Distemper in dogs or canine distemper is one of the most serious diseasesthat a dog can suffer. It is characterized by its symptoms, which include nasal discharge, nervous tics and conjunctivitis, among others. It is also a highly contagious pathology , so we must take precautions if we have more than one dog at home. We must visit the vet urgently at the slightest suspicion.
In this article on our site we will focus on explaining some of the home remedies for distemper in dogs, however, keep in mind that do not replace in any case the treatment prescribed by a veterinarian, but are a complementary tool when it comes to alleviating the symptoms suffered by the dog.
Therefore, before continuing, we remind you that it is not possible to cure distemper with home remedies, because there is no cure or veterinary treatmentthat is specific and effective to cure canine distemper. The treatment will always be focused on alleviating the symptoms presented by the dog.
Canine distemper or distemper
Before starting with the home remedies for distemper in dogs, we will make a general review to resolve the most common doubts about this disease. However, remember that you will find more information in our complete guide on canine distemper, which includes the causes, symptoms, treatment to be followed, among many other sections. If your dog has distemper, you can't miss it, because there you will find all the necessary information about it.
What is distemper in dogs?
The canine distemper virus (also known as canine distemper or Carré's disease) belongs to the Paramyxoviridae family and consists of a pathology infectious of viral origin. It can be transmitted to all types of dogs, but it especially affects dogs unvaccinated puppies but also elderly dogsIt also infects various tissues of the animal. This virus is especially contagious and survives in the environment for weeks, especially in cold climates between 0ºC and 4ºC.
Symptoms include fever, loss of appetite, dehydration, and runny nose, among others. In the following sections we will review various home remedies for each of the signs of the disease.
Is distemper in dogs curable?
The prognosis for canine distemper is reserved, since mortality is between 50 and 95% of cases. The prognosis will also depend on various factors, such as the state of the immune system, the virulence of the virus, and the time of initiation of the veterinary treatment When we talk about nervous distemper in dogs the prognosis is even more guarded.
Beware of those sources that assure you a cure for distemper in dogs or that show you how to cure distemper in dogs with home remedies or drugs. There is no treatment or cure for canine distemper. Much less miraculous "panaceas". The only way to treat canine distemper is through quality veterinary follow-up, palliative treatment of symptoms and constant care by the guardian.
Appearance of distemper in vaccinated dogs
Follow-up of the vaccination schedule offers between 2 and 3 years of immunity to the dog. However, if the vaccinations are not maintained, the dog may lose immunity. It can also be lost by dogs immunosuppressed that also have other he alth problems and even stress or anxiety.
How long does distemper last?
It is not possible to determine a recovery time in dogs suffering from the distemper virus. Once again it will depend on the start of veterinary treatment, the strain of the virus and your immune system.

Home remedies for canine distemper
Next we will talk about some home remedies for canine distemper. It is essential to remember that these remedies do not replace veterinary treatment in any case In addition, their application should always be consulted with the specialist in charge of our case.
Next we will review the most common symptomatology of canine distemper and the home remedies that we can apply in each of the cases:
How to bring down a fever in a dog with distemper?
Animals with a fever are susceptible to dehydration easily, for this reason it is vitally important encourage the dog to drink If he refuses drink water we can consult with the veterinarian about the possibility of administering it with a syringe. In cases of veterinary hospitalization it is also possible to apply fluidoterapia
Applying cold packs may also be helpful. We can wet a cloth, wring it out well and gently rub the belly of the animal. Wrapping it in a well-wrung cold towel can also be an option, however, it is advisable to do it only in summer, to avoid an excessive drop in the dog's body temperature.

The dog with distemper does not want to eat
Loss of appetite is a very common symptom of canine distemper. However, it is essential that we try to get our dog to eat, because his recovery will depend on it. It is highly advisable to buy intestinal-expenditure wet food, since it is easier to digest. We will offer it in small quantities.
We can heat it, add warm water or broth (always without onion and without s alt). We will not limit ourselves to a single type of food, we will vary to get him to eat. We can offer you shredded chicken, liver or change the type of wet food. It is always recommended to consult with the veterinarian when adding other foods.
The dog has distemper and cough
Continuous coughing is often a serious symptom in dogs and it is important to treat it effectively. We'll start cleaning the home with enzymatic products to remove traces of dust, dirt or organic matter. We will avoid smoking in your presence. If possible, we will also increase the humidity of the air with a humidifier If we don't have one, we can take the animal to the bathroom while we shower.
If the dog is able to walk and pulls anxiously, we will replace the collar with a harness, to avoid irritation of the trachea and the larynx. We will also encourage a calm behavior, since stress and anxiety favor the onset of cough. Finally, we can consult with the veterinarian about the option of administering antitussives

