10 EASY Dog Breeds to TRAIN - Discover them

10 EASY Dog Breeds to TRAIN - Discover them
10 EASY Dog Breeds to TRAIN - Discover them
10 easy dog breeds to train
10 easy dog breeds to train

The trainingis the best exercise you can give your dog, simultaneously stimulating his body and his mind. And even more: it is one of the essential care that we need to give our furry to prevent the most common behavioral problems in dogs, and to be able to enjoy a he althy and balanced routine in our homes.

All dogs, regardless of their breed, sex or age, have the ability to learn, they just need their guardians to commit to their education. As with human beings, dogs also have their peculiarities when assimilating new knowledge and tasks that are presented to them. In this sense, there are some dog breeds that stand out for having a greater ease in understanding, absorbing and reproducing canine obedience commands and different tasks proposed during training sessions, which is why they are usually considered easier to train.

Of course, it is necessary to understand that the performance of a dog in terms of training does not depend only on the characteristics or traits inherent to its breed or lineage. The dedication of the tutor, the methods used in education and the environment where the training sessions take place are also key factors that can facilitate or harm the learning of a dog. For this reason, before starting to train your dog, we advise you to know what are the dog training tricks that every tutor should know and the most common mistakes when training a dog.

Likewise, in this article on our site, we tell you which are the 10 easiest dog breeds to train, both for their remarkable intelligence as well as for his predisposition to training.

1. Poodle or poodle

The poodle is among the 5 most intelligent dogs in the world, according to the list compiled by psychologist and professor Stanley Coren. However, these shaggy, woolly dogs don't earn a prominent position among the easiest breeds to train because of their high intelligence and good memory alone. The docile, playful and sociable temperament of poodles is also a characteristic that facilitates their education, being even one of the most recommended breeds for beginners who do not yet have a lot of experience in dog training.

In addition, it should be noted that the poodle is a very versatile dog that tends to adapt easily to people and families with different personalities, even if they enjoy an active routine more. With proper socialization, they make excellent companions for children and can share your home with other pets.

10 easy dog breeds to train - 1. Poodle or Poodle
10 easy dog breeds to train - 1. Poodle or Poodle

two. golden retriever

The golden retriever, also known as the golden retriever, is one of the most popular dogs in the world, and it's not just because of his remarkable beauty that has conquered and preserved such popularity among people from such different cultures. To begin with, these furry are very intelligent, have an excellent memory and show a great predisposition to learn new tasks and please their guardian, usually being one of the easiest dogs to educate.

His balanced, patient, loyal and sociable character makes him a reliable and obedient dog, which is why he is also one of the most beloved breeds and adopted by families with children and/or with other dogs. In addition, thanks to these characteristics, the golden performs optimally as an assistance, therapy, guide, and working dog.

If you are thinking of adopting a furry one of this beautiful breed, we advise you to read our tips for training a golden retriever.

10 easy dog breeds to train - 2. Golden retriever
10 easy dog breeds to train - 2. Golden retriever

3. German shepherd

The German shepherd is one of the most recognized breeds in the world, having even conquered the screens of cinema and television through characters such as the dog Rin Tin Tin. In addition to his remarkable beauty, the German shepherd demonstrates privileged cognitive and emotional capacities, which allow him to stand out as one of the most obedient, intelligent and versatile dogs

Currently, this breed can be found performing functions such as fire dog, police dog, rescue dog, guard dog, among others. However, the history of the German shepherd reminds us that they were originally created and trained for herding (which, in fact, their name already tells us), and they were also one of the few dog breeds that have participated in the two world wars.

On our site, we have prepared a special article to teach you how to educate a German Shepherd and help him fully develop his physical, cognitive, social and emotional skills. Do not miss these tips!

10 easy dog breeds to train - 3. German Shepherd
10 easy dog breeds to train - 3. German Shepherd

4. Border collie

The border collie is a very special dog and the look on his face already transmits the energy and temperament that is so singular. This dog breed of English origin is considered, nothing more and nothing less, the most intelligent dog in the world. Its learning capacity is so extensive that this furry dog performs with excellence in different areas, such as basic and advanced canine obedience, herding, canine skills, Agility, among others.

Knowing this, you may be wondering why we didn't place the border collie at the top of this list of easiest dogs to train. Well, basically because training a border collie may not be as easy as it seems Being such an intelligent and active dog, the border needs to be constantly stimulated both physically and cognitively, being able to get bored and develop symptoms of stress quite easily when experiencing a sedentary routine.

Training a border collie is a continuous process that requires time, dedication and certain knowledge on the part of the tutor, which is why it is often advisable to resort to a training circuit to have the guidance of a professional. Likewise, this dog can be easy to train if you have the right experience, so it is not a recommended dog for beginners.

