My dog does not want to walk in the street - Practical solutions

My dog does not want to walk in the street - Practical solutions
My dog does not want to walk in the street - Practical solutions
My dog doesn't want to walk outside
My dog doesn't want to walk outside

Sometimes and when going for a walk down the street, our dog may stop and not want to walk anymore. Don't worry, you're not the only one, many people go through this situation.

That the dog does not want to walk in the street can be indicative of several factors, for this reason in this article on our site we are going to help you with practical and effective solutions that will guide you so that you can solve this problem.

Keep learning about why my dog doesn't want to walk outside and receive practical solutionsto solve this problem.

Why does our dog stop during the walk

That our dog stops in the middle of the street can be for many different reasons and our duty is to observe our pet's behavior to know what is happening and why it is doing it.

If you cannot identify the causes that make your dog not want to walk, on our site we help you with the most common causes:

  • Your dog is learning to walk
  • he has not learned to walk properly
  • He is under stress and during the walk he does not relax (smelling the ground, excrement, etc. is an indicator of relaxation)
  • He is afraid (of dogs, bicycles, cars or people)
  • You have pain in your paw pads
  • You have another type of pain
  • It's an old dog
  • You don't take the breaks the dog needs
  • He is entertained by a stimulus that attracts him

Once you identify the cause you must act, to do so, read on to find out the practical solutions in each of these cases.

My dog does not want to walk in the street - Why does our dog stop during the walk
My dog does not want to walk in the street - Why does our dog stop during the walk

Puppy Dogs - Learning

If you have a puppy that is discovering the streetfor the first time, it is normal that he does not want to walk and stops from time to time when. Your dog is in the moment of socialization, a learning process of the environment, other pets and people in which he wants and must discover everything around him.

It is essential that you allow him to do what he wants, at least outside the home, in this way he will understand that the walk is a moment dedicated to his entertainment, fun and relaxation. You must allow him to stop, sniff and spend time discovering everything around him. Of course, remember that you must pay attention at all times to prevent your dog from suffering a bad experience as it could lead to trauma in the future.

To prevent the dog from constantly stopping, we can Use an older dog as a guide to stimulate him and teach him how to behave on the street naturally. You can also use treats to get her attention, keep her going, and reward appropriate behavior during the walk.

My dog does not want to walk in the street - Puppies - Learning
My dog does not want to walk in the street - Puppies - Learning

Adult dogs that do not know how to walk

There are adult dogs that, due to poor socialization or an incomplete learning process, do not know how to walk properly: they seem to be little used to walking. In general, abandoned dogs that have not received adequate attention in their most important stages of life.

To do this we can use a system similar to the previous one and adopt or walk with a dog that has already assumed walking on the street as a natural act. It is beneficial to use another pet to help you relax and understand the guidelines of the walk in the street. Dogs are social animals that live within a pack, so it is not surprising that they use each other as an example, dogs can learn even as adults

To prevent him from stopping if he doesn't want to walk, it is essential to teach him to walk again little by little, reshaping his behavior on the street. We recommend that you use calm and relaxed settings, collect treats and treats, and guide him calmly down the street. Do not scold or punish him, this way you will only make the situation worse.

My dog does not want to walk in the street - Adult dogs that do not know how to walk
My dog does not want to walk in the street - Adult dogs that do not know how to walk

Stress or Fear

Dogs that do not comply with the 5 freedoms of animal welfare are susceptible to stress. There is also the case of dogs with fear, usually when they are abandoned to their fate, bitten by other dogs or run over by a bicycle.

In these cases it is necessary therapy by the ethologist specialist since it is not a simple problem of lack of learning, your dog He suffers and has a bad time during the walk. Before going to the professional it is essential that you repair the factors that cause your dog to suffer fear or stress, keep in mind that the more you know, the better you can help him. These can be several and will depend on the dog and its history.

You can try to defuse the situation by walking in quieter surroundings, taking time to exercise with your pet and getting treats and treats to offer him.

My dog does not want to walk in the street - Stress or Fear
My dog does not want to walk in the street - Stress or Fear

Pain and illness

There are he alth problems in dogs that, thanks to clear symptoms, we can easily identify: fever, a tumor, blood… But on the other hand, there are ailments that go unnoticed and we don't realize until after a time.

It is important that we spend at least half an hour checking our pet regularly This review includes feeling the whole body to find tumors, check ears and eyes for infection, make sure the dog does not have a fever, check foot pads to make sure they are not bad, etc.

If we do the above with some regularity we can anticipate a serious illness and in this case, for example, identify worn pads, a broken nail or a minor fracture.

My dog does not want to walk in the street - Pain and illness
My dog does not want to walk in the street - Pain and illness

An old dog

Elderly dogs are pets with very special and very particular needs. If your dog is starting to get old, it is possible that begins to suffer from senile dementia or common age problems:

  • Tumors
  • Deafness
  • Blindness
  • Anemia
  • Heaviness
  • Dehydration
  • Obesity
  • Muscle pain
  • Apathy

It is important to visit the vet more regularly than in the case of adult dogs (at least every 6 months) and with the same frequency carry out a blood test to rule out possible anemia. Once the veterinarian identifies the particular case, it is when the owner understands why his dog, who always walked well, now stops in the street or turns back: it is about age, the dog is getting older.

To walk better with an elderly dog, remember that you must adapt to his pace and never take walks of more than 30 minutes. Always try to repeat the same places to prevent it from becoming disoriented and pay attention that it does not collide with any object and even watch it in the pipi-can (maybe if you let it loose it will forget to come back). Finally, we recommend that you never pull or push it, that can only cause discomfort.

Continue learning about caring for an older dog or activities for older dogs.

My dog does not want to walk in the street - An elderly dog
My dog does not want to walk in the street - An elderly dog

A correct walk

In many Internet portals we can find a typology of very generalized phrases such as: "don't let the dog take you, you have to take him" "he is a very dominant dog" or either "make him walk beside you".

Well, in my opinion all these statements are from people who are unaware of positive training, the dog needs and basic tips for a good walk. It is important to spend time and inform yourself about how many times a dog should be walked a day and what are the minimum requirements for our pet to feel comfortable and stress-free.

For a walk to be carried out correctly, we must Leave our pet free to sniff and urinate in a relaxed way, it is important to reward tranquility. We must also act if we know that our dog has high energy levels, exercising with the dog on a regular basis.

We will not pull or push him if he does not behave properly, it is preferable to treat him to treats to encourage him to move forward, listen to you, etc. Go to pipi-cans with the precautions you consider so that your dog interacts with others.

My dog does not want to walk in the street - A correct walk
My dog does not want to walk in the street - A correct walk


Finally we will talk about the last reason why your dog may not want to walk in the street, your dog is easily distracted. It may be due to eye contact with other dogs, people who call their attention, food stalls, etc.

As we have commented on several occasions on our site, it is important to leave our dog some freedom when walking. If he has a need to relate, what's wrong with him doing it? Remember that the dog spends time alone, he cannot meet his "friends" when he feels like it, he can only do it during the walk. For this reason it is important to be permissive and understand that the walk is a special moment in which the dog is the protagonist Let him be distracted if he wishes, do not push him don't yank him, it's better to get his attention with small pieces of frankfurter or pet treats.

My dog does not want to walk in the street - Distraction
My dog does not want to walk in the street - Distraction

