12 Home remedies for dogs that do not want to eat - EFFECTIVE

12 Home remedies for dogs that do not want to eat - EFFECTIVE
12 Home remedies for dogs that do not want to eat - EFFECTIVE
Home remedies for dogs that do not want to eat
Home remedies for dogs that do not want to eat

The lack of appetite in dogs has different causes, from illness to the use of poor quality food to feed your dog. This is something that cannot be ignored, because in a very short time your furry friend's he alth will deteriorate.

Veterinary attention is crucial in these cases, especially in case of illness. At the same time, in this article on our site we offer you these home remedies for dogs that don't want to eat, complementary treatments that you can add to those prescribed by the professional.

Why doesn't my dog want to eat?

Before knowing what are the recommended home remedies for dogs that do not want to eat, you need to determine the cause of this behavior. Lack of appetite is abnormal in dogs, so pay attention to the following reasons that may explain why your dog does not want to eat anything:


If you're wondering why my dog isn't eating, stress can be a trigger for your dog to stop eating, in addition to causing various illnesses or destructive behaviors. The causes that trigger it are varied, from changes in routine (a move, the adoption of another pet, the arrival of a baby, among others) to anxiety by boredom or lack of exercise


Indigestion is another reason that curbs your furry friend's appetite, either because discomfort prevents him from eating or because he prefers to deprive himself of food for a reasonable period (one day at most) to get better.

Other stomach problems such as constipation, gas or diarrhoea, may also be the answer to your question why my dog is not eating.

Respiratory diseases

From a simple flu to more serious respiratory illnesses like bronchitis, cause the dog to lose its appetite. The mucus also prevents him from correctly perceiving the smell of food and, therefore, it does not attract him.


A dog infected with intestinal parasites will also refuse to eat, in addition to showing signs of general malaise, vomiting, worms in the feces, among others, depending on the type of parasite that is causing the problem. So, if your dog shows any of these symptoms, he won't want to eat

Drug use

If your dog is receiving treatment for a disease, it is possible that one of the side effects of the drugs is to reduce the appetite of the. Don't despair! Consult your veterinarian about what you should do according to the drug you are administering to prevent your dog from stopping eating.


Pain from bumps, falls and injuries can make your dog not want to eat. In the event of any injury that triggers a change in behavior, it is necessary to go to the veterinarian immediately.

Old age

Older dogs tend to eat less. This happens because they become less physically active, so they conserve energy and don't need to replenish it as quickly, so the dog doesn't want to eat as much.

Buccal Canal Problems

The caries, the tumors in the mouth and the obstructions (an object stuck in the gums or in the throat) do not detract from the dog's appetite, but the pain or discomfort caused by these problems discourages him from dare to chew food.

I think

It is very common for dogs to stop eating dry food, especially when they are given poor quality food This does not mean that it is get bored of the food, but if the food does not cover its nutritional needs, you have accustomed it to eating the same as you or you provide a diet solely based on dry food for dogs, it is very possible that at some point it will reject it and your dog will not want to eat.

Other motives

Other possible causes that can make your dog not want to eat are:

  • Pancreatitis
  • Tumors
  • Renal insufficiency
  • Vaccines

When your dog has gone 24 hours without eating, you should take him to the vet to determine the cause.

Home remedies for dogs that do not want to eat - Why does my dog not want to eat?
Home remedies for dogs that do not want to eat - Why does my dog not want to eat?

Home remedies to whet the appetite in dogs

Having a sick dog at home requires various care and attention, including ensuring that it does not stop eating. Food is important to recovery, as a dog that doesn't eat has less energy and feels weak, which is only counterproductive during any illness.

What to do if my sick dog doesn't want to eat?” or "what do I give my dog to whet his appetite ?" They are frequently asked questions in these cases, but you should not despair. There are various options and home remedies to whet the appetite in dogs that you can apply. However, keep in mind that none of these remedies replace veterinary care, they are alternative methods that you can use in the company of those recommended by the doctor, as long as he gives you his approval. Likewise, these recommendations are equally applicable to he althy dogs that do not want to eat. Of course, in these cases it is important to determine if the problem lies in an incorrect or low-quality diet, since the best remedy for these dogs is none other than to offer an adequate diet.

Appetizing food

Offer your dog a different food that catches her attention. You can serve your favorite food in the container or try with warm chicken or turkey pieces. Another option is to wet your feed with chicken broth or add a little yogurt to get let your dog eat.

It is better to heat the broth and meat and, when they are lukewarm, offer them to the dog, as hot food gives off more intense odors that will attract its attention. Also, if you are constipated or runny, this will help soften the phlegm so you can expel it.

