Basic pet care - COMPLETE GUIDE

Basic pet care - COMPLETE GUIDE
Basic pet care - COMPLETE GUIDE
Basic Pet Care
Basic Pet Care

Many people want to incorporate a pet into their lives. It is a good decision as long as all the care that the chosen animal needs for its well-being can be offered. Therefore, in order to assess the suitability as a tutor, it is necessary to know what these basic cares are.

In the following article on our site, in collaboration with iNetPet, we review what to take into account for a happy coexistence and we also discover how new technologies can help us take care of our animal. Learn about the pet care and find out if you can assume them before adopting.

A suitable home

First of all, it is essential that our address is the appropriate for the animal we want to incorporater. For example, in a small apartment it will not be the best idea to have more than one cat, since, if they have not grown up together, problems may arise due to the impossibility of having their own spaces. In addition, they are animals that need scratching posts, places to climb, sheltered places to hide, etc.

On the other hand, if we choose to adopt an animal that requires a cage, terrarium or aquarium, it is essential that we find out what conditions these facilities must meet in order to maintain animal welfare.

Apart from the home, we must take into account the time we have for their careObviously, it will take us more hours a day to attend to a dog than to a goldfish. We will also have to think of solutions, such as a residence, if we ever have to leave.

The best food

When it comes to caring for pets, it is essential to remember that each species will have specific nutritional needs which, moreover, is common that vary throughout their lives. A puppy will not eat the same as an adult dog or a sick animal than a he althy one. Luckily, for sale we will find food suitable for all kinds of animals.

To choose the highest quality, the first thing is to find out about the nutritional requirements of the species in question and thus find the product that best fits. For example, the food of dogs and cats, as they are both carnivores, must be based on protein of animal origin, which can be supplemented with cereals, legumes, vegetables and fruits to obtain carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

In general, we should look for food 100% natural, without sugars or artificial preservatives It is also important to have located several establishments both physical and in line where we know that we can always find our animal's favorite food.

Socialization and education

Both education and socialization must be included in the care of pets. The socialization, which is the process by which we expose the animal to all kinds of stimuli so that it gets used to them and does not generate stress, is recommendedfor any species Even a hamster that does not leave the house should get used to our management. Logically, education is not going to be necessary for this little rodent, but it will be recommended for other species and completely essential if we decide to adopt a dog.

Above all, if you have no experience in canine or feline education, it is a good idea to sign up for classes for puppies, cats or adult dogs taught by professionals or training centers. Also, don't miss our articles:

  • How to train a puppy?
  • How to train a cat from when he is small?

Basic hygiene

Normally, we can take care of maintaining the hygiene of our pet at home. Brushed, nail trims, ear cleaning , teeth or bathrooms are some of the basic hygiene care that we must implement with the regularity that our animal needs. In specialized establishments we can find all the necessary accessories, but, in certain cases, for example, if our dog is too big to wash it in the bathtub at home or we want to give it a specific haircut, we will have to request a dog grooming service..

He alth Care

Of course, within pet care those related to maintaining their he alth stand out. Thus, all animals have to go regularly to the vet, at least once a year and whenever they show signs compatible with a disease. We must also be prepared for the unexpected.

In addition, each species will need their monthly internal and external deworming and their vaccinations. The vet will recommend the essential ones for our animal. Therefore, it is essential that we find a trustworthy one and that we always have the telephone number of an emergency room that works outside of working hours to be able to attend to any emergency.

The duty to identify our animal

To the basic care that we have reviewed so far, we must add the legal obligations that are in force in our place of residence. An example is the microchipping of dogs and cats or their registration in the corresponding census. Therefore, before adopting it is necessary that we inform ourselves of all the requirements according to the species with which we live. In addition, it is a good idea that those animals with access to the outside wear a collar with an identification tag in case they get lost or suffer an accident. It will allow you to find them faster than the chip itself.
