Piranha as a pet

Piranha as a pet
Piranha as a pet
Piranha as a pet
Piranha as a pet

If you are considering having a piranha as a pet, you should pay close attention to this article on our site because it is an exotic and special fish that requires certain care and feeding.

This is a striking fish popular for its appearance on the big screen, especially in horror movies. In any case, you should not let yourself be guided by its fame, since not all piranhas are aggressive and fierce as described.

Discover in this article the piranha as a pet and ask yourself if this is really the pet you want to adopt.

A suitable aquarium for piranha

Unlike internet rumors, piranhas do not attack humans except on rare occasions for red-bellied piranha and the black piranha that could try to do it in the presence of blood in the water or its excessive movement.

When preparing an aquarium for our piranha we must know that it is a cold-blooded fish that needs at least a constant temperature between 22ºC and 28ºC.

These fish require quality fresh water and due to their size we cannot have any specimen without having a large aquarium, that is to say, with a minimum of 120 liters and the fact is that a piranha can exceed 30 centimeters.

Inside the aquarium we will have hiding places and some natural aquatic plants, without overdoing it so that it can move naturally. Dim lighting will suffice for our piranha to feel comfortable.

There are many different types of piranha and most of them are not compatible with other fish and even with specimens of the same species. You must properly inform yourself of the one you plan to adopt.

Piranha as a pet - A suitable aquarium for piranha
Piranha as a pet - A suitable aquarium for piranha

Piranha feeding

This is a fundamental part that we must take into account before adopting a piranha. Piranhas feed on the meat of other fish that inhabit their environment, a delicacy that encourages them to tear and chew, thus keeping their teeth he althy. You can also offer crustaceans, freshwater invertebrates, insects and even pieces of raw meat without s alt or additives.

Even so, and as has been recorded in the wild, piranhas can feed on plants. For this reason you can only offer him from time to time lettuce or fruit, always in small doses.

You should bear in mind that its diet should be based on the supply of live fish so that it never stops exercising its natural instinct and for that reason, and although there are specific feeds, it is not recommended to offer it food ready.

Piranha as a pet - Piranha feeding
Piranha as a pet - Piranha feeding

You must have a piranha?

From our site we do not recommend that you adopt a piranha as a pet and if you want to do so we recommend you go to shelters where they have specimens that other people have rejected either because of size, ignorance, ineptitude, etc.

Remember that a piranha grows to a considerable size and that it needs specific care that you will not be able to let go. You must be responsible and anticipate what may happen in the future, including veterinary costs, transportation, etc.

Red-bellied Piranha

Also known as red piranha or pygocentrus nattereri is a type of piranha that can cause serious injuries due to its powerful teeth. They are prone to doing so, especially in warm waters, and attacks have been made on swimmers in cities such as Rosario (Argentina).

Piranha as a pet - Red-bellied Piranha
Piranha as a pet - Red-bellied Piranha

Black Piranha

As in the previous case, the black piranha or Serrasalmus rhombeus is another type of territorial and predatory piranha and it is famous for its aggressiveness and speed. Their coexistence with other species is complicated, although they could accept other members in their aquarium if they are well fed.