The dog with distemper is vomiting
Another common symptom in dogs with distemper is vomiting. On many occasions this disease causes a gastrointestinal infection, which causes damage to the dog's stomach. After vomiting it is advisable to restrict food for a few hours.
Then we will start offering small amounts of food every four hours, if possible gastrointestinal wet food or bland diet for dogs , mixing two parts cooked rice with one part cooked skinless chicken. We will never add s alt, but we can include olive oil.
Vomiting also means that the dog stops drinking water, thus increasing the risk of dehydration. In these cases we will not force the dog to drink, but after a few hours we can slightly wet the muzzle with water to stimulate him.
The dog with distemper has diarrhea
Another consequence of gastrointestinal infections derived from distemper is diarrhea with or without blood As in the previous case, it is advisable to restrict intake for a few hours. We will avoid stress and anxiety and, once again, we will opt for a soft diet or wet gastrointestinal food.
We can offer you food every four hours in small quantities. We will also try to hydrate him, encouraging him to drink or wetting his nose slightly. We will provide you with calm and tranquility.

The dog has distemper and trembles
Tremors are very common in dogs with canine distemper. They usually affect the extremities, generally posterior, but also the cranial area, with movements chewing. They can also be displayed when the dog is sleeping. In the most serious cases we will also observe that the dog with distemper cannot walk In no case will we force him to move if he does not want to. We will allow it to rest in a soft and comfortable place.
Dog has distemper and seizures
In cases of neurological canine distemper, the animal will have convulsions. The veterinarian will prescribe the drugs that he considers necessary, such as antibiotics and phenobarbital, either intravenously, orally or intramuscularly. We will follow all the advice proposed by the specialist.
We will try to rest and relax the dog while he recovers. It is important not to upset him and try to keep him as relaxed as possible. We will encourage rest as much as possible.

The dog with distemper cries a lot
The symptoms caused by the distemper virus in the dog's body generate a lot of discomfort That is why many dogs are sad and depressed, even crying and whimpering. We must be especially patient and affectionate, offering him care on a regular basis so that he feels safe, accompanied and loved. In no case will we yell at you or punish you. We must know that by trying to improve their well-being we can have a direct impact on a better prognosis.
We will try to make your resting place comfortable, that the food is as digestible and tasty as possible, but we will also dedicate time to daily to caress him and be by his side.
In short, we will try to make your day-to-day comfortable and predictable. We'll avoid forcing you to do anything you don't want, so we'll make your routine as easy as possible. We can bring him food and water bowls or clean him up so he doesn't have to do it himself.
The dog has distemper and is having trouble breathing
Breathing problems not only affect the dog's he alth, but also its well-being. Let us remember that it is the most important sense of it. We'll start by cleaning the nasal discharge, which is usually green and purulent, with a gauze pad moistened with warm water.
On the other hand, hot food tends to unclog congested sinuses, so it may be interesting to include a bowl of broth a day, always without s alt and without onion. Before offering it, check the temperature to avoid a possible burn. We can also improve the humidity of the environment with a humidifier or taking our dog to the bathroom when we shower.
We can also use a sterile saline solution, sold in pharmacies, which will help us unclog the sinuses and reduce irritation. Just apply one or two drops to each hole.

The eyes of the dog with distemper present secretions
The secretions will decrease as we administer antibiotics to our dog, always prescribed by the veterinarian, but it will still be important to remove them using a sterile gauze moistened in warm waterpreviously boiled or with chamomile, which should not contain plant remains. Even so, it is best to use an ear solution , sold in pharmacies.
Distemper in humans
It is completely normal for caregivers of dogs sick with distemper to wonder if dog distemper is contagious to humans. However, we must know that this pathology is not a zoonosis, but rather a exclusive disease of canids and other species that is not contagious to humans