Make good food choices

A sick dog needs different foods that inject that extra energy that he needs to recover, so you must offer foods according to each problem. In dogs with constipation problems, for example, offers foods rich in fiber. dogs with diarrhea need protein and hydration, so chicken broth is ideal for him, while foods rich in phosphorus are recommended forrespiratory diseases

Add spices

Odors are very important to dogs, so adding novelties to their food will catch their attention if they've lost their appetite. Sprinkle the usual food with a few leaves or crushed pieces of mint, alfalfa, dill, fennel or ginger, these new aromas will be pleasant.

You can also add mint and ginger to water to keep your dog hydrated, another essential element during recovery.

Home remedies for dogs that don't want to eat feed

Why doesn't my dog want to eat? After ruling out that he suffers from any disease, trauma or dental problem, it is time to review the feed you provide to know what to do if your dog does not eat feed. These are some of the home remedies for dogs that don't want to eat dry food:

Get a quality feed

The quality of the food you offer your dog is very important. It's not just about buying the flavor you like best, it's about buying quality brands that contain thenutrients they need in the right amounts. To find out what food to buy, don't miss this article in which we show you the best quality-price ratio.

A change of food should be done gradually, never go abruptly from one brand of feed to another.

Try the wet food

Another option is to alternate dry food with wet food for dogs. Wet food offers more intense odors and can be used to give your dog something different. Never mix wet and dry food in the same portion, it is better to alternate them during the week.

If your dog doesn't enjoy prepared cans, try moistening his kibble with chicken broth or salmon oil, he'll appreciate that! extra flavor!

Vary the ingredients

A dog that only eats dry food does not have a completely balanced diet, he also needs to try and enjoy other foods. To do this, we recommend adding lean meats, such as chicken and turkey, bits of york ham no s alt, carrots, skim yogurt and fruitsin your furry friend's diet. Not only will you provide him with extra nutrients, but he will also love trying new things.

Follow a homemade diet

On the other hand and in relation to the previous point, a natural diet not only allows you to guarantee the quality of the products you offer your dog, but it also offers you the possibility of varying its menu, which increases the richness of its diet. Likewise, homemade food, as long as the menu is well established, favors digestion, regulates intestinal transit, improves the condition of the skin and hair, and he alth in general. See all the "Benefits of homemade dog food" in this article.

So, if your dog won't eat and you don't know what to do, or none of the above works, try this type of diet and see if his appetite returns. Again, remember to make the change gradually, since sudden changes in food cause vomiting and/or diarrhea. When it comes to the best type of homemade dog food, you have two options: follow a BARF diet based on raw foods or cook the productsBoth are valid, everything depends on the origin of the food, the time you have and the particular needs of each dog. In the following video we share a simple recipe for BARF food.

Home remedies for puppies that don't want to eat

There are many reasons why a puppy won't eat, from illness to transitioning from breast milk or formula to dry food, or a recent vaccine dose. In any case, do not forget to go to your veterinarian first. After you've done that, try one of these home remedies for puppies that won't eat:


A tired dog will have more appetite, so we recommend taking your puppy for a walk and playing with him so that he spends all the energy of it. Balls, jogging and tag games are some of the most fun. In addition to this, it can be a good time to start training.

Different feeds

If your pup is starting to experiment with dry food, the brand you bought may not be suitable for him or her. Remember to buy only feed formulated for puppies, you can buy half-kilo bags of different flavors until you find the one that your furry friend likes.

Wet food

For some puppies, the transition between milk and dry food can be difficult, so try offering canned puppy food. The flavor is more intense and striking, plus the smooth texture may be just what your pup needs. Likewise, moistening the food with water or chicken broth can also encourage the puppy to want to eat.

Homemade food

Homemade food is another option if your puppy does not adapt to eating dry food. To do this, as we said in the previous section, there are different diets, such as BARF, which are based on adding ingredients from different food groups until you find a balance that provide your pup with all the nutrients they need while still being delicious. Consult your veterinarian about the best way to feed your puppy a homemade diet.

How to make a dog fat?

If the problem is that your dog is eating well but not gaining weight, or is very thin, it is necessary to visit the veterinarianto determine why he doesn't gain weight. Once the specialist has visited, if the dog is completely he althy, he will review the amount of daily food you give him and increase it to check if this is the reason that your dog is not gaining weight. Likewise, check the calories you eat and those you spend, because if you consume less than you should or spend more than you eat, they may also be making the dog very thin.

On the other hand, a very effective remedy for dogs that do not want to eat or that do not gain weight, is increase the number of daily feedings That is, it offers small amounts of food, several times a day. This will make you want to eat more but also digest food better and metabolize nutrients. For more tips, don't miss this article: "How to make my dog gain weight?".
