Rottweiler Training

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Rottweiler Training
Rottweiler Training
Rottweiler Training
Rottweiler Training

You should know that this dog has impressive physical characteristics, so achieving an obedient and social dog with people should be your main objective in training. We will also give you some tips on physical exercise.

Find out all about rottweiler training below:

Rottweiler Characteristics

The rottweiler is a powerful dog, large sizeIt is considered a potentially dangerous dog due to its strong muscles and powerful jaw. It measures between 60 and 70 centimeters at the withers and its weight is between 45 and 60 kilograms. Legally we must use leash and muzzle whenever we travel on public roads. Find out on our site which is the best muzzle for a dog.

All these physical characteristics do not mean that the Rottweiler is a dangerous dog at all, however, we must be clear that it is a very strong dog and that is why training and education are so important in this case. We must also be prepared to pay for a canine ethologist if behavior problems arise in the future.

The rottweiler dog has a noble and calm character, it is very intelligent, so it will be easy to carry out basic education. our site does not recommend at all to practice attack training in this breed and even less if you do not have the appropriate knowledge for it. Being a protective dog we will need to actively work on obedience.

Rottweiler Training - Rottweiler Characteristics
Rottweiler Training - Rottweiler Characteristics

Puppy Rottweiler Education

Rottweiler education should begin when he is still a puppy, after three months of life, at which time We can separate you from your parents. It is important to understand that separating the puppy early is detrimental to him, since the dog does not acquire the basic knowledge of relationships between dogs and tends to have more learning difficulties.

Another fact to keep in mind is the importance of setting some rules that the whole family complies with and respects. For example, whether or not to let our dog get on the sofa, what will be their meal times, walks, etc. All the rules must be the same so that the dog understands what is expected of him, avoid confusion and maintain stability within the home. Routine benefits our pets greatly and is much more important than some people think.

Once the vaccination schedule has started and the vet gives us the go-ahead, it will be time to start socializing the puppy. This stage is the most important of all and will be essential for our dog to be sociable, stable and without behavior problems in the future. We must introduce him to other pets, people and objects of all kinds. The more varied and positive such encounters are, the less likely our dog is to be reactive, fearful or reckless.

Rottweiler Training - Puppy Rottweiler Education
Rottweiler Training - Puppy Rottweiler Education

Properly correct misbehavior

You should know that the use of choke collars or physical punishment are totally harmful and inappropriate in training. You must seek a good relationship between you. Make him obey you without the need to punish. That doesn't mean you can't say "No!" to him if he breaks one of your furniture, but physical punishment should be avoided at all costs.

If you have problems with pulling on the leash, it is better to get an anti-pulling collar and if the problem lies in obedience, it is better to go to a canine educator. Remember that the rottweiler is a very powerful and strong dog, teaching him aggressive behavior will bring negative consequences.

Your tools will be patience, obedience, and positive reinforcement. Never aggressiveness, since it can lead to undesirable behavior problems in the future.

The first steps of training: obedience

Once we teach him to urinate in the street and when your puppy starts to grow, you will have to dedicate hours to his training starting with obedience You can practice one session of 15 minutes a day or two sessions of 10 minutes a day. It will be important not to overwhelm the dog and start teaching him the commands one by one:

  • feel
  • stay still
  • come here
  • lie down
  • walk beside you
  • go where you tell it

Obedience commands will not only offer you a polite and obedient dog outside the home, they will help you improve your relationship, stimulate his intelligence and make him feel useful within the family. It is very important to understand that obedience is very important

Rottweiler training - The first steps of training: obedience
Rottweiler training - The first steps of training: obedience

Continuing with the training

Having a dog as intelligent and noble as the Rottweiler is, we will probably want to continue training and start with more advanced methodsFirst of all you must remember that it is important to repeat the orders already learned at least once every 5 days. Agility, fun commands, memorizing, bringing objects or teaching our dog certain tasks are some examples that we can consider if we decide to work on advanced training.

The best way would undoubtedly be to go to a training circuit taught by professionals who will help us with appropriate dog training tips and tricks for our specific case.

Proposing entertaining and varied activities to the rottweiler will be positive for him and for us who will benefit from an obedient behavior.

Rottweiler Training - Continuing with Training
Rottweiler Training - Continuing with Training

Walks and physical exercise

The walk timeof your dog will be determined by his age and physical ability. In general it will suffice to do about 3 walks daily of between 20 and 30 minutes each Making him enjoy himself during this time will be essential for the same reason we recommend you discover the typical mistakes of the walk.

It is important to understand that the physical exerciseto apply will depend on his age and his physical condition:

  • The puppies should practice moderate exercise and always with a high component of fun in it. For example, we can start playing fetch, teaching him to fetch objects, etc. We should never exercise a puppy excessively, it could harm its he alth and growth. Doing two daily sessions is preferable to a single session of excessive exercise.
  • The specimens adults will begin to show more developed and powerful muscles, that is when we can exercise them by making them run, jump, pull objects etc At this stage we must be imaginative and observe what our dog's preferences are when it comes to moving and having fun.
  • Rottweiler dogs elderly (from 7 years old) will benefit from a less intense exercise rhythm to avoid developing problems of muscles or bones such as dysplasia or osteoarthritis. Swimming and practicing different activities as a game are good options. As in the case of the puppy, it will be important not to force him and observe his level of performance to know when to stop
Training of the rottweiler - Walks and physical exercise
Training of the rottweiler - Walks and physical exercise

Mental stimulation

Being a very intelligent dog, it will be essential to encourage him to continue developing his intelligence and not lose his faculties On our site we suggest some intelligence games for dogs at home but you can find many options abroad such as searching and various other toys.