10 easy dog breeds to train - 4. Border collie
10 easy dog breeds to train - 4. Border collie

5. Shetland Sheepdog

The Shetland Sheepdog, also known as a Sheltie, is probably the least known dog on this list, although he is usually somewhat familiar due to his physical resemblances to the Longhaired Collie. It is a small-sized dog from the United Kingdom and was originally trained for herding. However, because of his beauty and his temperament, very faithful to his guardians, he was quickly adopted as a companion dog in his homeland.

Despite not being as popular, the Sheltie ranks sixth on the list of most intelligent dogs, showing great ease and an interesting versatility when learning new tasks and tricks. However, it is important to note that he has a very strong herding instinct, so he needs to be properly socialized from puppyhood to interact positively and safely with children and other animals.

10 easy dog breeds to train - 5. Shetland Sheepdog
10 easy dog breeds to train - 5. Shetland Sheepdog

6. Papillon

The Papillon is known as one of the most elegant dogs in the world, but its qualities go beyond its beautiful appearance and striking coat. This small dog whose birth occurs between France and Belgium, is among the ten most intelligent and obedient dogs. His personality is very versatile, being able to adapt to people with different personalities and lifestyles, and favors his education. With proper socialization it becomes an excellent companion for children and gets along very well with other animals, as well as being very alert and vigilant of its home.

Despite not being so popular today, the papillon was a true trend among the most prominent personalities of France in the mid-16th and 17th centuries, often being portrayed in paintings alongside their guardians as a sign of nobility and elegance.

10 easy dog breeds to train - 6. Papillon
10 easy dog breeds to train - 6. Papillon

7. Doberman

Unfortunately, improper or irresponsible handling by some owners has caused the Doberman to be considered a potentially dangerous dog in many countries. However, it is a very intelligent and sensitive dog, which stands out for having an excellent memory and extraordinary ability to retain commands and tasks, thus being one of the the easiest dogs to train.

However, educating a Doberman also implies certain challenges for their keepers, such as maintaining the necessary consistency in their training sessions and providing the adequate physical and mental stimulation, since it is a very active and intelligent dog. In addition, the socialization of the Doberman will be key to obtaining a balanced, obedient and sociable dog, who knows how to interact positively and safely with the other individuals in his environment.

10 easy dog breeds to train - 7. Doberman
10 easy dog breeds to train - 7. Doberman

8. Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is the good-natured family dog par excellence, having achieved extraordinary popularity throughout the world. The fun, friendly and loyal temperament, added to the great intelligence and predisposition to please their humans, makes the Labrador one of the easiest dogs to educate and socialize, even for novice owners or those without much experience in canine education..

Labradors also do very well in advanced training and are currently being trained for roles such as a guide dog, therapy dog, assistance dog, rescue dog, and police dog (especially detecting illegal items).). He is also one of the best therapy dogs with autistic children.

Nevertheless, it is important to know that the Labrador is a very energetic dog that needs daily physical exercise, in addition to having his mind stimulated with intelligence games and other activities for dogs. Otherwise, they may develop symptoms of stress and carry out destructive behaviors as a way of relieving accumulated tension.

10 easy dog breeds to train - 8. Labrador retriever
10 easy dog breeds to train - 8. Labrador retriever

9. Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian Cattle Dog, also known by its original English name Australian Cattle Dog, is characterized by being a intelligent, lively, tireless and very brave dogThese furry ones usually form a special bond with a single person, whom they will show their guardian spirit and defend with all their courage, which is why they are known as "dogs with only one guardian".

Although one of the easiest dogs to train due to its remarkable cognitive abilities and excellent memory, the education of the Australian Cattle Dog It requires a lot of dedication on the part of the caretakers of it. Like the border collie, the furry of this breed show endless energy and need to be constantly stimulated physically and mentally to maintain a balanced behavior.

They are not recommended for sedentary people and do not adapt well to small spaces, in addition to having a very strong herding instinct that leads them to live better in rural environments and need proper socialization to live with children and other animals.

10 easy dog breeds to train - 9. Australian Cattle Dog
10 easy dog breeds to train - 9. Australian Cattle Dog

10. Rottweiler

The rottweiler is also among the 10 most intelligent dogs in the world, being very confident and predisposed when learning the basic orders of obedience and the tasks presented by his guardian. His calm and attentive temperament is also of great help during training sessions, facilitating concentration and assimilation of the orders presented.

As is the case with the Doberman, the Rottweiler is currently considered a potentially dangerous dog, so its guardian must apply for a special license and insurance when adopting it, in addition to following certain rules when walking with your furry. In this sense, it is essential to remember the importance of educating a Rottweiler from its arrival at home, both to transmit the appropriate rules of conduct at home and in society, and to prevent the development of behavioral problems, such as aggressiveness. and destructiveness.
