Parasites in cats - Symptoms, treatment and contagion
Parasites in cats - Symptoms, treatment and contagion

The parasites in cats are one of the great concerns of caregivers, especially because of the potential danger of transmission to humans that present some of them. In addition, certain parasites can also act as vectors for other parasites or serious diseases.

In this article on our site we talk about the different parasites that can infest cats. We also explain their most important characteristics, as well as the treatment that will combat each of them.

Remember that both internal and external deworming must be carried out regularly to prevent infestations and always using products prescribed by a veterinarian. Don't miss this article on the symptoms of parasites in cats, their treatment and contagion

Types of parasites in cats

Different types of parasites can infest our cats. In addition, there are also cat parasites that are spread to humans. We can classify them, according to their location, into the following categories, which we will explain in detail in the following sections:

  • External parasites: are those that are found on the animal and that, therefore, we can see with the naked eye.
  • Internal parasites: As the name suggests, we won't see them because they stay inside the cat's body. This type of parasite, in turn, is divided into those that are located in the gastrointestinal system, the most frequent, in the heart or in the lungs.

All of these parasites can affect cats of any age, even if they don't have access to the outdoors. Of particular concern will be parasites in baby cats, which can be spread directly from their mother. Also, being more vulnerable, heavy infestations can seriously impact their he alth.

External parasites in cats

As we mentioned in the previous section, parasites in cats can be differentiated according to the area in which they are located. Thus, the external parasites in cats that we find are the following.

Fleas on cats

In this category, fleas stand out above all. The characteristic symptom of their presence is scratching, since they are insects that feed on blood and, to get it, sting to the catIn addition, some cats are allergic to fleas and develop what is known as DAPP or flea allergy dermatitis. If it is the case of our cat, we will be able to observe:

  • Redness.
  • Wounds.
  • Alopecia: especially in the lumbosacral area.

Cats spend a lot of time grooming themselves, so it's common for them to ingest fleas they come across, so you can that we don't get to see them. On the other hand, in more severe infestations or cats with less self-grooming for different reasons, we may see these small insects with a flattened body and a black or brown color. More frequently we may detect flea droppings, which are seen as black grit, which is digested blood.

The fleas on cats pass very easily from one cat to another, but they can also feed on other warm-blooded animals, including humans. Although they may seem like a minor problem, the truth is that large infestations are capable of causing anemia in the most vulnerable cats. In addition, they can transmit infectious diseases, such as:

  • Bartonellosis
  • Other parasites such as tapeworms

For all these reasons it is essential to control these parasites in cats. Fleas are treated by applying a deworming product The vet will recommend the most suitable one for our cat, since we can choose between pills, pipettes, sprays or collars.

In these parasites it is important that we know that, in addition to treating the cat, we must disinfect the environment, because the fleas will lay eggs in cracks in the floor, carpets, beds, etc. There are products that, in addition to killing adult fleas, inhibit the growth of their eggs.

Finally, even if the cat does not leave the house, we ourselves could carry a flea. Do not miss these posts with home remedies for fleas in cats and some tips for bathing a cat with fleas, here.

Ticks on cats

On the other hand, ticks on cats are less common They appear as little balls that can even reach the size of a chickpea. Sometimes, instead of the parasite, we can notice a small lump where it has been attached, since, like fleas, they feed on blood, although with the difference that ticks remain hooked on the body, so, with careful, we will be able to extract them and it is important to do so because they can also transmit diseases

In general, the parasiticides that act on fleas also kill ticks. All of them have a preventive effect of weeks or even months, that is, a single application will protect our cat for the time indicated by the manufacturer. Any flea or tick that bites you will die.

You may be interested in this other article with Home remedies to eliminate ticks in cats.

Other external parasites in cats

There are other external parasites that can affect felines such as:

  • The lice in cats:which usually affect young or sick individuals.
  • The mites in cats: ectoparasites that settle on the skin and can cause mange or ear problems, such as otitis.
  • Los fungi and the parasitization of screwworms: that they settle in the wounds, causing myiasis or worms.
Parasites in cats - Symptoms, treatment and contagion - External parasites in cats
Parasites in cats - Symptoms, treatment and contagion - External parasites in cats

Internal parasites in cats

Other very common parasites in cats are those that live inside their body, especially in the intestinal tract, since they are the most abundant, are easily transmitted and can also infect humans.

The intestinal parasites in cats are of several types. We can basically distinguish the following.

Roundworms in cats

Within this group, Toxocara cati stands out, a clear example that these parasites in cats cause infection in humans, especially children, since the worm's eggs are kept in the ground and, with it, can be eaten by the little ones. Cats can get them this way too, hunting or from their mother.

