How to train a boxer dog

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How to train a boxer dog
How to train a boxer dog
How to train a boxer dog
How to train a boxer dog

Those who have ever had a boxer dog in their lives know their wonderful character and their enthusiasm when it comes to acting, for this reason educating a puppy boxer dog and even educating an adult dog that adopted is an essential task if we want to enjoy a faithful friend for life

In this article on our site we offer you some very useful tips and tricks so that your boxer dog's learning process is the best, the most positive and the one that will result in a dog mentally he althy and happy.

Keep reading to find out how to train a boxer dog, one of the most affectionate, dedicated and faithful dogs you will find.

Boxer Features

As the proud owner of a fantastic and sociable boxer, I can affirm that it is one of the best breeds that exist, although each dog has its own personality that makes it more sociable, friendly or playful, it will depend on each case.

They are generally very sociable, active and intelligent dogs, without a doubt they are one of the most complete dogs in terms of character and behavior that exist. He allows himself to be handled and pryed at by his owners, he is quite lazy and will love to follow you around the house trying to figure out what you are doing.

Tremendously affectionate, although a bit rough, he will allow himself to be touched and massaged by children and adults (even by strangers) because the Boxer is a very friendly dog who loves to fool around and be excited many times.

Very loyal to its relatives, it will not hesitate to respond with barks if it understands that you are being threatened, it is also an excellent watchdog that will warn you in time before someone rings your doorbell.

Although he is friendly and sociable with other dogs, the Boxer never backs down from a fight, for this reason it is important to socialize him from an early age. He is not considered a potentially dangerous dog in most countries

How to train a boxer dog - Characteristics of the boxer
How to train a boxer dog - Characteristics of the boxer

Boxer Socialization

If we want to know how to train a boxer dog we must start from a tender age, the boxer is a dog that needs to be socialized from puppyhood and it is a very energetic and active dog.

Socialization is a gradual process that consists of introducing the little puppy to activities and living beings that he will meet in the future For this, it is essential to go for a walk and interact with calm dogs, kind people and good children. Anything you can give your little boxer puppy will be great for when he's an adult. Try to avoid situations where you might have a hard time or be afraid.

You must include in this process bicycles, cars and even food of all kinds. The boxer is a curious dog that will follow you wherever you go to discover the world with you.

It is important to establish with the whole family the rules that our new pet must comply with and try to respect them at all times. Of course, it is important not to punish our boxer in any way, for this we use positive reinforcement: reward the attitudes that we do like.

How to train a boxer dog - The socialization of the boxer
How to train a boxer dog - The socialization of the boxer

Correct misbehavior

All dogs behave "badly" from time to time, breaking a vase, chewing on a shoe and even climbing onto our favorite sofa. It is normal for certain actions to make us angry but you must be clear about some things:

  • The dog does not understand why you scold him when his misdeed has already passed for a while
  • Do not hit or scold him if this is the case, you will only generate discomfort and serious stress in the animal
  • Using inappropriate methods encourages a negative and aggressive attitude in your pet
  • If your dog has behaved in a way that is not correct, it is preferable that we use a "No" and radically change the place, activity, etc. We must not punish him.

If the boxer dog tries to attack or is aggressive with another pet, it is preferable to leave the site as soon as possible, do not scold him, remember that being subjected to aggression increases the dog's stress levels, right? would you want the anger redirected to you?

If your dog urinates in the house, take him somewhere else and clean the floor. Before you get angry, ask yourself, am I walking my boxer dog long enough? It is about a dog with a lot of energy that should walk at least 30 minutes each time, discover 7 exercises that you can practice with an adult dog.

Finally, in a situation in which you discover that your beloved boxer has chewed the whole sofa, don't get angry, breathe, leaving him alone for an excessive period of time is very harmful to him, a dog with a lot of need for affection To do this, we recommend that you leave several toys (with and without sound) within his reach and even consider adopting another pet.

positive reinforcement is undoubtedly the best technique for correcting behaviors that we don't like: it consists of rewarding attitudes and actions that we do not like. we like them through treats, caresses or affectionate words.

Although many people believe that positive reinforcement is only applied with food, the truth is that a dog attached to his master will appreciate a kind gesture and a kiss more than a piece of frankfurter (although if they are both, better!)

How to train a boxer dog - Correct bad behavior
How to train a boxer dog - Correct bad behavior

Boxer Puppy Learning

How to educate a boxer dog and how to teach certain commands will be a whole process for you and for him since you will discover the best ways to communicateBetween both. It wonderfully accepts physical signals as well as words, learn to communicate with it.

The first thing your boxer puppy should learn is to relieve himself outside the house, it is a process that requires dedication but it is essential to learn it as soon as possible, yes, before going outside he should have your first vaccinations up to date.

Once our puppy learns to relieve himself, we can start teaching him the basic training commands: sit, stay, lie down, come here and walk with you.

We must not think that learning these commands are simple "monkeys", on the contrary, teaching our boxer dog the basic commands will allow us to go to the field and that he responds, they are also a good way to achieve that the dog feels useful since when performing certain actions it receives a prize.

Everything you can teach your dog is a challenge for him and a much-needed stimulation of his intelligence. In general, boxers usually take an average of between 10 and 20 repetitions to carry out an order. Practice with it every day for 5-10 minutes, too much time can stress them out.

How to train a boxer dog - Learning the boxer puppy
How to train a boxer dog - Learning the boxer puppy

Advanced commands

The Boxer can learn all sorts of tricks as an adult and food is a great way to reward your pet. Do not stop practicing and stimulating your dog constantly so that it is done, among the advanced tricks we find more complex commands or of another type such as giving the paw, wallowing, starting in Agility or others.

Dedicating time to your pet to improve commands and obedience strengthens your relationship and makes your dog an obedient and happy pet, it is the best way to discover how to train a boxer dog: with love and perseverance.

Remember that you must always comply with the basic requirements of dog care so that the entire learning process is good. A sad or stressed dog will not respond correctly.
