Can cats eat raw chicken? - Find out

Can cats eat raw chicken? - Find out
Can cats eat raw chicken? - Find out
Can cats eat raw chicken?
Can cats eat raw chicken?

Unlike us, cats are strictly carnivorous This means that their digestive system is prepared to optimally digest and absorb proteins of animal origin, which is why this nutrient should be the mainstay of the cat's diet.

Logically, your feline can benefit from a moderate consumption of fruits and vegetables that are beneficial for its he alth, as they provide vitamins, minerals and fibers that help strengthen its immune system and improve its intestinal transit. However, meat should be the most present food in your diet to meet the nutritional requirements of your body.

In this sense, chicken appears as one of the best meats we can offer our felines, since it contains easy-to-digest proteinsand few fats. However, many guardians wonder what is the best way to introduce this food into the diet of their felines, if cats can eat raw chicken or if it is necessary to cook itso as not to cause damage to your body.

On our site we will explain why raw chicken can be a good food for cats. But we also explain what precautions and care you should have before modifying your kitty's nutrition and incorporating raw meats into his diet.

Is chicken a good food for cats?

Chicken is one of the human foods that cats can consume, always in moderation to avoid adverse effects and digestive problems. In fact, it is one of the he althiest meats that we can offer our felines, thanks to its high nutritional value and low fat content. In general, it is recommended to give preference to chicken breast, where we find better quality proteins and a lower concentration of fat.

Being a lean protein, chicken can even be incorporated into the diet of obese cats, allowing the preparation of homemade meals that contribute to the management of a he althy weight. In addition, chicken breast may be easier to digest for felines elderly and baby cats that are transitioning to solid foods after weaning is complete, especially if we prepare recipes such as pâtés or wet food that stimulate your appetite, facilitate digestion and are easier to chew.

However, we must take certain precautions before offering chicken to our cats. For example, the ideal would be to rule out the possibility that your feline is allergic to chicken before preparing recipes with this ingredient. Therefore, it is very important to have the guidance of a veterinary before incorporating any new food into your feline's diet.

Furthermore, if you notice that your cat shows any symptoms of food allergy, such as diarrhoea, vomiting, skin changes or breathing difficulties, you should immediately suspend the administration of chicken in its diet, and quickly take it to the clinic vet.

Can cats eat raw chicken? - Is chicken a good food for cats?
Can cats eat raw chicken? - Is chicken a good food for cats?

Raw or cooked chicken?

Now that we know that chicken can be a highly nutritious food for cats, we still need to determine what would be the best way to offer this meatto our feline companions. Raw or cooked chicken? What is the best way to incorporate chicken meat into your feline's diet?

If you're wondering if cats can eat raw chicken, the answer is. Yes! As long as they are not allergic to this food and consume it in amounts appropriate for their size, age and he alth status. The digestive system of cats is prepared to digest raw meat and take advantage of its nutrients to generate energy for their body and strengthen their immune system, bones and muscles.

By not cooking the chicken, we allow the meat to retain all its enzymes, vitamins and minerals, making it more nutritious for the cat. In addition, following a BARF diet, based on the consumption of raw meat, bones, organ meats and moderate portions of raw vegetables and fruits, offers numerous he alth benefits for your feline, such as strengthening its autoimmune system, facilitating digestion and optimizing absorption of nutrients. By eliminating carbohydrates, colorants and chemical additives present in industrial feed, it is also possible to prevent allergies, digestive problems, and numerous diseases, such as pancreatitis and kidney stones in cats.

In addition, a raw and natural diet prevents the accumulation of food residues between their teeth and gums, combating the formation of tartar and facilitating oral hygiene in cats. For all these reasons, raw chicken is a suitable and highly beneficial food for cats, as long as it is incorporated with due care and in balanced doses.

Are you thinking of starting your cat on a BARF diet? Well, we advise you to consult a specialized veterinarian, who will be able to guide you on the transition from a dry or traditional diet to a raw and biologically adapted diet for your pussycat. Remember that your cat's body will need time to adapt to this new nutrition, so its transition should be slow and gradual.

Precautions when offering raw chicken to cats

The first precaution you should take before offering raw or cooked chicken to your cat is to certify that he is not allergic to this food. You can consult your veterinarian about possible allergy tests in cats for this purpose.

Afterward, it will be essential to guarantee the quality of the chicken before using it in your feline's food or diet. If you want to offer raw chicken to your cat, you must be very sure about its origin, to prevent the meat from being contaminated by the presence of parasites or pathogenic agents, such as salmonella and E. coli bacteria.

If you cannot guarantee the origin and food safety of the chicken, it is best to brand it in a pan, cook it in water for a few minutes, or prepare some homemade recipes with cooked chicken. Cooking at high temperatures is capable of eliminating a large part of the possible pathogens present in the meat. Thus, you can offer it to your cat safely.

Last (and not least), it is essential to adequate the amount of chicken that you offer your cat, considering the nutritional requirements of his own body. For this reason, it is essential that you consult a veterinarian to define the best way to introduce raw chicken into your cat's diet, and the most appropriate doses to obtain a positive impact on its he alth.
