an unpleasant situation.
  • Try to make the experiences varied and positive.
  • Practice bite inhibition so your dog learns as soon as possible: keep practicing daily until your dog is four months and a half, and even later. You don't need a lot of time for this, five minutes a day is enough. Find out more about Bite Inhibition in dogs here.
  • Teach him basic obedience commands for dogs promptly: always as a game, so that his mind is always active and stimulated. Read this post on our site about the Basic Commands for dogs that we recommend.
  • Get him used to traveling in the car, to using the collar and leash: even before having to go outside, this form will know how to walk when the time comes.

If you have any doubts then we advise you to go to your trusted veterinarian, who will talk to you in detail about all your needs in terms of socialization or care that a puppy dog requires. Remember that the care of puppies is essential for their development.

Don't hesitate to take a look at Puppy Dog Care in this article.
