BELGIAN HARE - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)

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BELGIAN HARE - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
BELGIAN HARE - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
Belgian Hare
Belgian Hare

The Belgian hare is a cross between domestic hares and rabbits of Belgium in the 19th century. At first, a rabbit suitable for consumption was wanted, but later it was valued as a new breed, participating in exhibitions, and today its popularity continues to increase also as a pet. However, it is not a rabbit suitable for all audiences, due to its nervousness, energy and temperament, so it should not live with children or be in a home frequently visited by strangers or with annoying noises, as it becomes stressed and scared. easily.

Continue reading to find out all the characteristics of the Belgian hare, its origin, character, care and possible he alth problems with this article of our site.

Origin of the Belgian hare

The Belgian hare is actually a mix between a now extinct rabbit, called a hare, with Belgian wild hares Belgian hares were first developed in the 1800s to be raised as meat animals. These rabbits were imported into England beginning in 1856 and were called by their current name, the Belgian Hare. In 1873, Winter William Lumb and Benjamin Greaves managed to make the breed what it is today.

In 1877 a Belgian hare was first shown in America, its popularity increasing thereafter and the "National Belgian Hare Club" being formed in 1897. After many name changes, the National Pet Stock Association eventually became known as the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA), where it was officially accepted in 1972.

Characteristics of the Belgian hare

The Belgian hare has a slender and long body. Their legs are long and agile, and they have equally long, thin and flat hands and feet that are very reminiscent of those of hares, something totally normal due to their origin.

The size of the Belgian hare is medium to large, weighing between 2, 7 and 4 kg. The body is slim and the flanks are muscular, with an arched back and fairly rounded hindquarters and loins. The Belgian Hare's head is long and slender, the ears are about 13 cm long and slanted backwards, wide, high, erect and intertwined with black at the tips. The eyes are hazel and give him a bright, animated and alert expression. The tail is straight and in line with the spine.

Belgian hare colors

The Belgian hare has a short, stiff, shiny and tight hair to the skin, free of any looseness. It is the only breed of domestic rabbit to have a bright tin oxide (reddish brown) coat with a brownish-orange tint, lighter colored areas, and a tic black in areas such as the hips or the upper part of the back, a feature that is only present in the fur of wild rabbits.

Belgian hare character

The Belgian hare is not a rabbit suitable for all audiences due to its speed and nervousness, so it is not a breed optimal for children. She is not excessively affectionate, although it is known that she greatly enjoys the caresses and pampering of her own, since she tends to get scared of strangers or little known. It is also very susceptible to noises or strident sounds, and can be damaged when trying to escape abruptly out of fear.

It has a more energetic, nervous and active nature than other breeds of rabbits, which is why it prefers to live in houses with exteriors rather than in small city flats.

Belgian hare care

The Belgian hare shouldn't be bathed, as this stresses him a lot, which increases his heart rate excessively, endangering his functionality. If it is very dirty you can rub its hair to remove dirt and dead hair without even resorting to brushing.

You must bear in mind that it does not tolerate strange, loud or unpleasant noises, so you must avoid them as much as possible. If they are unavoidable, the Belgian hare should be kept safe, close to us and in a calm and appeased environment

Continuing with the care of the Belgian hare, attention must be paid to the hygiene, he alth and condition of its teeth to diagnose and prevent any pathology that may appear in this breed.

The ideal enclosure for the Belgian Hare is a large, tall, outdoor one. The bottom must be solid and lined with artificial grass or substrate and the measurements of the cage must be at least 60 x 150 x 60 cm. However, it is important to emphasize that the cage should only be a safe haven for her, not her home, that is, it cannot be confined 24 hours, but that he must keep the door open so that he can come and go as he pleases.

Vaccination against myxomatosis and rabbit viral hemorrhagic disease is important to prevent these deadly infectious diseases, as well as carrying out a deworming plan against internal and external parasites that can affect rabbits. rabbits.

Belgian hare feeding

With regard to the Belgian hare's diet, it should be based on 70% hay, the remaining 30% being for vegetables and fruits suitable for rabbits, which will provide them with vitamins and hydration. Regarding the latter, Belgian hares must always have water at their disposal, requiring daily cleaning and replacement of the water in the drinker. Find out more about their diet in this other article: "What do rabbits eat?".

Belgian hare he alth

The Belgian Hare rabbit's life expectancy is 7 to 11 years, and it can live a long and he althy life. The most frequent he alth problems in the Belgian hare are the presence of ear mites and parasitosis by fly larvae, the so-called “cutaneous myiasis ”, being more common in specimens that have dirty hair with accumulation of residues and secretions during the summer. Belgian hares affected with this problem present pain due to the feeding of the larvae that excavate galleries in the skin, which they manifest with sudden jumps and greater nervousness in general.

Other he alth problems that may occur are dental problems and malocclusion, especially common in cases of unbalanced diets, infectious diseases such as myxomatosis, hemorrhagic disease or respiratory infections.

Photos of Belgian Hare