The infestations in them can go unnoticed, but in the massive ones or in those that affect kittens among the symptoms of parasites in cats we can appreciate the swollen abdomen, diarrhea and vomiting Respiratory signs may also occur if the worms enter the lungs.

Hookworms in cats

This type of worm can also affect humans, since their larvae are capable of penetrating the body through the skin. In this way they infect cats, in addition to ingesting their eggs if the cat licks contaminated surfaces.

These worms anchor themselves to the intestinal wall to feed and, in this way, can cause bleeding, bloody diarrhea or anemia, especially in the smallest. In adults we can observe thinning.

Flatworms or tapeworms in cats

The best known of this group are the tapeworms and we are facing another case of parasites in cats and contagion to humans. Fleas can transmit them if the cat ingests them, although they are also contracted by hunting. Most cats with tapeworms are asymptomatic.

In some we will notice a frequent licking in the anal region due to the irritation produced by the exit, with the feces, of the eggs. These parasites in cats can be seen as grains of rice, since it is the appearance of the eggs that can be seen in the stool or around the anus.

Don't hesitate to take a look at the following article on Tapeworms in cats: symptoms, contagion and treatment.

Other internal parasites in cats

In addition to those mentioned, cats can also be affected by coccidia and giardia, which usually cause decomposition and diarrhoea, as always, most dangerous in kittens. Although the dewormers that we use on a regular basis are broad-spectrum, some parasites will require specific treatment. That is why it is important that it is the veterinarian who diagnoses them.

Know that, in addition to internal intestinal parasites, cats can suffer infestations in the lungs and heart They will contract lung parasites when eating prey contaminated. Rarer is that they do it by eating slugs or snails. The larvae travel from the intestine to the lungs, where they can cause respiratory signs such as coughing or sneezing.

So-called heartworms are transmitted by mosquito bites Living in the heart and pulmonary vessels can cause respiratory and circulatory problems. There are asymptomatic cats that even die suddenly, hence the importance of controlling this parasitosis.

We can also talk about worms in cats, which can be spread to humans. As you have been able to read that if my cat has parasites it is contagious in some cases, now we are going to see what symptoms they present in humans.

Don't miss the following article on Heartworm in cats: symptoms and treatment.

Parasites in cats - Symptoms, treatment and contagion - Internal parasites in cats
Parasites in cats - Symptoms, treatment and contagion - Internal parasites in cats

Symptoms of cat parasites in humans

You already know that there are parasites in cats that cause contagion to humans, although the reality is that many of the people who are infected do not know that they have these cat parasites in their organisms. Even so, it is true that there are human beings, with the weakened immune system, who show the following clinical signs:

  • Headache
  • Poor coordination
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Blurry vision
  • Lung problems

As you already know that parasites in cats are contagious, we will show you the treatment and prevention below.

How to eliminate parasites in cats?

There are multiple products for deworming cats, but perhaps the pipettes are the most used due to their ease of administration, reserving thesprays for specific situations or kittens puppies. Administration of pills may be more complex.

We can try to camouflage them in the food or, if this is not possible, wrap the cat in a blanket or towel to prevent it from moving while we give it directly to its mouth. It is important that the medicine for parasites in cats is prescribed by the veterinarian to make sure it is the right one.

As for home remedies for parasites in cats, we can find several options, among which lemon stands out, for external parasites, or garlic, for internal ones. Before using any of them, just as we should do if we administer drugs, we have to consult with the veterinarian, since it is important to identify the parasite, check the management and make sure it doesn't backfire.

Check out these Tips for giving a cat a pill in this post on our site.

Parasites in cats - Symptoms, treatment and contagion - How to eliminate parasites in cats?
Parasites in cats - Symptoms, treatment and contagion - How to eliminate parasites in cats?

How to prevent parasites in cats?

Against parasites in cats, prevention is essential, since it is always better to avoid infestations than to treat them, not to mention that parasites can transmit diseases and infect other animals or people. This means that periodically, throughout the year, we will have to administer some dewormer

That is why the veterinarian, depending on the characteristics of our cat and its living conditions, will advise us on the most appropriate deworming schedule to combat both internal and external parasites.

We must follow your instructions, since the product and the periodicity should be adjusted to each case. There may be considerable variations. Some cats will need to be dewormed every month, while for others it is enough with repetitions every 3-6 months

Also, keep these preventive measures in mind:

  • Make sure your cat does not eat raw meat or prey: they could contain parasites.
  • Avoid contact with feces: they are another potential source of parasites.
  • Keep your environment clean: both inside and outside the home.
  • Washes all your belongings regularly: Paying special attention to the litter tray.
  • Take him regularly to the vet: at least once a year, to detect any parasitosis early.
