My Papillon Parakeet does not want to eat - Tips

My Papillon Parakeet does not want to eat - Tips
My Papillon Parakeet does not want to eat - Tips
My budgerigar doesn't want to eat
My budgerigar doesn't want to eat

There are many and very diverse birds that are currently used as pets, but without a doubt, one of the most endearing is the parakeet or Australian parrot, since it is a pet with whom we can establish a strong bond.

Sometimes we decide to welcome a porridge parakeet into our home, that is, a parakeet raised by hand with porridge, and we must be aware that this act implies a great responsibility, since feeding a parakeet in these circumstances can be complex, but of course it is absolutely necessary.

In this article on our site we show you various tips if a parakeet doesn't want to eat.

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Feeding the Papillon Parakeet

Sometimes we do not have enough information to know clearly how to feed a Papillon parakeet and if your pet refuses to eat, it is important to make sure that the food you provide and the way in which it is fed. the one you do is the right one.

To feed it, you need to buy a specific porridge specifically for pistacids, it is a powder that must be mixed with water until it reaches the desired consistency, which should be neither too runny nor too thick.

The porridge must be administered through a plastic syringe without a needle and the end of the syringe must be brought close to the beak of the parakeet, always on the left side and with great care, since excessive pressure on the beak could cause its deformity, taking into account that the bird is in the process of anatomical and physiological maturation.

It is also very important to administer the porridge at a temperature of approximately 38ºC, otherwise our parakeet might not want to ingest it or we could even cause some organic damage.

This process requires great patience on the part of the owner, especially if the bird's breeder has not introduced it to feeding with porridge, since in this case the parakeet does not yet associate this protocol with feeding, but after 3 or 4 feedings he will begin to want to feed through the syringe.

You must prepare the right amount of porridge, since you should not use the porridge on more than one occasion, in the same way, After each use, you must thoroughly clean the syringe.

My Papillon Parakeet does not want to eat - The feeding of the Papillon Parakeet
My Papillon Parakeet does not want to eat - The feeding of the Papillon Parakeet

How much porridge does the parakeet need?

Sometimes owners worry that the parakeet ingests very few milliliters of porridge, but it is more important feed moderately and frequentlymore spaced out and administering large quantities.

Below we show you as a guide the amounts of porridge and feeds that a parakeet needs depending on its age:

  • From 20 to 25 days: Between 6 and 10 milliliters, 5 times a day
  • From 25 to 40 days: Between 8 and 12 milliliters, 4 times a day
  • After 40 days: Gradually introduce solid food and maintain 2-3 meals a day with 12 milliliters of porridge

If your parakeet is less than 20 days old, the amount of porridge will range between 3 and 5 milliliters.

It is also important to mention that between the last feed of the night and the first feed of the day, no more than 6 hours should pass. Remember that to raise a parakeet by hand, the animal should be protected at all times from a possible state of nutrition and starvation.

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My parakeet does not want to eat - How much porridge does the parakeet need?
My parakeet does not want to eat - How much porridge does the parakeet need?

The consistency of the porridge

If your Papillon parakeet refuses to eat, it is possible that the consistency of the food is not the most appropriate. In order to offer your pet an appetizing texture that favors the digestive processes, you must be able to use the proper ratio between food and water.

Here we show you what food/water ratio you should use depending on the age of your parakeet:

  • From 1 to 22 days: 1 part food to 5 parts water
  • From 23 to 44 days: 1 part food to 4 parts water
  • From 45 to 66 days: 1 part food to 3 parts water
  • From 67 days: 1 part food to 2 parts water

If you use these proportions you can ensure that the consistency of the porridge is the most suitable for your parakeet.

My porridge parakeet does not want to eat - The consistency of the porridge
My porridge parakeet does not want to eat - The consistency of the porridge

How to feed a Papillon Parakeet

If the parakeet does not suffer from any pathological problem and the diet is adequate, you can use the following tips to try to make it eat properly and regularly, which is essential to succeed:

We will know that our parakeet is hungry because it chirps non-stop

When we know that he is hungry we should approach him and make him feel comfortable, if we hold him in our hands it will be easier to manipulate

At first our parakeet (if it has not been fed with porridge before) will not accept the porridge, we can try to whistle and imitate the sounds of an adult parakeet so that it begins to open its beak

When he opens his beak to eat we will give him the porridge quickly

When administering the porridge we will observe how the crop grows, when it reaches a large size (observe the stretched skin) we must stop. A full crop is easily seen as a milky-colored fluid-filled sac that sits between the neck and chest

You must not feed your parakeet if it has a full crop, therefore, we must verify that it is empty before feeding it. If our parakeet chirps nonstop but has already eaten, we can hold it in our hands so that it feels comfortable and warm

If your parakeet needs 5 milliliters of porridge in each feeding, for example, do not use a 10-milliliter syringe, this can make administration difficult

Do not force your parakeet to eat unless it is absolutely necessary, otherwise it will be very difficult for him to eat comfortably from the syringe

If the mush spreads, immediately clean your parakeet and remove the remains of its plumage, otherwise, it may experience great nervousness. Also, if we don't remove it quickly, it can leave its plumage sticky and dirty

If your parakeet doesn't want to eat from the syringe and it has reached 15 days, you can try feeding it with a dessert spoon, fill the spoon with porridge and bring it closer to its beak

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My Papillon Parakeet does not want to eat - How to feed a Papillon Parakeet
My Papillon Parakeet does not want to eat - How to feed a Papillon Parakeet

Rule out pathologies in the parakeet

If your Papillon parakeet still doesn't eat despite the fact that the food is adequate, with a specific product, in the corresponding quantities and with the ideal consistency, it is time togo to a veterinarian specialized in exotics.

It is very important to submit our parakeet to an examination before applying other tips, since it is possible that the parakeet refuses to eat due to an obstruction in its crop, which may be caused by administering porridge too thick, cold, or in excessive amounts.

Then you can go to the next level learning how to train a budgerigar parakeet.
